January 6th, 2009

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

01 - 06 - 09
Bernice: Hey guys, what’s up?
Moses: Nothing much.
Bernice: Why are you all gathered around my Moses?
Moses: Nizzy, today’s your birthday remember?
Bernice: Hey, that’s right. I forgot.
Moses: How could you?
Bernice: What? I’ve been busy filming for the new movie.
Myolie: We know you’re busy, but not that busy.
Bosco: So, how do you plan on celebrating your birthday.
Myolie: I feel bad that Moses is not going to be there.
Bernice: Well, the cast is throwing me a party after filming today.
Moses: Oh, that’s nice.
Myolie: Bernice, what do you want for your present? We’ll get you it and then when you come back to Hong Kong in two weeks, we’ll have it ready for you.
Bernice: I want Moses.
Bosco: Alright, that’s easy. We’ll just wrap him up on the day you come back.
Moses: Seriously, what kind of gift would you want from me?
Bernice: You know, I like it better if it was a surprise.
Moses: Ok, I’ll think about the gift then.
Bernice: That’s my good man.
Bosco: Oh God, I can’t take this anymore.
Myolie: Same here. Why are they always separated… by countries?
Bosco: And we have to sit and hear their love language.
Myolie: We should leave, CoCo.
Bosco: Bye my two love birds. See you later, Ah Mo.
Moses: Bye guys.
Bernice (from the computer screen): Bye, see you in a while.
Moses: Finally, we can have some peace and quiet.
Bernice: Too bad you can’t spend my birthday with me. I miss you already. I want to give you a giant hug.
Moses: I just left Canada a few days ago, remember?
Bernice: So… your girlfriend, also known as me, misses you terribly. Would you mind?
Moses: Don’t worry. Time will pass by quickly. We’ll see each other again in no time. <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon