December 25th, 2007

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

12 - 25 - 07
The door swings opens and Bernice walks into her mansion.
Bernice: I’m back Fan Shu Mo.
Moses walks out from the bedroom. He looks across the room.
Moses: Ah Nize, you’re back! I missed you terribly.
Moses run to hug Bernice tightly. They look at each other, and for the first time in almost a week and a half, they kiss each other with desire. Myolie and Bosco wakes up.
Bosco (whispering): Whoa, Myolie look at that.
Myolie (whispering): Remember yesterday when we were reading something on the Internet and then Bernice said that Moses was the frog prince?
Bosco (whispering): Yeah, of course I remember. Moses had to be kissed by “someone.”
Myolie (whispering): And then Moses said that Bernice was like Cinderella, always by his side whether he’s happy or not. This is love, Bosco.
Bosco (whispering): Wow, they’re still kissing. Let’s just pretend that we are still sleeping.
Myolie (whispering): Sure!
Bosco and Myolie lie next to each other and pretends that they are sleeping. They keep one eye closed and the other opened to watch Bernice and Moses’ kiss. After Bernice and Moses finish kissing, and they hug each other.
Moses: Berni, I’m not kidding, I missed you so much.
Bernice: Me too.
Moses: Come, I’ll give you your Christmas present. Bosco, Myolie, and I went Christmas shopping yesterday.
Bernice: By the way, why are these two here on our sofa?
Moses: They said that I was going to be lonely without you, so they spent their night here.
Myolie and Bosco (pretending): Oh, it’s morning. Hi Bernice, you’re back.
Myolie: Bernice, someone missed you terribly.
Bernice: Who? You?
Myolie: Nope, that person was the one…
Bosco and Myolie burst out laughing.
Bosco: …kissed.
Myolie and Bosco (whispering): Whoops, we weren’t supposed to say that.
Bernice: What are you guys talking about?
Myolie: The kiss that you and Moses just shared.
Bosco: We caught you two twice!
They exchange presents. Bernice and Moses got Bosco and Myolie a pair of matching bangles. Bosco and Myolie got Bernice and Moses two teddy bears with a matching ring on each one. In addition, Bernice got Moses a big teddy bear from the U.S., a smaller teddy bear for both Bosco and Myolie. Moses got Bernice a necklace, and 2 tickets for Bosco and Myolie to a romantic restaurant. Bosco got Myolie a bracelet, and a pair of matching cell phones for Moses and Bernice. Myolie got Bosco a ring, a new computer LCD screen for Moses, and a set of lotions and fragrances for Bernice.
Bernice: Thanks everyone!
Moses: You’re welcome.
Myolie: I love my presents.
Bosco: Me too.
Bernice: Merry Christmas, but I’m sleepy, so I’m going to go to sleep in the room.
Moses: I’m kind of sleepy too.
Bosco: Fine, you two sleep and then Myolie and I will prepare today’s party.
Moses: Good night.
Myolie: Good morning.
Moses and Bernice goes to sleep in the room, and Bosco and Myolie goes out to buy food to prepare for their party. <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon