
Falling Once Again

Chaeyoung went to the nearest rest room with Momo and waited for Mina to arrive.

She wanted to escape the situation but her mind is not functioning. A part of her wants to see Mina once again and she couldn't think of a proper excuse to get out of that situation.

Momo is with her. She's just staring at Momo. No one tries to break the silence. Chaeyoung thought that Momo already knew the past between her and Mina. 

'So she's the girl who replaced me in Mina's heart' She thought. 'She seems nice. She looks pretty. No wonder Mina replaced me. She's perfect and I'm...... nothing compared to her.' 

Chaeyoung looked down to the floor. It's her birthday but she's emotionally and mentally unstable right now.

Well, who wouldn't be, right? This was supposed to be their 3rd anniversary but she met her ex and her current girlfriend and Chaeyoung hasn't moved on.

She tried to move on but she couldn't... How can you move when you're still thinking about her? 

Momo saw Mina entering the wash room and handed Chaeyoung the clothes. 

"Thanks." Chaeyoung mumbled.

Chaeyoung went in the cubicle ang changed her clothes. She glanced at the little mirror from her purse to check herself. She retouched a bit ang went outside.

She can't help it but to get jealous over the view she's getting. Mina's head are on Momo's shoulders. She kept a blank face and acted like it's nothing.

"Chaeyoung~ Let's go to the cafe. I wanna make it out for you. Don't worry it's my treat." Momo said.

"I---" Chaeyoung was cutted off by Momo when Momo pulled her to go to the nearest cafe.

Chaeyoung forced herself not to feel awkward with Momo and Mina. She looks like she's a third wheeler. 

She sat down at the table with Mina while Momo ordered for them. 

Silence surrounds their area. Suffocating both of them. Chaeyoung caught Mina opening as she was about to say something but nothing's coming out.

They stayed like that for a few minutes. Chaeyoung wanted Momo to go back but the line is too long. 

Finally, Mina broke the silence between them.

"Uh.. I'm really sorry, Chaeyoung."

"For what? For leaving me on the day of my birthday or for what happened a while ago?"

Mina looked away and gulped. She can't stand looking at Chaeyoung while having the conversation. She still feels guilty.

"Both." Mina answered. "I'm sorry." 

"Past is past. I already moved on. We shouldn't be talking about this, right? Let's just start another story." Chaeyoung tried her best not to sound like she's lying and it  seems like it convinced Mina.

"Sorry. To make it up to you and as a present for your birthday, I brought this for you. I hope you'll like it." Mina said as she handed Chaeyoung a paper bag. 

"Thanks. I'll open it later when I got home." Then Chaeyoung flashed a smile to Mina. 

"I guess we're fine now?" Mina said.


Momo finally got their drinks and desserts and sat beside Mina. 

They talked while eating. Chaeyoung is getting along with them. As a result, the tense atmosphere between Mina and Chaeyoung disappeared.

Although the atmosphere between the two past lovers became lighter, Chaeyoung isn't comfortable with Mina and Momo and the fact that Momo talked about her moments with Mina. Chaeyoung wanted to walk out but she doesn't want the other girl feel offended and Momo seems that she doesn't know the past between them.

Chaeyoung was taking a sip when Momo asked her a question.

"So how about your love story?"

Chaeyoung looked at Mina for a second and Mina's avoiding Chaeng's gaze.

"I had a break up last year and until now, I don't have special feelings right now. Probably because I've been prioritizing work more than love life."

"I'm sorry." Momo said. "Did you already moved on? It's okay if you won't answer it."

"I'll answer you. I already moved on." Chaeyoung smiled.

Mina held Momo's hand under the table and Momo smiled at Chaeyoung. Jealousy is taking Chaeyoung again. 

Chaeyoung gets her phone and looks at the time. 

"It's getting late. I guess I should go. Nice meeting you both."

"Wait, Chaeng" Momo called her attention. "Can I get your number? We could hang out some time of you like." 

"Sure. Here." Chaeyoung handed her phone to Momo. Momo saved her number to Chaeyoung's phone and she saved Chaeng's number to her phone as well.

They exchanged goodbyes and Chaeyoung went home and goes straight to her room. 

She changed her clothes into a more comfortable one and threw herself in her bed.

She kept on rolling on her bed. Still thinking about her encounter with her ex and her ex's current girlfriend.

She's proud of herself since she didn't acted like she's still affected. 'I'm really a good actress.' She thought.

Chaeyoung quickly standed up when she remembered the present Mina gave her earlier. 

She looked for the paper bag and opened it.

She found a sketch pad and a box of strawberries...

A smiled carved in . 

Chaeyoung isn't expecting this. Mina still remembers what she loves. She loves drawing and strawberries.

Mina's presents always drives her to be happy.

A part of Chaeyoung isn't happy because it's just a present caused by their unexpected meeting and the accident. It gives her false hope that even for just a little, Mina loves her romantically.

But Chaeyoung is more happy because of the present Mina gave her.

She wished that for her next birthday, Mina will be her present once again.

Chaeyoung lied on her bed and whispered.

"Thank you because I saw you once again. I want to stare at your angelic face once again. I want to hangout with you just like in the past. Even with your girlfriend.. Even if it hurts. I will still love you. You're the best present I ever had. But sadly, it's not permanently."

A tear escaped her eye when she closed it. It didn't took a long time so she drifted to dreamland.


Here's another update ^_^ Hope you like it! School is being neomuhae to me ;u; Can't wait for vacation TT

I'll be spoiling you about stuffs about my story sometimes hehe. I also want to talk with you and ask for your feedback. Can't read and reply to some comments since I have a problem in the website so if you have any feedbacks to my story just mention me on my Twitter or IG. I'll tweet some spoilers mwehehehe.

Twitter: chaerifer0423
IG: chaerifer

Pray for my soul ;u; I hate periodical tests ;-; The author's note is getting long so bye. Have a nice day ^^




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fiqachibi #1
Chapter 12: Its the end of this story or you have an update soon author nim
Chapter 10: I love Momo! Damn, she is so understanding!
Chapter 4: Hey wait.... what about her notebook?
Chapter 12: So sweet!
yongseo14 #5
Chapter 12: Aigoo~ my MICHAENG HEART!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ please update soon
Chapter 12: awwwww michaeng together \(*T▽T*)/ im happy!!! haha glad Jihyo stop them hahah xd
Chapter 11: Update soon author ssi
Chaeng don't let Mina in your life so easily ( don't get me wrong I love Mina ok )
Chapter 11: GAWD i love this fic!!!! Pls update soon, iam dYing to know what will happen XD
fiqachibi #9
Chapter 11: Please update more please.....
Chapter 11: owhh common chaeng look back at mina (ಥ_ಥ) hope momo meet dubu kekeke ^^