
Infinite Power


“There she is.” Sungyeol whispered excitedly under his breath. “Don't look, don't look!” he scolded Myungsoo when he was being overly obvious, practically staring at her. Of course, she was so gorgeous that it was hard to take your eyes off her, that he understood better than anyone, but blatantly staring at her was not going to do him any favors.

“Dude.. that's not a girl…” Myungsoo was looking at him as if he had lost his mind.

“Not you too!” he sighed in frustration. It was just not that good of a disguise. Sure, it would do nicely for Halloween, but she wasn't fooling anyone with her long, silky locks and perfect, delicate figure. Or apparently she was fooling everyone, everyone except him.

“Are you blind?” he complained, determined to make Myungsoo see the light. “Are you attracted to ‘him'" he cleverly asked, using air quotes when he said ‘him’.

“No, not really.” Myungsoo shrugged.

“See!” he exclaimed triumphantly, surprising even himself with his elegant powers of persuasion.

“Not sure that proves anything…” Myungsoo tried to poke holes in the blanket of proof he was weaving, not knowing that it was completely bulletproof.

“Are you attracted to me?” he asked point blank. It was a dirty trick, but Myungsoo had brought it upon himself.

“Ehh…” Myungsoo’s eyes tripled in size, nothing but air coming out of his petrified lungs.

“I rest my case.” he said smugly, not waiting for the shock to subside, taking advantage of Myungsoo's silence.

“Whatever rocks your boat, man.” Myungsoo shook his head, giving up in the face of Sungyeol's superior debating skills.

“Oh, she's coming over here! Go away!” he pushed Myungsoo away, surprised when it felt like pushing a rock instead of an upper arm. He had been working out. He wasn't sure muscles were going to help him much with his supernatural problem, but they couldn't hurt. Ah, he looked at his scrawny arms and sighed. Myungsoo was always one step ahead of him, it was how it had always been. And as a sidekick he could actually use some muscles, since he had no powers to lean on. He had to start working out too. He decided to start right away, tonight, there was no time like the present. Muscles could also come in handy when wooing little miss Goldilocks, he thought, the butterflies in his stomach agreeing wholeheartedly.

“Why?” Myungsoo looked hurt on purpose, trying to make him feel guilty for wanting to get rid of him.

“Go! I don't want to risk her falling for you!” he insisted, pushing him softly away.

“Okay, alright, I'm going. Just don't be weird.” Myungsoo gave him an encouraging wink.

“I'm never weird!” he objected as Myungsoo made himself scarce just in time. His princess was almost here. He tried to think of something cool to say, something to make her stop and notice him, but his brain was on strike.

Instead of flying past him with wordless sparkly sass like the fairy princess she was, she stopped right in front of him. His heart instantly turned into an African tribal drum. He could feel all the blood in his body rush to his cheeks. He tried to will it to disperse, but his cheeks just got hotter and hotter, like he had a hot pack in each cheek.

“Hey.” she said softly, almost shyly. He looked around him, not believing that she was actually talking to him. “I came to say sorry yesterday, but you were gone.” she said uncharacteristically awkwardly. It was so cute that it was all that Sungyeol could do not to straight out giggle. It gave him courage.

“Make it up to me.” He demanded boldly, raising one of his eyebrows playfully.

“Uh.. how?” she looked really taken aback, her stance changing from shy to wary.

“Have lunch with me.” He smiled sweetly, praying she would say yes.

“Em.. okay?” she said, sounding more like a question rather than an answer but he would take anything he could get.

“No, not the canteen. I've got a headache, too many people.” He said when she started heading to the school cafeteria, holding his head like he was terminally ill and peering his eyes dramatically.

“Then…where? It's not like we have choices.” She noted, the air mixed with confusion and intrigue.

“Classroom picnic!” Sungyeol exclaimed cheerfully.

“What?” she giggled.

“Come with me.” he wanted to do the whole grab her wrist and pull her away with him like a manly lead in a Kdrama, but chickening out, he just nodded in the direction they were going.


“Give me 5 minutes.” He grinned as he left her in an empty classroom, full-blown panicking as he ran down the hall while calling Myungsoo.

“I need help, now!”.


He didn't know how they did it, but in 8 minutes they managed to put together a proper picnic basket, or a picnic backpack if you will. Thanking Myungsoo with the biggest smile in the world, he ran back to the classroom, hoping against hope that she would still be there.


He opened the door to the classroom, slowly. He found himself wishing with all his might that she would still be there, even closing his eyes for a short moment, like opening them again would make her magically appear.

Whether there was magic involved or not, she was there. She was really there. He felt as if he had won multiple lotteries simultaneously. She looked up as he entered, her eyes soft and approachable. His heart jumped.

“Thanks for waiting.” He grinned. Not wasting any of their precious time together, he dove into the backpack and fished out a white table cloth they had borrowed from the cafeteria storage room. Borrowed might be an overstatement, but it wasn't stealing if he was going to bring it right back. Attempting coolness, he swung the cloth really high, trying to make it fly over the table in one smooth movement. The cloth had other ideas, falling in love with him half way, it changed directions and attacked him with a big cloth-hug, making him look like a cheap ghost. Not smooth at all. But then he heard it. The sound that in an instant became his favorite sound in the universe. She was laughing. It was such a cute sound, the butterflies completely lost it. Doubling their numbers, the fluttering was so chaotic and ticklish that he could barely stand up straight, let alone concentrate. And he needed to concentrate if he was going to charm her socks off.


After the initial hiccup, or ghostup, things went relatively smoothly. She seemed to really appreciate the trouble he had gone to in order to conjure up this romantic classroom picnic. And the conversation was flowing, they just talked and talked. Sungjong. That was her name. Probably fake, to go with her fake identity. Still, it was pretty and went well with his name. They could become the sungsung-couple.

He joked. She laughed. She joked and he completely missed the point, and she laughed. Every time the sound of her laughter reached his heart, it sprouted seeds of affection. He could feel himself fall deeper and deeper in love with her as those seeds took root in his heart. All he wanted was the chance to water them regularly until they grew strong and blossomed.

The lunch break went by in a blink of an eye, the sound of the bell robbing them of more time together. As Sungjong stood up, Sungyeol's hand discreetly disappeared into the front compartment of his backpack. He was nervous, but he knew he had to act fast, it was now or never.

“Go on a date with me.” he said as his hand conjured up a tiny bouquet of flowers, as if by magic.

“No.” Sungjong answered immediately, not even giving it a second's thought. She looked quite taken aback.

“Why?” he asked, not getting it. They had had an amazing time and there was no one going to tell him they lacked chemistry, they could have lighted up a ten story building with the electricity in the air between them.

“I'm not gay.” her expression hardened and the person he had spent lunch with disappeared, being replaced by the intense ice queen he had met in the hallway. “And stop chasing me around school, I don't want the entire student body thinking I am.”.

Ah. Sungyeol finally got it. It wasn't that she didn't like him, being seen with him was jeopardizing her cover.

“Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.” he whispered as they exited the classroom.

“Huh?” she reacted as if she didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Man, she was a good actress.

He sent her an enthusiastic wave goodbye, determined to find a way for them to be together.




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Chapter 10: Man I am falling in love with this Sung-Sung couple already!! Although, poor Sungyeol :( he still believes that Sungjong is a girl. Oh how he would react if he finally knew the truth. Would his feelings for Sungjong change?
Anyway, thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 9: Omg I missed this! Atleast Sungyeol finally got the attention of the 'blonde girl'. :D waiting for your next update!
nana0415 #3
Chapter 8: Its been so long..Btw thanks for the update and i hope you'll update soon^^
Chapter 8: It's been so a long time since your last update. I'm excited about this chapter. It's amazing)))
Waiting for your next update! Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 7: Omg! I love this chapter so much. I'm already rooting for yeoljong so hard. Sungyeol had already fallen hard xD I really hope that Sungjong is the blonde 'girl' <3
Thanks for the update!
solotenk #6
Chapter 7: Yay update :D
Chapter 7: hahahha am i thinking right? its sungjong right hehhehe ... oh how yeol's dream will shatter hahahaha ...thank for the update please update more often
nana0415 #8
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update^^
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update ... I'm wondering who that boy might be
nana0415 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update..please update soon^^