Important!!!(please read)

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Okay I am really really terribly sorry for not updating.I'm just currently not in the mood.

You see,I have a problem with a few of my closest friends and my ex bestfriend and I'm feeling so lonely so I'm a bit depressed but some eonnies and an oppa helped me a bit.Also,my ipad broke and now I have to use my phone for updating and the small key pad is quite an inconvenience so I'm just getting used to it.

I'm just taking out my depression on my new fic so I hope you guys understand why I haven't been able to update for a while and won't be for maybe a few days.

I'll be better soon.Maybe once I end My worst nightmare?idk

Sorry again

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I found this beautiful story today and I'm gonna have a great time reading it now uwu♡
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 95: please be okay kookie...and all the others as well...

i hope that rots in jail...she is really bad...
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 93: what is happening??? please bring kookie to a doctor or something and make sure that she rots in jail...i hope someone has called the police so they can arrest her...
kulitlang08 #4
Chapter 92: OMG!!!! no kookie!!!!!
kulitlang08 #5
Chapter 91: wow an update!!!

but what a cliffhanger!!! and why is it always kookie??? he is suffering so much...experiencing too much poor kookie...

please be strong kookie...
Sweetie, ahnyoung ^_^
Unnie is going to have a marathon reading your story. I'm so sorry for not commenting yet. Just just me some time and I'll deleiver my promise soon. I'm sorry.
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 90: cool!!! congratulations!!! :)

rest well and treat yourself for a while...update when you can...:)
well i,m shocked .....kookie....
but i cant wait for your update
thank u so much loveee u^.^
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 89: ooohhhh...but kookie is in danger now...

i hope that ji-eun's plan works before anyone else gets hurt...and what is the plan??