February 19th, 2008

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

02 - 19 - 08
Bernice: Moses, look at the news.
Moses: Yeah, I know. Everyone was talking about it at work today.
Myolie: I feel bad for Joyce Cheng.
Bosco: Yes, we should comfort her if we see her.
Moses: Ha Yu couldn’t attend filming today because of grief over Lydia Shum.
Bosco: ‘Happy Nut’ was her name.
Myolie: I remembered watching her when I was little.
Bosco: Me too.
Bernice: Hey, let’s not be so sad. I just got my check for an ad. Dinner is my treat tonight.
Moses: Berni, donate to those in need instead.
Bernice: To?
Moses: The show that I was in the other day.
Bosco: Oh, those who now don’t have a home because of the bad snow blizzard.
Moses: Yes, that one.
Bernice: Ok, then next time. Let’s eat at home. Guys, what do you want for dinner?
Moses: Sushi!
Myolie: Let’s set out to buy the ingredients.
Moses: Hah, Bosco and I will just sit and be kings.
Myolie: Ok.
Bernice: Myolie?
Myolie: I didn’t finish what I was saying. I was going to say if they be kings, then we will be queens and sit here.
Bosco: Moses, you see? We are forced to do stuff on the days that we’re off.
Moses: Don’t be lazy. Or, do you want me to tell who you kissed?
Myolie: Excuse me?
Bosco: Hey, it was for The Seventh Day. It was required of me to kiss Natalie Tong. Bernice had to kiss a guy named Honey from Wasabi Mon Amour.
Moses: How come you didn’t tell me, Ah Nize?
Myolie: What is this? A fight?
Bosco: Who started it?
Moses: Hmm, me…
Bernice gives a light slap on Moses’ head. But, then she pats it gently afterwards.
-After buying all the ingredients, the four start to make sushi.-
Bernice: Lovely California rolls for darling Moses.
Moses: Thank you honey.
Bernice: You’re welcome.
Bosco: Me?
Myolie: Here you go.
Bosco: Thanks.
Moses was standing with one of his legs out in a slanted position. Bernice wasn’t looking as she tripped on Moses. They shared a kiss that lasted a few seconds.
Myolie and Bosco: We caught you again. We caught you again.
Moses: Yeah, you want to see it again.
Myolie: Was that a question? Duh, we want to see it again.
Moses: Berni, let’s show them.
Bernice: After this, you owe me big time.
Moses: Whatever.
Moses leans forward and then Bernice leans a little forward. Within a few seconds, Bernice and Moses kiss again.
Myolie: Maybe you guys should kiss every time we are next to you.
Bosco: Oh my god, I got the best idea, why don’t you two kiss in the public next time you two have a function together, and then admit that you two are together as well?
Bernice and Moses: No!
Bosco: We made some improvements.
Myolie: Hey, I posted pics of Bosco on my TVB Artist Blog.
Bosco: I don’t see pictures of Moses on Bernice’s blog, and Moses hadn’t updated for about two months.
Moses: I was busy.
Bernice: And, we didn’t have much of functions together. We’re not like you in Wars of In Laws II. You two have so much quality time together.
Moses: Exactly. End of discussion. Let’s finish our dinner if it is edible…
Myolie and Bernice: Excuse us… <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon