December 24th, 2007

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

12 - 24 - 07

11:30 A.M.
Bosco (in a girly voice): Ah Mo, don’t you just miss your honey Bernice?
Moses: As if I’m not sad already…
Myolie (with a pat on Moses’ shoulder): It’s ok. Bosco, stop making fun of Moses. Here, I will just admit that when you, Bosc, yes you, when you went to the U.S., I missed you as much as how Moses miss Bernice now.
Bosco: Auhh, that’s so sweet.
Myolie (joking): Ha, I’m always sweet.
Bosco: Anyways, I think we should get back to what we were talking about.
Moses: Ok, that was we both get each other presents because Christmas is tomorrow!
Bosco: So, what do you want?
Moses: Umm, I want it to be a surprise. I think Ah Nize wants a surprise too.
Myolie: Which means, how many gifts do we need to get?
Bosco: Myolie and I buy a gift for you and Bernice, and one then one for the both of you. Wow, that means we have to buy 4 Christmas presents. Ahhh, what should we buy? And the thing is that it has to be secretive…
Moses: You two are so lucky, you get to shop together. Too bad Bernice is not here.
Myolie: You can join us.
Moses: Nah, I don’t want to be like a stick standing next to you people.
Bosco: Fine, your choice!
Myolie: We just don’t want you to be lonely on Christmas Eve.
Bosco: Bernice is coming back tomorrow right?
Moses: Actually, I’m not that sure. But I do hope so. I so want to spend Christmas with my darling Bernice.
Bosco and Myolie (mimicking Moses): …Darling Bernice…
Moses: I’ll get you two for that!
Myolie: Moses, it’s ok to feel lonely. Really…
Moses: Stop playing me, or I will not give you two any Christmas presents.
Bosco: Fine, fine, we’ll stop.
Moses: You better. Let’s get going. I can’t wait to see Berni tomorrow!
Myolie: Me too!
Myolie goes shopping with Bosco and Moses goes by himself. A few hours later they return with many presents. They exchange presents. Moses keeps Bernice’s presents for her until she returns. They finish decorating their mansions.

11:30 P.M. [Moses and Bernice’s mansion]
Myolie: Moses, since you’re so lonely, we’ll sit on your sofa and chat with you and wait till Bernice comes back.
Moses: Fine with me, but are you sure you two don’t want to spend Christmas Eve together?
Bosco: We could go online reading fan fictions that fans wrote about us or read the news.
Moses: That’s a great idea.
By the time they finished viewing a few fanfics and newspaper articles, it was already 2 in the morning. Since the three of them were sleepy, they all went to sleep. Moses slept in Bernice’s and his bedroom. Bosco and Myolie kept their promise and hugged each other to keep warm while sleeping on the sofa. <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon