Chapter 3

Secret love


"leave me alone."

Shoving the other kids out of the way, I run towards the roof of the building. When I get there I see Mark, it was like he new I would always come up here because he comes over to hug me. When he gets to me I push him away.

"Raven, I just want a hug."

He whined and threw open his arms like a child. 

end of dream.

"Hey new girl get up I told you to get to work at six, it's now eight!" Sitting up I groan, I wasn't really a morning person. Getting out of bed I put on clothes and brush my hair, God how much work I had to do I don't even know.


When I get down to the base of the hotel I see people scurrying around trying to get things done. 

"Hey new girl over here!" Turning around I see another girl around my age -about 23.- I walk towards her and she hands me a paint brush and gloves. Taking them we walk outside, there I see other girls working but they stop to great me.

After we all get acquainted I get on the latter and begin to paint. After about an hour we all stop to rest; that is every one else did, I kept working."Hey, Raven! Are you not coming down?" Shaking my head I continue to paint, I don't really care for breaks. Even though I had been doing it for hours I haven't grown tired yet.

After work me and some of the girls decided to go eat at a restaurant. I thought maybe it would be nice to get some friends. I really don't understand what a friend is supposed to do really but I guess they are people you can tell your deepest secrets to. As I continue to walk I don't notice GOT7 coming our way.

"Oh my God, it's GOT7!" Bolting my head to see, I see that it is them and they where almost near us. Holding my hands in front of them to make them stop, I had done it to late.

Looking forward I see Mark and I new he saw me because his eyes got wide. Every one stared at us, without thinking I took off, jumping over things and pushing people out of the way. Mark was close behind shouting my name, I just couldn't let him get me I wasn't ready yet.

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