Letting You Go

Falling Once Again

Read 'Another Heartache' first if you haven't. 💖 Double Update 💕


It's been months since Mina last saw Chaeyoung. Their last encounter is at the park. 

Mina was driving to a cafe. She will meet Momo there since Momo has something important to say to her. 

She reached the cafe and went to where Momo was seated. She noticed Dahyun with Momo. Mina went to them and sat. 

"Anyways, are you waiting for someone?" Momo asked Dahyun.

"Nope. I'm just waiting for my order and brought some coffee powder for Chaeyoung. She needs it since almost everyday she goes to bars to play. Her destination is just work then bar." Dahyun said.

"Chaeyoung goes to bars?" Mina said. She couldn't believe it since Chaeyoung hated that place. Chaeyoung rarely drinks too.

"Yeah. She flirts with random girls there. Sometimes, we go with her. She's good at getting girls like Jeongyeon unnie." Dahyun said.

Mina was left in shock. Knowing Chaeyoung, she wouldn't just flirt with any random girls and the girl prefers being alone. 

Momo and Dahyun continued talking with each other and left Mina in silence.

It's been months. Chaeyoung changed. She wondered if Chaeyoung still thinks about her. She wanted to ask Dahyun about it but Momo is there and she should keep those thoughts only to herself.

Dahyun said goodbye to Mina and Momo and left the two of them.

"So, what are you going to tell me?" Mina asked.

"Mina, let's break up." Momo said.

"Wait... What?" 

"Mina, I know you fell to Chaeyoung again." Momo said. "I saw your pictures during the roller coaster ride. I was at the park where you last met Chaeyoung. Mina, I am not stupid. Something changed since the last meeting of you and Chaeyoung. I know you just don't want to repeat the mistakes you did in the past." 

Mina was speechless. Her mind isn't really working. She just kept her head down while playing with her fingers.

"Look, I am not mad or sad  or what. I just don't want to believe that you're still inlove with me."

Mina held Momo's hand as she let tears flowing. "I'm sorry." Mina said.

"It wasn't your mistake to fall inlove. It was never a mistake to fall inlove. You don't need to apologize." 

Momo hugged Mina and patted her back. Mina just continued crying. A lot of people were looking at them but Mina shot them a death glare. 

"Just do something to get Chaeyoung back to you. You heard what Dahyun said a while ago." Momo said.

"Soon." Mina said.

"Yah! I will surely break your bones if you don't get Chaeyoung back. Hurry up before someone get her." 

"I'll think of ways." Mina said.

"I'll help you with that." Momo said.

Momo ordered drinks for the both of them. She's a bit sad but she knows that it's the right decision. To let go of Mina. She knows that Mina and Chaeyoung are suffering from the pain. They had enough sufferings. 

She could be mad at Mina but she couldn't. She could be mad at Chaeyoung for showing again at Mina's life but she couldn't. Like what she said, it was never a mistake to fall inlove. It was never a mistake when you fell in love when you're already in a relationship. It just automatically comes. One day, you'll just wake up and you're already inlove with someon. It wasn't your choice to fall but destiny planned it for you.

She also thought that she may be an instrument for Mina and Chaeyoung's bond to be stronger. At least, she did a good thing to her friend and to the person she loves.

She doesn't want to live in a lie. She doesn't want to believe that Mina is still inlove with her. Lies will only hurt her more. It's okay to be hurt right now than to be hurt later when the lie becomes bigger.

She may be hurt from letting go. She knows that she'll learn to accept it. She knows that she'll get over it and find the right person. 


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fiqachibi #1
Chapter 12: Its the end of this story or you have an update soon author nim
Chapter 10: I love Momo! Damn, she is so understanding!
Chapter 4: Hey wait.... what about her notebook?
Chapter 12: So sweet!
yongseo14 #5
Chapter 12: Aigoo~ my MICHAENG HEART!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ please update soon
Chapter 12: awwwww michaeng together \(*T▽T*)/ im happy!!! haha glad Jihyo stop them hahah xd
Chapter 11: Update soon author ssi
Chaeng don't let Mina in your life so easily ( don't get me wrong I love Mina ok )
Chapter 11: GAWD i love this fic!!!! Pls update soon, iam dYing to know what will happen XD
fiqachibi #9
Chapter 11: Please update more please.....
Chapter 11: owhh common chaeng look back at mina (ಥ_ಥ) hope momo meet dubu kekeke ^^