October 28th, 2007

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

10- 28- 07
Bernice: Ah Mo, wake up, it’s time!
Moses: Huh? For what?
Bernice: Ah! Fan Shu Mo, don’t you remember, Bosco and Myolie are coming over today and practicing what we’re going to say during our interviews by the reporters for TVB 40th Anniversary. Hurry up and get dressed.
Moses: Berni, calm down. It’s ok. I bet they’re not even awake yet.
The doorbell rings.
Bernice: I’ll go get it.
Bernice goes to the door and see Myolie and Bosco.
Bosco (laughing): Haha! Bernice not awake.
Myolie: Stop laughing at them.
Moses walks out the bathroom and comes down the stairs.
Bosco and Myolie: Good morning Moses.
Moses (yawning): Morning.
Bernice: I’m going to get dressed. You guys can sit here for the time being. But don’t start without me.
Myolie: Take your time. The four of us are all off today. So lucky.
Moses: Ate breakfast yet?
Bosco: Umm, no.
Moses: Ok, I’ll make the breakfast and you guys can watch t.v.
Myolie: Sure.
Moses makes breakfast for four, Bernice goes to get dressed and Bosco and Myolie watches t.v.
Myolie: Hey, it’s The Drive of Life.
Bosco: Oh, so I can watch it. What episode is this?
Myolie: You’ll see.
They are in the middle of the episode when Bernice comes down the stairs.
Moses: Breakfast is ready, everyone.
Bosco: Let’s eat it in your living room, is that ok?
Bernice and Moses: Sure!
The four friends sits down to enjoy a peaceful breakfast.
Bernice: So, what were you guys talking about?
Myolie: You and Moses, so when are you guys getting married?
Bernice: What? Ask Moses.
Moses: Hey Bernice, don’t throw the ball around. Remember our plans?
Bernice: What plans?
Myolie: Ok, ok, we were just kidding.
Moses and Bernice: What a relieve!
Bosco (with a smirk): Why, are you really married?
Bosco and Myolie’s cellphones rings. They answer it.
Bosco: Hey, the manger just called to tell me that I have to film. Sorry. We’ll do this next week ok?
Myolie: Hey, me too.
Moses: Ok, I guess that we’ll just have to do this next week.
Myolie and Bosco leaves. <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon