Chapter 5

Heavenly hell
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Chapter 5

Taemin's POV

What should I do now? Daddy wanted me to get married to him and I already did. Then, what should I do with my life now? If the Choi's never appears in front of me, by now I should have been working and have some money. My bank account! It has been so long since I last look at it. The last time I checked which was very long ago, there were quite a lot of digits in there. I doubted it was my money. I did tell the principal about that, since she's the one who manages our accounts and stuffs. I forgot about it after that. Maybe I should ask her again after I go back to Seoul.

Stranded in this place without no one to talk to and I never own any phone makes this honeymoon harder. I don't wanna talk about Minho. He's  no good. My life is the same with or without him , only it gets messier with his presence. 

So the plan is when I go back to Korea, I need to find a job and ask the principal about my account. Until then, I just need to be patient and try to stay alive with a monster breathing inside the same room  beside me. 

I'm so glad he leaves me alone here. I know he's probably now enjoying himself out there but my life is so much peaceful without him here. Oh god, just for how long does this honeymoon ends?

I sit on the floor by the balcony. Time now is 5:30 p.m. and I can still feel the presence of the Sun. This place is so beautiful. The sea. I love the sea. Mummy and daddy used to bring me there a lot. 

They would sit on the picnic mat while mummy was setting up our foods. Daddy would kiss mum's cheek and I would try to act like I didn't see anything. Me and daddy would build a sandcastle. He's very good at building things eventhough using sand. No wonder he was a professional architect. If I'm not mistaken, he owned a firm but I'm not sure about that and don't want to know anything about his work. I just want him, and mummy.

My eyes. They're wet. I smile at the beautiful things that I used to have. God had taken it all away from me now. Beautiful family, peace and happiness. He will never give it back. 

10 years ago, at a very young age, I was forced to accept a hurtful reality. My dad and mum both were involved with a fatal accident. They were on their way home from a dinner. I was at home staying with my nana, the name I called to

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 28: Minho was really cruel in the beginning and lucky that Taemin forgave him
Chapter 28: Poor Taemin but glad that Minho realized his mistakes and true feelings 🙂 Beautiful Sequel ❤
Chapter 7: This is not so fluffy ~__~ its angsty
Chapter 28: So beautiful squeal
Just love it more
Animor87 #5
What about a sequel, when you write about Key developing feelings for Jonghyun? That would be amazing!
Anyway, good chapter!
Chapter 26: Squeal please its so good
Nullaniscnazani #8
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD. I LOVE YOU AUTHOR~NIM. First because you are from Malaysia and a shawol. It's hard you know to find shawol in Malaysia. Second, you 2min story got me. I'm cry. I love how you make this story from angry to sweet. I love. Love it so much. Hwaiting!
Chapter 27: Read it in one go ^^ i love how minho realized his mistakes :) so love this story!!! Need to recommend this to alk the 2min shippers out there! ^^
kurniawatinia #10
i love arrange married story, can't wait to read it