Chapter 8

Heavenly hell
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Chapter 8

"Welcome back my sons. How was your honeymoon? Taemin, did my son treat you nicely?" Mr. Choi greeted us when we arrived at The Choi's lobby. I gave a quick smile and pretended like it was the most beautiful honeymoon I went through. He was hugging Minho while laughing happily. Maybe he's glad seeing his son again.

"Hi dad, do I keep you waiting? Where's mom?" Minho asked his father.

"She's over there. Taking a call" Mr.Choi pointed towards a certain direction. I look at the pointed area and found Mrs. Choi talking over the phone and she wore a serious expression. Worries written all over her face. After a while she came to us quickly.

"There's something wrong at my factory. This is an urgent cases, and they need me there. One of my officer cheated regarding our financial status. It could affect my products since it's involving the material usage" Mrs. Choi said in a worried voice. She then look at her husband as if asking for an answer.

"Then I guess we will meet again next time. For now let's settle mom's issues first. Is that okay with you sons?" Mr. Choi in the other hands was very calm but his voice became stern than before and the sentence sounds like a statement, not a question to me. 

I look at Minho. He was also wearing a worried expression. "Yes dad, we're okay. Should I go with you mom, dad?"

"No you don't have to. Bring Taemin somewhere else. Don't let him get bored here" His father orders but Taemin knew Minho is just going to be an as*hole. 

Mr. and Mrs. Choi walked out of the hotel. I saw Minho followed them to their fancy car and without realizing I was following him as well. Another two cars were escorting their car like it was the most normal thing that they went through each day. Well, perhaps they did.

For someone like me, it was clearly a very new thing. I still can't believe of what happened. How can a person be so rich that traveling by helicopter is not a new thing? Plus this luxurious hotel. This family not only own a room, they owned this land and building. They owned these people who work for them. 

Minho walked to the reception counter and the beautiful lady there handed him a card, I don't know what's that for and he was walking towards my direction after that. Minho handed me the card. "Go to the dam* room, and since we're in Seoul you'll have to call me oppa, okay?"

He went passed Taemin and before he could move any further, he came back towards the younger "chagiya,oppa wants to go out with my friends. Shut your little mouth okay." He smirked while grabbing Taemin's cheeks and give them a hard squeeze. Taemin winced and struggled to get Minho to let him go and he did.

Taemin saw Minho left with one of the bodyguards and another one was now following and leading him towards the said hotel room. He stepped into the elevator and once again he's mesmerized by the luxury. Even the elevator looks richer than him, he thought. 

Creep escalated over his whole body by the thought that he was now standing with a man who probably and highly likely had a gun with him. He could be dead any minutes, although he didn't know the reason why. Perhaps because Minho wanted so, well it could be. 

The man followed Taemin closely behind  and

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Beau1996 1376 streak #1
Chapter 28: Minho was really cruel in the beginning and lucky that Taemin forgave him
Chapter 28: Poor Taemin but glad that Minho realized his mistakes and true feelings 🙂 Beautiful Sequel ❤
Chapter 7: This is not so fluffy ~__~ its angsty
Chapter 28: So beautiful squeal
Just love it more
Animor87 #5
What about a sequel, when you write about Key developing feelings for Jonghyun? That would be amazing!
Anyway, good chapter!
Chapter 26: Squeal please its so good
Nullaniscnazani #8
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD. I LOVE YOU AUTHOR~NIM. First because you are from Malaysia and a shawol. It's hard you know to find shawol in Malaysia. Second, you 2min story got me. I'm cry. I love how you make this story from angry to sweet. I love. Love it so much. Hwaiting!
Chapter 27: Read it in one go ^^ i love how minho realized his mistakes :) so love this story!!! Need to recommend this to alk the 2min shippers out there! ^^
kurniawatinia #10
i love arrange married story, can't wait to read it