December 31st, 2009

Behind the Doors of BERMO and BOSCOLIE

(This will be the most unrealistic one, ever.) 12 - 31 - 08

Note: Tavia will be part of this chapter, making her the first person besides BERMO and BOSCOLIE to be included in this fanfic.

Moses have just completed his job: counting down to the new year with Tavia at the Olympian City Mall in Hong Kong.
Moses: I must hurry. I have a plane to catch.
Tavia: Calm down, Ah Mo.
Moses: No, the plane doesn’t wait for me.
Tavia: Oh, love is in the air.
Moses: Whatever… I still need to find a way to get to the airport without the reporters seeing me.
Tavia: That’s easy. I’ll distract them.
Moses: You are such a good friend.
Tavia: Actually, I’m doing this for Bernice, not you.
Moses: Since when did you guys become such good friends?
Tavia: Through you.
Moses: How?
Tavia: Well, when we were filming “Heart of Greed” and “Moonlight Resonance,” your wifey did come over to visit you.
Moses: Alright, I gonna go now. I’ll grab you a present on the way.
Tavia: It better not be from the airport. I’m warning you.
Moses: We’ll see.
(at the airport)

Moses (to the receptionist): Hi, this is my passport.
(about 12 hours later at Vancouver, Canada)

Moses (on the phone with Bernice): Hi, darling…
Bernice: Ah Mo, where are you?
Moses: In Hong Kong…
Bernice: Why are you calling at this time? Don’t you have to go to work?
Moses: Well, you never know. Maybe, you’ll even get a surprise later…
Bernice: Hmm, I’m suspicious if what the surprise is about.
(30 minutes later; after a taxi ride and at the front door of Bernice’s house.)

Moses (calls Bernice again): Hi, Nizzy, it’s me.
Bernice: I’m still waiting for the surprise.
Moses: Oh, you’re find out.
Moses rings the doorbell.
Bernice: Give me a minute. Someone’s at the door.
Moses: Sure.
Bernice opens the door to see Moses with his small bag of luggage.
Bernice (surprised with wide open): Huh?
Moses: No hugs? Not even a hello?
Bernice: This is my surprise right?
Moses: Yeah, I guess.
Moses opens his arms for a hug. Bernice starts to hug him and then starts kissing him.
Bernice: Why are you here?
Moses: Well, I miss you and I wanted to see you.
Bernice: Awhh, you came all the way over here.
Moses: Actually, it’s getting cold…
Bernice: Whoops, come inside and I’ll get you a cup of tea.
Both go inside and Bernice hands Moses a cup of hot tea.
Moses: Oh, I’m all warmed up after you cup of tea.
Bernice: So, what brings you here?
Moses: I said I wanted to see you.
Bernice: But, you have a busy schedule full of functions and filming to do.
Moses: So, I could spare 48 hours.
Bernice: That’s really sweet of you.
Moses: I demand another kiss.
Bernice: I’ll think about that.
Moses: So, how’s everything going? I’m literally counting down the days until you’ll be back in Hong Kong so that we can see each other more often.
Bernice: The time will come.
Moses: Are you going to film more Hollywood movies?
Bernice: I wish we could film a Hong Kong produced movie together.
Moses: Me too.
Bernice: So, I’m off today and we could spend a fun day together. Where do you want to go?
Moses: I don’t know. You could bring me around like how I took you to different places in Australia back in the days.
Bernice: Sure.
(after hours of fun going at various places)
Bernice: I’m exhausted.
Moses: The amusement park was so fun.
Bernice: Thanks for the teddy bear you helped me win playing throw the bottle.
Moses: It’s my pleasure.
Bernice: You’re leaving tomorrow.
Moses: I know. Time passes by.
Bernice: I’ll be back in Hong Kong soon. It’s not going to be a problem.
Moses: Oh, just admit you’ll miss me.
Bernice: Ok, I surrender. I will miss you.
Moses: It’s ok. I love you. <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon