Chapter 15

Heavenly hell
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Chapter 15

"Are you done eating?" Key asked after he went into the bedroom only to find Taemin leaning against the bed post eyes staring blankly at the wall. His slumped shoulder looked very tired and the red marks could clearly being spotted from the first glance.

"I'm not hungry."

"Come let me feed you. You need to eat or you'll be sick" key said with a smile to cheer him up if he could.

"I want to go home."

"Hey..this is your home honey"

"It's not. This is hell. I wanna go home."

"Come here, just this one piece of apple then we'll talk okay"

Key attempted to feed Taemin and hesitantly the younger took a bite of it. Key told him some fun facts he knew about apple just to distract Taemin from his thought and he could see the changes of his expression. 

"Oh look you finished the apple! That's good!"key giggled. "I'm going to prepare your bath, I'll come back in a moment okay. Try to finish your food" he said while smiling.

" Taemin only nodded slowly. He's not really eating the food, just swirling and arranging pasta around his plate. His mind wandered about last night and he couldn't help but let a few drops fell from his eyes. He wipes it away not wanting Key to see him like that.

 He's been embarrassed enough by the insult Minho gave him and he thought about how he had react after the nasty thing last night. He's ashamed of what he'd been. He needs to show Key that he's alright and while swallowing the bit of pasta, he realized he needs to be brave enough to confront Minho. 

"The bath is ready. You want my help?" Key said when he came out of the bathroom and as well as snapping Taemin away from his deep thoughts. 

"'s okay. I can do it myself"

"Okay then, take a good bath alright?" He was grabbing both of Taemin's shoulders and he could felt the younger was flinching under the touch. He quickly let go and asked Taemin to go inside the bathroom. He went to the drawer next to the king-sized bed and took the plate. Not even half of the food were consumed by him. Luckily Taemin had an apple after he had persuaded him to have some before. 

He left th

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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 28: Minho was really cruel in the beginning and lucky that Taemin forgave him
Chapter 28: Poor Taemin but glad that Minho realized his mistakes and true feelings 🙂 Beautiful Sequel ❤
Chapter 7: This is not so fluffy ~__~ its angsty
Chapter 28: So beautiful squeal
Just love it more
Animor87 #5
What about a sequel, when you write about Key developing feelings for Jonghyun? That would be amazing!
Anyway, good chapter!
Chapter 26: Squeal please its so good
Nullaniscnazani #8
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD. I LOVE YOU AUTHOR~NIM. First because you are from Malaysia and a shawol. It's hard you know to find shawol in Malaysia. Second, you 2min story got me. I'm cry. I love how you make this story from angry to sweet. I love. Love it so much. Hwaiting!
Chapter 27: Read it in one go ^^ i love how minho realized his mistakes :) so love this story!!! Need to recommend this to alk the 2min shippers out there! ^^
kurniawatinia #10
i love arrange married story, can't wait to read it