
kookmin (jikook) one shots

Jimin couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't. 


“He's at the gates!!!!”


The rapid footsteps, dulled by the heaviness of the rain, were still enough to warn him. In a few minutes they'd take him back to that place. Back to him. 

A silent sob escaped his lips and he watched his hands tighten around the bars of the gate, knuckles whitening to a startling pale. 

The footsteps were closer now, having morphed from their previous thumbs to louder splashes in nearby puddles. 

He knew he was crying could feel his tears blending with the raindrops that fell on his cheeks. 




Jimin let his fingers fall, let his knees drop. He knew they'd caught up, he could tell from the absence of the footsteps, by the obvious presences behind him. 

“Sir let's go back” a soft voice called from behind. 

“I need to leave” Jimin barely whispered 

“But sir…” another voice timidly spoke




The plead was barely audible amongst the steady pitter of the rain and Jimin felt his shoulders sag as he knew it fell on deaf ears. 


“Sir let's go”


Another sob left his lips


“He's waiting”




“I'm sure he's not upset, he couldn't be, he loves you too much”

Jimin didn't say anything, staring blankly at his fingers as the woman continued to run a towel through his dripping hair. 


“It's Jimin. I told you to just call me Jimin”

The soothing movements of the towel in his hair slowly came to a stop and the maid sighed

“But sir, he told us to only call yo-”

Jimin slammed his hands against the vanity table, towel falling off his head as he abruptly stood up. 


the maid flinched and he felt a little bad. He sat back down, running a finger through his hair. Silence ensued between the two and the maid let out a long sigh at the same time that Jimin huffed. She picked up the towel, hesitantly placing it back on the other's hair. After a few more moments of silence she spoke, choosing her words carefully. 

“He really does love you”

Jimin scoffed

“I'm sure he does”

The maid continued to dry his hair, moving her hands with slow purposeful movements. 

“He really does sir. You can tell just by-”

“Leave” Jimin interrupted, shaking his head. 


“Please just leave” He repeated, cringing at the formal title. Of course she'd still call him sir, he'd ordered it. In this prison of a place, His words were law

“But sir your hair”

“I'll do it myself”

The maid was about to argue, but wasn't given a chance as a timid knock rang through the room. 

“Come in”

A nervous looking man walked in. 

“Excuse me sir but the young master has requested your presence”

Jimin scoffed 

“I don't want to see him”

The young butler looked panicked as he was aware that returning back to him empty handed was not an option. 

“Sir I've been asked to bring you to him”

Jimin shrugged 

“If he really wants to see me then he'd come over here himself”

“But sir-”


“That's enough”


Jimin tensed, back turned away from the door where the deep voice had come from. 

“Y-young master” The butler stuttered, bowing at the man who was now leaning against the door frame. 


“Leave us” 


“Yes sir”

Jimin gulped, gaze falling to the ground. The silence that followed was unbearable, both the butler and the maid already long gone. He still didn't turn around. He always found it hard to do so. To face him. 


“I hear you tried to run away again”


He shivered, hating the way that deep voice affected him. He gulped, remaining silent. 


“Park Jimin”


His voice was close this time and Jimin felt his lips quiver as a hot breath was suddenly grazing his ear


“What do I do with you?”


Jimin finally turned, expression stone cold as he found his face merely centimeters away from the man responsible for all his problems. 


“Stop this Jungkook”


The other man rose a brow and Jimin scoffed 

“This game, it's ridiculous and I want it to stop”

Jungkook chuckled, moving away to lean against the table. 

“Suddenly grown a pair I see. Gotta admit I like you much better when you're obedient”

Jimin clenched his jaw. He had to do this. He couldn't take it anymore. 

“I'm not kidding. I can't to do this anymore. I refuse to do it” He let out a shaky breath. 


“Let me go”


Jungkook sighed, throwing his head back to look up at the ceiling. 

“You know I can't do that Jimin”

“And why not? Oh wait, could it be because you love me?” his voice dripped with mockery. 

Jungkook didn't seem offended but he knew he should stop. Jeon Jungkook wasn't someone he could mess with, he knew that, but yet it was too much. He really couldn't do it anymore. 

“And what if that's true? What if I really do love you?”

“Don't give me that crap Jungkook. If you really loved me you'd let me go”

The other man shrugged

“I don't want to”

Jimin scoffed, standing from his chair 

“Where are you going?” 

“To bed” His voice was cold, hoping that the other was able to feel all the hate he was sending. He sauntered over to the large walk in closet, eyes scanning it for his usual pajamas. He could feel Jungkook’s eyes watching his every move but he chose to ignore it. 

“It's the third time this week. Are you going to try again tomorrow?”

Jimin stopped midway of ing his shirt. He knew what the other was referring to and he thought the answer was obvious

“What do you think?”

A soft sigh came from Jungkook whose head now hung low. 


“Do you really want to leave?”


Jimin looked up, letting his hands drop from his shirt 

“Of course I want to leave. I'm not your property Jungkook”

Jungkook threw his head back, letting out a wry laugh that immediately let the other know that he'd said the wrong thing. 

“I think I've been too soft on you Park Jimin”

He chuckled, eyes darkening as he walked over. Jimin shivered as two fingers pushed his chin up 

“Of course you belong to me. We both know that. And as long as you're still here you're mine”

Jimin shivered as a thumb ran over his plump lips. 



“And there's nothing you can do to change that”





“He tried again sir”


Jimin kept his gaze fixed on nowhere in particular. 

“You can leave. Thank you” 

The butler bowed, excusing himself. 

“Come here Jimin”

Jimin didn't move, letting his eyes land on the man before him. He felt an eyebrow quirk as he immediately knew that something was wrong. Jungkook’s hair was messy, as if he'd ran his hand over it countless times, his shoulder were slightly hunched and his eyes bore a strange look of tiredness. Of course not that it stopped him from being any more devilishly handsome. Jimin looked away. He had to.

His eyes caught his reflection on the nearby full sized mirror, cringing at his soaked appearance. It had been raining quite a lot these days. His black hair, parted down the middle now clung unto his forehead in little clumps and he couldn't help thinking that he looked like a puppy that had been left in the rain. An abandoned pet. He shivered at the thought. 


“You know I don't like repeating myself Jimin”


Jimin moved this time, knowing he had better chances with the taller if the said man wasn't angered. 

“You've been so stubborn lately, it gets irritating you know” Jungkook's voice was calm as usual, but you could tell from the tightness in his jaw that he was indeed upset. He let his eyes roam up and down the soaked figure of the shorter man. 

“I'm not going to stop, not until I get out of here”

Jungkook's lips twitched at this, his hand slowly rising to the other's wet cheeks. 


“You don't really want to leave” 


Jimin narrowed his eyes at the confident way in which the sentence was uttered. 

“I hope you see how incredibly flawed your logic is. I've been trying to for two weeks now”

Jungkook tilted his head

“But you like it here”

The shorter moved back, letting the other man's hand fall from his face. 

“You can't leave because you won't let yourself, your heart won't let you”

Jimin frowned 

“What are you talking about. I don't know if you've noticed, but whatever we have here is purely one sided”

Jungkook let out a long exhausted sigh

“Oh Park Jimin, why do you insist on lying to yourself? You want to be here just as much as I want you to be”


“I hate you”

Jungkook visibly flinched, but his expression remained calm. 

“Do you?”

Jimin nodded 

“Yes” He hated the way his voice quivered, as if what he was saying wasn't true…. As if he was lying or unsure. 

“It's strange. I really can't bring myself to believe you. You don't sound very sure”

Jimin scoffed 

“I've tried leaving countless times Jungkook, I don't know what other proof you need”

Jungkook nodded 

“I see. Then why don't I give you my proof”

The shorter man furrowed his brows in confusion 

“Your proof?”

The other man nodded once more

“Yes. Proof that there's nothing you want more than being here. With me” 

Jimin gulped, suddenly frightened. 

Jungkook clasped a hand around his arm, leading him to the standing man sized mirror at the corner of the room. Silence ensued between them as Jimin found himself staring at his own reflection, the other man hovering over him from behind. 


“I'm going to touch you” Jungkook's voice was barely a whisper. 


“And I want you to watch yourself”


Jimin caught his breath, urging himself to turn around, to push the other man away. He didn't move. Couldn't move. Even as soft lips began pecking down the back of neck, Jimin found himself rendered motionless. He looked away from the mirror, afraid of what he'd see. 

“Jungkook stop” His voice came out shaky. 

“Watch” was the other's only response. Jimin felt his breath hitch as two warm hands sneaked their way into his shirt, the soft lips having now moved to pamper the base of his neck. He bit his lips, refusing to moan. He wasn't going to give Jungkook the pleasure of knowing just how much he affected him. 

“You're not watching”

Jimin kept his gaze on the ground, a firm hand clasping around his jaw to force his face up. 

“Watch” Jungkook's voice was soft but his firm grip let him know that it was an order. 

So Jimin watched. Even as the other's fingers became more daunting, trailing sensually over the curves of his torso. He gasped quietly as a finger grazed an hypersensitive , but continued watching nonetheless. 

The more he watched the more he hated what he saw. He hated how his teeth dug into his bottom lips, not because of the pleasure but because of the pain. The pain of knowing that all this… it didn't look wrong. Didn't feel wrong. He hated the way a glint would spark in his eyes every time a hand would graze somewhere sensitive, but not because of the hand, but because of the person attached to it. He reeeaallly couldn't take it anymore

“Stop Jungkook” His voice sounded weak. He felt weak




Jungkook pulled away, his eyes widening as he stared back at the teary gaze of the other man through the mirror. Jimin's lips were quivering, and tears were now racing down his cheeks

“Jimin” He's voice sounded soft and the shorter let out a loud sob. 

Jungkook didn't say anything as he watched the short man drop to his knees, his sobs having evolved into a full on cry. He didn't know what to say. He'd never seen this person cry, it had never been his intention to do so. He never imagined that it'd hurt so much to see the other like this. 

“I'm sorry” Jungkook surprised himself with the apology. He stepped back, giving the Jimin his space. 

The room was silent except for the constant sobs and hiccups coming from the hunched over figure of the shorter man and Jungkook decided that there was no other choice. He supposed he himself couldn't do it anymore either. 

“I'll tell the guards to open the gate.”


“I'll let you go”




“He's not in his room sir. I'll send the guards to retrieve him from the gates”

“Don't bother. He's probably gone by now” Jungkook mumbled, not looking up from his desk. 


He huffed 

“I ordered that the gates be opened. I let him go”

The butler looked away, deciding that the look of pure hurt on his master's face was not something he was meant to see.

“If it makes you feel any better sir, I think he'll be back. He probably won't even leave”

Jungkook scoffed.

“That's a nice thought, but he's made it pretty clear that here is not where he wants to be”

The butler shook his head. 

“No. You don't understand”

Jungkook looked up at him and the young man took it as a sign to continue 

“Last week, I believe it was on a Thursday when he attempted his second escape. I remember because it had been me who had forgotten to order that the gates be closed”

Jungkook's brows furrowed. 

“I was terrified because I was sure that he'd have left by then. I didn't know how I'd face you, so I decided that I'd go out myself to look for him” The butler sighed

“I didn't have to go very far though because when I got to the gate he was still there. The gates were opened sir. He'd opened the gates, he knew he could leave. But he just sat there. He looked so unsure of what to do next. I don't think he could bring himself to leave sir. That day it was raining as well so I couldn't tell if he'd been crying or not, but his eyes were red so I assumed so”

Jungkook's eyes were wide now and the hope in them was almost unmistakable 

“I asked him to come back inside and he made me promise not to say anything- though I must admit I mainly complied because I didn't want you to know that I left the gate open” The butler took a deep breath. 

“Even if the gates are now open he's probably still there”

“I think it'd be best if you went to him”


Jungkook had never been up faster in his life.





Jimin was confused. The feeling of deja vu was strong as he was once again faced with an open gate. He didn't think this would happen again. He'd forced himself to believe that that day his hesitation had been due to a moment of weakness. Yet here he was, gripping unto the bars with no idea what to do next. 




That was what he was supposed to do. Right. He was supposed to leave and never come back. Yet once again Jimin couldn't move. He let his gaze follow the pathway beyond the gate, watching it disappear into nowhere. He could leave now, Jungkook had personally given him permission to do so. So why couldn't he? He hated Jungkook right? Sure the mirror had told his otherwise, Jungkook had told him otherwise, the maids always told him otherwise, the thumping in his chest told him otherwise. But it couldn't be true right? He didn't want to be here.

Still it felt strange, imagining himself walking away on that pathway, never coming back, never seeing him again. Jimin was so confused. 

The rain had long since died down to a tame drizzle and Jimin cursed, hating the terrible weather that had been plaguing the area for weeks now. It just made everything seem more hazy, and his mind was abstract enough as it was. He ran a hand through his wet hair, placing his forehead on the cold metal. He was so very confused. Too confused to even register the quiet approaching footsteps.

It was only when the feelings of water droplets hitting the skin of his face stopped that Jimin realized something was up. He looked up, eyes widening as they met with those of a very hesitant looking Jungkook, both of them now shielded from the rain by a black umbrella. 

Neither of them said anything as they continued to stare into each other, trying to figure out what the other was thinking. Jimin looked away first. 


“Are you happy?” His fingers tightened around the bars

“Seeing me like this I mean”

He scoffed 

“You must find it funny. I make such a big deal about leaving and in the end I can't even do it. I must look so pathetic”

Jungkook tightened his hold on the umbrella. 

“Say something Jungkook, or did you just come here to mock me with your presence?”

The other man still didn't speak 

“What, you're not going to laugh? Make fun of me cause you were right and I really can't let myself leave?” Jimin frowned at the taller man’s unresponsiveness, turning around to fully face him. 

“Jungk-” He was silenced by a pair soft lips pushing against his. He gasped silently, his brain doing a double take as to why he was kissing this man, or more precisely why this man was kissing him.

But it wasn't just the kiss that confused him, it was the hesitation in it. Was Jungkook scared? It was almost like he feared that one wrong move would send the shorter running out the gates. For some reason the thought alone that Jungkook really didn't want him gone, was scared of it in fact, sent Jimin’s mind into overdrive. It excited him, made him feel powerful. Made him feel loved


“He really does love you” 


“And what if that's true? What if I really do love you?”


Jimin shivered. He couldn't help it, not when his mind was racing and his heart was thumping, not when his fingers moved on their own to wrap around the taller neck. 


He kissed Jungkook back. 


It was a passionate kiss for sure. Not heated, but passionate. Jimin was confused, Jungkook was in love and neither knew how to tell the other. This kiss was the only accurate way they'd relayed their emotions to each other since they met, and Jimin was grateful for it. 

Jungkook pulled away first. 


“It's cold, let's go inside”


Jimin nodded. 


No words were exchanged as they made their way back inside. There was no need for words anymore, all that needed to be said was already said.




“Young Master, Sir. Should we get you both a towel?”

“A towel would be nice” Jimin mumbled under his breath. 

“Alright” The butler said, gesturing to the nearby maid to get a towel as he collected the umbrella from Jungkook. 

“Anything else sirs?”

Both men shook their heads at the same time. 

“Let us know if you need anything” another maid called as the two men began making their way up the grand stairs, bumping into the maid who'd gone to get the towels. They collected the item gratefully. 

As soon as both men were out of sight the room erupted into giggles. 

“Did you see that? They're were holding hands!” A maid whispered loudly

“What do you think happened?” Another piped 

“They probably kissed” The butler stated wisely. More fits of giggles ran through the room 

“Do you think it was French?”

More giggles

“Who knows. I'm just glad they've made some sort of progress”

Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement till someone spoke up


“Wait, don't we all have stuff to be doing?”


The hums agreements changed to groans as the small group dissipated to their various duties. 





OMG I don't even know how this happened. This fic was not planned at all lol. It just kind of happened 

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Chapter 28: Love your stories so much! Thank you can’t wait to read the rest... :)
Chapter 29: It's soo cute
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Chapter 28: This is so good I can't wait for the next part
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤