October 12th, 2008

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

10 - 12 - 08
Bernice enters their house.
Moses: Nizzy! You’re back!!!
Bernice: Yes, I am back indeed.
Moses: No kiss for your MoMo?
Bernice kisses Moses.
Moses: Aww, I missed you so much.
Bernice: Yes, I missed you too… It was terribly cold in Iceland, like -18 degrees.
Moses: Did you feel cold?
Bernice: Yeah…
Moses: Then what happened?
Bernice: If I tell you, you would probably laugh anyways.
Moses: No, I promise not to.
Bernice: Well, I was thinking of you and then I felt so warm, and I was kind of giggling when Sammul looked at me in a really weird way.
Moses starts to laugh.
Bernice: Hey, you promised not to laugh.
Moses: I’m sorry, but that was really funny.
Bernice gives Moses a playful smack.
Moses: Ow! That hurts… now you’re gonna have to heal my wounds.
All of a sudden, Bernice slips and thankfully Moses catches her into his arms.
Bernice: What do you want me to do?
Moses: You need to kiss my wound.
Bernice: Oh my God, you’re so…
Moses: Yeah, that’s the way I am.
Bernice: But I love you like in that way.
Moses: Nizzy, I feel the pain. Help me heal the wound.
Bernice gives Moses a kiss on the lips.
Moses: Ah, now I feel better.
Bernice: Oh now, you feel better?
Moses: Yeah… Whoops, I forgot to tell you that Bosco and Myolie have prepared a feast for you on their side.
Bernice: Let’s go then.
Moses: I’m coming…
They ring the doorbell to Bosco and Myolie’s mansion.
Myolie: Bernice, you’re back!
Bosco (imitating Myolie): Bernice, you’re back!
Myolie hugs Bernice.
Bernice: Myolie, I’m excited for your new CD.
Moses: Yeah, when is it coming out?
Myolie: I’ll give you and Bernice a CD for free.
Moses and Bernice: Really?
Myolie: Yeah…
Bosco: What about me?
Myolie: You will have to buy one at a music store?
Bosco: What? Why are you doing this to your sweet CoCo?
Myolie: That’s just the way how things are.
Bosco: Fine… fine… fine… you know I would do anything for you.
Moses: Oh yeah, Myolie, how was filming in Macau?
Myolie: I had fun.
Moses: Of course you did!
Myolie: How do you know?
Moses: I do…
Myolie: Were you spying on me or something?
Moses: No, I brought the newspaper.
Myolie: What did it say?
Moses: Let me show you guys.
Myolie: I would like to see it as well.
Bosco and Bernice: Hello… we’re still here. Can you two chat when you film together for a new series?
Moses: Fine.
Moses shows them the magazine.
Myolie: Woah! They caught me texting with Bosco?
Moses: Oh yeah they did.
Bernice: Reporters are crazy nowadays.
Bosco: Yup!
Bernice: They took pics that MoMo and I had the same ring.
Moses: Luckily, Bernice explained it well.
Bosco: Wooh, or else you two will be completely exposed to the public.
Myolie: Well, how’s it going?
Bernice: I’m glad I’m back.
Bosco: Guys, we’ve been chatting, and the food has been left alone for a long time. It’s time to eat!
Bernice: Yay, I’m hungry.
Moses: Me too.
Myolie: There’s a saying that “Great minds think alike” but I would rather go with “Lovers think alike.”
Bosco giggles. Then they walk to the dining room, filled with many different dishes of food.
Bernice and Moses: Yummy!
As Myolie walks towards a dish prepared by Bosco, she slips and falls onto Bosco, as Bernice and Moses are watching by the side.
Bernice: Woah!
Then, Bosco leans forward and kisses Myolie.
Moses: Wah!
Bosco: Ah Mo Gor, you liked it didn’t you?
Moses (blushing): Huh? When?
Bosco: You always do that to Bernice too, like before you came over here.
Bernice: Eat, and then chat. <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon