
Infinite Power


Myungsoo splashed cold water on his face in the hopes that he would snap out of it. He was so nervous that not only were his hands shaking, but it felt like the core of his entire being was shaking. He could feel every single cell in his body vibrating, as if the DNA inside them was slowly coming apart. Maybe just as well, better to dissolve and dissipate right here right now than have to give that presentation to the whole class.

He would always get stage fright before public speaking, it was just something at which he was horribly bad, and there was nothing he could do to change that. He had kind of made his peace with that fact. But lately he had had some very strange, very unfortunate incidents. And he could feel it was going to happen again.


Taking a deep breath whilst suppressing the urge to vomit, he got up in front of the class. His legs felt like Jell-O, they were having the hardest time supporting his weight. He heard a faint giggle. Was she laughing at him? Did he look ridiculous? He could feel a drop of cold sweat glide down his forehead, getting stuck in the jungle that was his eyebrow. He swallowed and furtively searched the absentminded crowd of students in front of him until he found that one friendly face. A face he knew all too well. That goofy grin never failed to cheer him up.

Sungyeol sent him a very dramatic 'fighting', his eyes beaming. Then he stuck his index fingers deep into his cheeks, widening his grin. It almost looked like it hurt. He nodded towards him, as if he wanted him to do the same. Ah, he wanted him to smile. Yesterday, when he was helping him prepare, he had reminded him about a million times of the importance of a good smile, yet he forgot. He nodded back to get Sungyeol to stop that awful self-torture. Yes, he had dimples, it was overkill to perhaps permanently deform his face just to emphasize that fact. Although he did look really funny, so maybe it wouldn't have been the worst idea to have him carry this on for the entire presentation so he had something fun and de-stressing to focus on. If he hadn't been so nervous he would have chuckled. Taking another breath he attempted a warm smile but he could feel it turning to ice the moment it showed up on his lips.

With his frozen smile, he started his presentation. Only a tad bid too zealously. He had been trying to compensate for the lack of confidence with copious amounts of energy, but it backfired. Epically. As he started his introduction he swung the pen in his hand for emphasis, only he lost his grip, sending it flying over half the classroom. The sound it made when it hit the window made his blood curdle. The glass shattered into a million little pieces, making everyone in the room scream in unison. Mortified, he just stood there. He didn't know what to do. There was nothing to do. He was completely and utterly screwed. How was he going to explain this. He could feel his brain cells overheat as he desperately searched for an adequate explanation. But of course, there was none to be found.

“Kim Myungsoo! Principal. Now.” the teacher pointed at the door, her hand was shaking something fierce.


“It was an accident.” Myungsoo sank into the uncomfortable chair opposite the principal's desk. He had been here a few times before.

“Of course it was. It's not like you could've made this happen even if you wished to. Nobody could. A simple pen can't break a window. The glass must have been faulty. It's the only explanation.” the principal shook his head at this strange situation. Myungsoo could think of another explanation alright, but he kept it to himself.

“Ah, it seems fortune has forsaken you of late. I'm afraid I am still going to have to contact your parents. For insurance purposes, you see.” he continued, unwittingly crushing Myungsoo's world with one short phone call. He dialed the number before he even had the chance to plead his case.


“Myungs-ya, lisss go 'ome now, mkay? Givin' me alcu'hol poiss'nin' won't make yoh parunts change thr mind.” Sungyeol slurred, peering his eyes in an effort to focus. Myungsoo finished a bottle of soju and threw it in a pile of empty ones. He had been hoping for a blackout, but instead he just felt dizzy and queasy. Nothing was going his way today. He didn't want to go home. Not yet. Not ever.

He let out a heavy sigh and let himself fall onto Sungyeol's back, wrapping his arms around him, burying his face into his back. He could feel his back pocket vibrate. It had been vibrating off and on all night. They were looking for him. He knew exactly what they were going to say and he didn't want to hear it. Sungyeol smelled good.

“Did you change your cologne? You smell nice.” he said whilst burying his nose into his neck to get a good sniff.

“Tha' tick'lls” Sungyeol giggled, trying to shake him off. Myungsoo suddenly realized that he was doing less sniffing and more kissing that he had intended. Okay, maybe he was drunker than he had originally thought. He knew he should stop it, but Sungyeol's skin felt so soft and warm.

“Dude, you know I don't swing that way.” Sungyeol wriggled out of his clutches, sobering up in under a second. He wasn't mad. He was never mad. But he was careful to be clear. Ever since he had found out he was gay, he was a tiny bit wary around him. Most people wouldn't have even noticed it, but Myungsoo did. He had been nothing but supportive though. He didn't really care who he dated and was just happy to be rid of the competition girl-wise, instead using him as a flame to attract the moths, lying in wait to catch them for himself. But it was like he was afraid that he would suddenly fall for him, being careful not to create any opportunities for misunderstandings.

“Ya! You know I don't like you like that.” he emphasized, not for the first time and probably not the last either. He meant it, too. They were best friends. Myungsoo would much rather have him as a life-long precious friend than a momentary fling. He just liked skinship, but wasn't comfortable enough to do it freely with anyone but Sungyeol.


Myungsoo held his breath as he opened the door as slowly and softly as humanly possible, wishing he hadn't drunken so much when his senses failed him, the door accidentally slamming into the wall with the accompanying ruckus. He sighed and counted. One. Two.

“Kim Myungsoo! Have you any idea what time it is?!”.

It was scolding time apparently. He had expected this. This and more.

“Ah, you reek of alcohol! How did you even get your hands on it? Agh, don't tell me, I don't even want to know.” his mother sighed and shook her head in defeat as she helped him take his jacket off.

“We've got more important stuff to discuss anyway. Your principal called.” she said sternly as she dragged him along into the living room. His dad was sitting there with his arms crossed. He never crossed his arms unless it was serious. Myungsoo felt helpless. It was his life, but he didn't have the slightest control over it. He was a prisoner. He never asked for these powers. He didn't want them. And most of all, he didn't want his life to be controlled by them.


“You are transferring schools, and that's final!”

“But... but... Sungyeol... I'll be completely alone...with those....freaks... I'll die....”



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Chapter 10: Man I am falling in love with this Sung-Sung couple already!! Although, poor Sungyeol :( he still believes that Sungjong is a girl. Oh how he would react if he finally knew the truth. Would his feelings for Sungjong change?
Anyway, thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 9: Omg I missed this! Atleast Sungyeol finally got the attention of the 'blonde girl'. :D waiting for your next update!
nana0415 #3
Chapter 8: Its been so long..Btw thanks for the update and i hope you'll update soon^^
Chapter 8: It's been so a long time since your last update. I'm excited about this chapter. It's amazing)))
Waiting for your next update! Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 7: Omg! I love this chapter so much. I'm already rooting for yeoljong so hard. Sungyeol had already fallen hard xD I really hope that Sungjong is the blonde 'girl' <3
Thanks for the update!
solotenk #6
Chapter 7: Yay update :D
Chapter 7: hahahha am i thinking right? its sungjong right hehhehe ... oh how yeol's dream will shatter hahahaha ...thank for the update please update more often
nana0415 #8
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update ... I'm wondering who that boy might be
nana0415 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update..please update soon^^