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”Hey there,my little boy.”


aheheh so I kept appearing and dissapearing on this app as well as having a major writer’s yeah

but as you can see,I’m back and ready to kick again


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I found this beautiful story today and I'm gonna have a great time reading it now uwu♡
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 95: please be okay kookie...and all the others as well...

i hope that rots in jail...she is really bad...
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 93: what is happening??? please bring kookie to a doctor or something and make sure that she rots in jail...i hope someone has called the police so they can arrest her...
kulitlang08 #4
Chapter 92: OMG!!!! no kookie!!!!!
kulitlang08 #5
Chapter 91: wow an update!!!

but what a cliffhanger!!! and why is it always kookie??? he is suffering so much...experiencing too much poor kookie...

please be strong kookie...
Sweetie, ahnyoung ^_^
Unnie is going to have a marathon reading your story. I'm so sorry for not commenting yet. Just just me some time and I'll deleiver my promise soon. I'm sorry.
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 90: cool!!! congratulations!!! :)

rest well and treat yourself for a while...update when you can...:)
well i,m shocked .....kookie....
but i cant wait for your update
thank u so much loveee u^.^
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 89: ooohhhh...but kookie is in danger now...

i hope that ji-eun's plan works before anyone else gets hurt...and what is the plan??