June 20th, 2009

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

06 - 20 - 09
(via Webcam since Bosco is currently in Mainland China filming a series)
Moses: So, Bosco, how do you respond to the recent breakup news.
Bosco (in a serious voice): We… broke up.
Bernice: Bosc, are you serious?
Moses: Myolie, are you guys serious?
Bernice: No, Ah Mo, I saw Bosco laughing.
Bosco: Come on BERMO, you two should stop believing those tabloids.
Myolie: I know right. Last July, it was you guys.
Bosco: And now it’s us.
Bernice: Well, when can we admit our relationship?
Bosco: But, underground relationships are fun.
Moses and Myolie: No they’re not.
Myolie: Well, what can we say?
Bernice: We’re celebrities. We are to fill the public’s hunger.
Moses: We have to obey certain rules.
Bosco: Well, what else can I say?
Myolie: Let’s just face the facts.
Moses: Either we admit it, or we continue our lives through the shadows of the paparazzi.
Bosco: Let’s just wait… <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon