October 16th, 2007

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

The alarm sitting on the bedside table wakes up Bernice and Moses. Today is a brand new day. They just had an argument the day before. Lying silently by her side on their big bed, Bernice feels that she wants to talk, but doesn’t want to be the first one to speak. The alarm still ringing, stops when Bernice presses the “snooze” button. Without waking Moses up, she silently goes outside to the balcony for a fresh grasp of air. She wants to let everything go, like the way it was… before last night. This was not the first time she had felt like that. The couple had many more arguments before. Looking to her right, she sees Myolie.
Myolie: Hi Bernice.
Myolie yells across, in a tone that Bernice could hear, but others can’t. The two had became best friends after Bernice and Moses moved into their mansion and Bosco and Myolie moved into the one right next to theirs. Since the two couples’ rumors since the year of 2005, it had all been a secret. Bosco, who played Moses’ brother in the big hit “Heart of Greed” had also developed a great friendship. Thinking deep into thought, Bernice doesn’t hear her. Bosco comes out and puts his arm on Myolie’s shoulders.
Bosco: Good morning, Bernice. What’s up?
Bernice still doesn’t answer.
Myolie: Bernice Liu Bik Yee, come back to us.
Bernice exclaims: Sorry, I was lost in thought.
Bosco: Ok, let me take a wild guess. Moses…
Bernice: Do not mention him please.
Bosco: See, I knew it. But I was just saying hi to Moses.
Moses come out to the balcony and tries to wrap his arms around Bernice’s waist and put his head on top of Bernice’s shoulders, but she resisted. Through numerous times of trying, he finally managed to do so.
Then he whispers: I love you.
Hearing this, Bernice’s whole body lights up, as if she had gotten a boost of energy.
She turns to Moses and says: Sweet-talker. You probably never mean it anyways.
Moses: No, this is real.
Myolie (with a wink): Bosco, remember breakfast?
Bosco: (cough, cough; hmm hmm) Yes, yes, then we have to go to work. Bye Bermo.
Myolie: Bye guys!
As Myolie and Bosco walk back into their mansion, they feel an urge to peek at what Bernice and Moses were going to do next.
Moses: Come on, Bernice, are you still mad at me for yesterday?
Bernice: Oh, it seems that you think so too.
Moses: Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, but Gigi Lai was late to filming yesterday, so all of the filming were delayed. Therefore I was late for dinner last night. I know you cooked hard, but I’m really sorry. How about this, I cook dinner for us for the entire week, ok?
Bernice and Moses are silent for a few seconds. Meanwhile at Myolie and Bosco’s mansion, they overheard the whole conversation and they both wanted the two to be back together again; after all, the four of them were best friends.
Moses: Come on, Bernice, I’ll cook your favorite meals.
Bernice: Turn around.
Bernice wraps her arms against Moses, hugging him at first and then shares a very passionate kiss. Seeing all of this inside their mansion, Myolie and Bosco comes outside. Without noticing that the two were watching Bernice and Moses, they continued their kissing, until Myolie sneezed. Moses and Bernice stop their kissing immediately.
Bosco: Awwh! No more kissy kiss?
Bernice: NO!
Bosco (in a joking matter): Myolie, it’s your fault! Why did you ever sneeze in the first place.
Myolie: Excuse me, I’m sorry then, but I had to sneeze.
Moses: We all better get going. We have work to do. Bosco, you did cook some extra breakfast right?
Bosco: Actually, no, because we were busy watching you guys. It was like a TVB grand production. If only you guys admit your real relationship in public…
Bernice: If you and Myyo, admit your relationship, then we’ll admit ours.
Moses: Are you guys bargaining here? Come on, let’s get going. Bosco, you make the eggs and hot dogs, and we’ll make the orange juice.
Myolie: Sure.
The four goes back into their mansions and then prepare for filming. <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon