Chapter 2

Heavenly hell
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He walked out the room and get into the ceremony hall. Taking slow and uncertain steps along the aisle without realizing he was now tangling the groom father's arm. His eyes scanned every inch of the hall that has now decorated with silky grey and pink drape all over the wall and ceiling. 

Fresh flowers happily dangling from the top as if they are mocking him with every step he makes. His eyes fall on the crowd of guests. They are watching him with looks that Taemin doesn't know how to interpret. All he could tell is they are certainly bunch of wealthy people who are smiling or accurately, smirking at him. 

Soft music is playing in the background and before he knew it, his arm has already untangled and now he's standing in front of a stranger who is looking at him in the most disgusted way possible. 

He is tall and so big if to be compared to him. His big, sharp eyes are looking at him and by now he should have been swallowed alive and die supposedly. Taemin lurks to the man in front of him with mixed feelings. He doesn't know what to feel or what to say. 

This is all so confusing yet he had no choice other than marrying some stranger he doesn't even saw yet. 

The sound of someone clearing his throat brings him back to reality. He was looking at the man standing between him and the groom confusingly and the older looks like he's waiting for an answer. 

Betting his life, Lee TaeMin whispers "I do" despite knowing he had just dug his own grave. "You two may now kiss" and he is greeted by a pair of lips on his own. 

His eyes stare blankly at the wall and next thing he knows, guests are clapping and some of them goes back to what they were doing, chatting and hitting some drinks. 

Mr. Choi had introduce him to his fellow friends. They are looking very fine and elegance. Pearl, diamond, gold watches and fancy suits speak all the words to Taemin. This is completel

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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 28: Minho was really cruel in the beginning and lucky that Taemin forgave him
Chapter 28: Poor Taemin but glad that Minho realized his mistakes and true feelings 🙂 Beautiful Sequel ❤
Chapter 7: This is not so fluffy ~__~ its angsty
Chapter 28: So beautiful squeal
Just love it more
Animor87 #5
What about a sequel, when you write about Key developing feelings for Jonghyun? That would be amazing!
Anyway, good chapter!
Chapter 26: Squeal please its so good
Nullaniscnazani #8
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD. I LOVE YOU AUTHOR~NIM. First because you are from Malaysia and a shawol. It's hard you know to find shawol in Malaysia. Second, you 2min story got me. I'm cry. I love how you make this story from angry to sweet. I love. Love it so much. Hwaiting!
Chapter 27: Read it in one go ^^ i love how minho realized his mistakes :) so love this story!!! Need to recommend this to alk the 2min shippers out there! ^^
kurniawatinia #10
i love arrange married story, can't wait to read it