Chapter 4

Secret love

As I ran I got shouts and yells from people telling me to slow down. But I couldn't slow down, I just couldn't. As I turn a corner I see my opportunity to escape, jumping over a person who ducked just in time, I land on the dumpster and run all the way to the edge and then I jump on the latter and climb it a the way to an apartment window and I hide there.

I watch him run down the ally, I laughed in my mind, because he should have known that I was always good at getting away. When he left I climbed back down and walked back to the hotel. There I was greeted with questions about why Mark chased me and how do I know Mark. I couldn't stand all the noise so I hush them and made them promise never to tell.

Shooing them into my room I shut the door and lock it, when I turned around they were all sitting down waiting for me to answer.

I pull up a kitchen chair and sit down. Then I began the whole story.


Once I was done, they all stared in amazement. Then Park Woo-Shin a woman in her late twenties spoke up. "The way you were talking it seemed like Mark had a huge crush on you.", She says squealing. 

My eyes went wide but my face stayed the same-expressionless-. Shaking my head no I get up to grab a piece of paper then sit back down. "What is that?" I look over at Hye Chan-Shing and open my mouth to speak.

"Well, I didn't just come here to see Mark. I also came here to see Jackson because I did my Ancestry and it says I am the second cousin of Jackson." I hand the paper to Hye Chan-Shing, which looks at it with open. Then she passes it around to others.

Once I got the paper back they all crowd around me. "Raven you have to see Mark and Jackson!" Then they all start to shout. hushing them once more, I tell them I wasn't ready to face him and that's why I ran. They only nod in agreement.

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