
Infinite Power


You are transferring schools, and that's final!” his mom put her foot down, glancing at his father for support, which she readily got. It was game over before he even entered the room. Still, he wasn't prepared to go down without a fight.

But... but... Sungyeol... I'll be completely alone...with those....freaks... I'll die....” Myungsoo pleaded. He couldn't imagine life without Sungyeol, left alone in a secluded high school world ruled by freaks and monsters.

'But' isn't going to cut it anymore, and don't be overly dramatic. Those 'freaks' are just normal kids with extraordinary talents, just like you.” his mom had calmed down, but her voice was stern.

Talent. You say it like it's a good thing. There's not a single good thing about it!” he insisted. He hated his power. He wanted nothing more than to be normal. If there was an operation to remove his stupid supernatural gene, he wouldn't ask any questions and be the first to line up to sign up.

His parents couldn't relate at all, they were the lucky ones, they had escaped this awful fate. Apparently this gene of terror skipped a generation or two, or was only activated when two mutant bloodlines came together, agh, he didn't really understand the logistics. The only thing he knew was that he had drawn the short straw. Both his parent's families had a history of 'giftedness' as they called it, but neither his parents, nor his grandparents had been inflicted with this curse. Only him.

They had tried to convince him that it was a privilege, that he was lucky to be special. Well, the time when he accidentally and repeatedly lifted his new gym teacher's shirt without even touching it, his wishful thinking doing all the work, embarrassing and confusing the poor guy on his first day of class to the point of making him run off, never to be seen again... that hadn't felt so lucky. Incidentally, that was also the moment he realized he was gay. It had been one whirlwind of a day.

At the time he hadn't really been sure about neither, but as time passed there were numerous incidents that made it abundantly clear that the world refused to let him be normal in any way. The gay thing he could deal with, the supernatural thing not so much. Also, the fact that he couldn't do anything useful with it wasn't helping either. It just came and went as it pleased and usually did nothing but create chaos and ruin things for him. At first it had been rather random small things every once in a while, but lately it was getting stronger and more frequent. Pretty much every time he got nervous, something bad happened, which wasn't helping in making him less nervous.


Honey, today was the last straw. You are just not managing to gain control over it on your own. You need help. Right now, you are a danger to both yourself and others. What if next time the pen happens to fly in the direction of someone's head? Are you going to be okay with having killed someone?” his mom's eyes were full of concern. He knew she was right. He had been afraid of hurting someone from the moment he discovered that there was something wrong with him.

On one condition.” he finally said.

I'm not sure you're in a position to be setting conditions, but okay,, I'll play, on what condition?” his mom sighed. She looked tired, she had probably been worried sick ever since she got the call.

Sungyeol transfers with me!” he demanded, surprising even himself.

Sungyeol?... sweety, that makes no sense. Sungyeol doesn't have any... doesn't have that kind of talent.” she looked confused.

If I can be allowed in a normal school, Sungyeol can be allowed in an abnormal school, everything else is just blatant injustice and inequality!” he insisted, as if he was on some sort of crusade for the equality and harmony between the normals and the abnormals. Truth be told, his normal school had no idea about his abnormalities so his premise was flawed, nullifying his entire argument, but he didn't care. He was grasping at straws and he knew it, but he had to do something. Being sent away to the craziest boarding school there was, alone and afraid for his life, seeing Sungyeol only on Christmas and summer vacations, it was just not an option.

Have you even discussed this with Sungyeol?” she shook her head.

Yeah, he's totally on board.” he lied. He was acting like a five year old today, he knew it, but it was his life that was on the line, he couldn't just be a grownup about it, swallowing whatever crap was thrown his way.

And his parents?” she looked at him skeptically.

Oh, you know how his parents are.” he just said, thankful for once for Sungyeol's weird hippie parents.

Alright, I'll talk to the school and see what I can do. No promises. This is a long shot.” she caved.


Great! Now all that was left was confessing to Sungyeol that supernatural powers were real, that he had one and convince him to leave the comfort of his own, safe home to come with him to a school with hundreds of kids that could actually use their powers properly and were a million times more powerful than them.


Piece. Of. Cake.




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Chapter 10: Man I am falling in love with this Sung-Sung couple already!! Although, poor Sungyeol :( he still believes that Sungjong is a girl. Oh how he would react if he finally knew the truth. Would his feelings for Sungjong change?
Anyway, thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 9: Omg I missed this! Atleast Sungyeol finally got the attention of the 'blonde girl'. :D waiting for your next update!
nana0415 #3
Chapter 8: Its been so long..Btw thanks for the update and i hope you'll update soon^^
Chapter 8: It's been so a long time since your last update. I'm excited about this chapter. It's amazing)))
Waiting for your next update! Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 7: Omg! I love this chapter so much. I'm already rooting for yeoljong so hard. Sungyeol had already fallen hard xD I really hope that Sungjong is the blonde 'girl' <3
Thanks for the update!
solotenk #6
Chapter 7: Yay update :D
Chapter 7: hahahha am i thinking right? its sungjong right hehhehe ... oh how yeol's dream will shatter hahahaha ...thank for the update please update more often
nana0415 #8
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update ... I'm wondering who that boy might be
nana0415 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update..please update soon^^