Part. 5

Extraordinary family
Tonight is just like the others night. The kids is busy with their own world. Sooyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom and Vernon are having battle in playing game and their Dad also join them, the moment when Dad behave like their kids. Jeonghan is helping Chan and Ming to do the homework and Mingyu, the clever student and always be number 1 in his school is helping Seungkwan and Jun to do the homework.

"It's my turn to play!", Vernon yelled at Wonwoo who didn't give the stick to him.
"No!I haven't finish yet", Wonwoo answered.
Then they fight over a game and they disturb their brother who is doing the homework.
"Yak, guys stop!"
"No, i won't!"
"Just buy me the new one Dad!"
Sometimes Seungcheol was unable to handle the kids who fight over a game because they like to play game very much.
"You two just leave the home, go play the game out there!", Jihoon started to feel annoyed with them.
"Yak Wonwoo and Vernon stop! Or Dad will sell this game portable", said Seungcheol.
"Mom! Dad is really mean!"
"Mom, i have to study but they are really annoying"
This situation is one of the challeges for Jeonghan as a Mother who has many kids and even they are all boys.
"It's time for dinner, Wonu ya if you don't let Vernon to play you're not going to eat tonight, let's eat first, after we finish our dinner Vernon can play the game", said Jeonghan.
"Nee Mom", Wonwoo answered.
The kids are really scared of their Mom, because their angel mom can turn into evil if they make a bigger problem.

While clearing up the kitchen after dinner, Jeonghan suddenly feels a pain in her stomach and the pain is getting worse.
"Seungcheol ah!!!", she called him.
"What happen?! Is it the time?!"
"I think yes"
"Jisoo!! Mom and Dad are going to the hospital right now please take care of your brothers”, Seungcheol commanded.
"Alright Dad, be careful!"
Then Seungcheol immediately brings Jeonghan to the hospital.

At home..
"Kids! Come over!", Jisoo called all of his brothers to gather at the living room.
"Hyung!, Mom is going to give birth?" asked Seungkwan.
"Yeah you're right, therefore let’s pray for Mom as well as the baby and hope everything goes well and the baby is born safely"
"Nee hyung" 

In the hospital..
It has been almost an hour that Seungcheol wait outside the room and he is standing in front of the door but there is no sign if the baby has born. In previous time, his children were born quickly but why this time it takes so long. He is very concerned with what is happening inside. Do something happen with Jeonghan or the baby. Then a nurse come out of the room.
"Sir please come in"
When Seungcheol enters the room he looks at his wife, who is still lying in pain.

"Honey, why the baby is hard to come out", Jeonghan began to cry.
"You must be strong dear, I'm here. You have to fight for our baby and the kids who have been waiting for their younger sibling," said Seungcheol while holding his wife's hand tightly.
"Well let's start again, you have to calm your mind,", said the doctor.
Jeonghan is trying to push with all of her strength, again and again. She is holding Seungcheol’s hand very tightly.
"Doctor, why the baby isn't come out yet?", Seungcheol started to worry.
"Just be pantience sir"
"Jeonghan ah, don't give up. I believe you can do this you're a strong mother", Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan with teary eyes because this is the most difficult childbirth for Jeonghan.
She is giving her everything to bring the baby out. She often run out of breath when trying to push and there is a time that she wants to give up but seeing Seungcheol beside her give her the energy back.

After about an hour finally the sound of a baby crying is heard. Seungcheol is very relieved to hear it as well as Jeonghan who is still very weak with exhaustion.
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hyachiko #1
Chapter 12: Your back!!! Thank you for another update. I kinda miss this story..
Arjei14 #2
Chapter 11: Auw... so heartwarming*despite chan kidnapping.
Thank U,authornim.
Chapter 10: No!!! Channie!! I bet Jeonghan is going frantic again xD Knew you change the title. When I saw that it updated I was confuse. Did I ever subscribe to this story? Then I saw the forward then I remembered xD
Arjei14 #4
Chapter 9: Sweet like candy
Cute like kitty
*just trying to say I love Ur story theme
hyachiko #5
Chapter 9: Thanks for this wonderful update... hope you can write more of this family ㅎㅅㅎ
Chapter 9: AWWWWW~~!!! I thought she was kidnapped for real!! Hahahaha xD And I was annoyed when Jeonghan and Seungcheol didn't call the police for back up because I thought she was really being kidnapped xD Hahahahaha
Chapter 8: yo yo yo yo Can I ask for another sequel? SORRY BUT OMG WE NEED MORE CUZ THIS IS SO KAWAII u wu
littlebun91 #8
Chapter 8: ok how about we twist a little..haha..their brothers finally didnt become protective anymore..and suddenly she feel sad cuz she didnt get the attention like before and she want it back..haha..just my opinion
Chapter 8: Hahaha how cute! Jeonghan can't scold Cheonsa but she has to scold the brothers xD