Jeju romance

Extraordinary family
In the room...
"Look at this", Seungcheol shows a vacation package information in his phone.
"What? Jeju?"
"Yes, we will go to Jeju for having fun"
"But why only 2, how about the kids?"
"Just two of us who will go"
"Are you kidding me?"
"They aren't kids anymore they can take care of themselves"
"But how about Cheonsa and Chan, I never leave them more than 24 hours and they always stick with me"
"There are Jisoo, Mingyu and Seungkwan who will take care of them"
"Is it okay to leave the kids?"
"Come on, I prepare all of this just for you. I just want to make you rest"
"Do they will allow us to go?"
"We will go in early morning before they wake up secretly. Just for 2 days 1 night. It isn't for a long time"
Jeonghan seems thoughtful for a moment.
"Ehmm, okay then", she finally agrees.

In the morning...
Mingyu is the first to wake up and immediately goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast then he realizes a paper that taped in the refrigenerator.

"My babies, Mom and Dad are in business trip for 2 days 1 night. Take care of yourself well. Mom has prepared all the things to be cooked here. Don't make problems and older brothers please take care of Cheonsa and Chan well.
I love you my babies..Kiss and Hug..See you.."(Dad n Mom)

"Guys come here!!", Mingyu calls the others.
Half of them immediately come to him but the other seem still in the dream land because it's still early morning.
"Mom and Dad leave us secretly, they are so mean", said Seungkwan.
"But Mom has prepared breakfast for us", said Jun.
"Where did they go?", asked Jihoon.
"I don't know they didn't say anything  about it", said Mingyu.
"What should we do then?", said Wonwoo.
"Don't worry they just go for 2 days, just let them have some time to rest they must be tired taking care of us everyday", said Jisoo wisely.
"Allright hyung"

Meanwhile in Jeju...
Seungcheol takes Jeonghan to a hotel which has a beutiful view that facing to the beutiful sea. This is special just for his lovely wife Jeonghan.

After enter the room they take a rest for a moment before go out to explore Jeju. They are laying on the bed and Jeonghan put her head on Seungcheol's arm. Seungcheol pats Jeonghan's head and sometime kiss her forehead dan smell the fragrance of her beautiful light brown hair.

"Ahh it has been very long time since last time we dated, finally we have a time for just two of us, you know that we have many kids and we only able tobe together when sleeping", said Seungcheol.
"You're right you can't get closer to me because the kids always stick with me especially Cheonsa and Chan hahaha"
"Let's take a rest first, there are still many things to do"

At home...
Sooyoung calls the other to join him to disturb Dad and Mom who are having fun.

"Guys come here!", Sooyoung commands brothers to join him.

Kids are video calling their parent...
"Dad Mom!"
"My babies, how are you", said Mom.
"Why you leave us secretly?!"
"If Dad told you before, you would force to join us hahaha", Dad teases the kids.
"Where are you Mom?"
"It's a secret", Dad teases again and Jeonghan can only laugh.
"Whyyy", the kids is getting annoyed.
"Mom, I'm not going to eat if you are not come back", said Cheonsa.
"What are you saying baby, I will back soon don't worry?!"
"Huwaaa Mom, I already miss you", said Chan.
"Why only Mom, don't you miss your Dad to?"
"No! Because Dad is so mean", said Wonwoo.
"Yak! Then we will stay here longer"
"Mom please scold Dad", said Dokyeom.
"We just go for 2 days why are you feel like we go for 1 year. I'll come back soon, later we will go here together"
"Vernon, Wonwoo and Dokyeom you guys don't fight and bully your brother and sister when Dad and Mom aren't at home or I will sell you game portable", said Seungcheol.
"Arraseo Dad"
"Go to sleep my babies, it's already night. Stop playing the game and don't forget to lock all the doors"
"Okay Mom"
"Goodnight my babies"
"Goodnight Dad and Mom"

In Jeju...
"I feel very guilty with the kids"
"Don't worry they are all fine maybe Cheonsa is a little bit mad but I'm sure Jisoo can take care of her well"
"I hope so"
"Let's go", Seungcheol grabs her hand.
"You'll know"

Seungcheol brings Jeonghan to have a romantic dinner in the cafe which they ever visited when they were still dating.
"Woah", Jeonghan is amazed with a beautiful view in front of her. A table decorated with flowers also candlle and two white chairs. When you sit there, a beautiful night view of jeju and the beach are seen.

They sit and enjoy the romance when just two of them without any interuption from the kids. For a moment, they talk about past time when they first met until now they have 12 kids.
Jeju is also one of the meaningful places for them because Seungkwan was born in Jeju.
Seungcheol and Jeonghan decide to go to the rooftop. Seungcheol is back hugging Jeonghan while admiring the beautiful sea and sky with scatered stars.
"Thank you honey for everything", said Jeonghan.
"This is my job to make you happy, I only can give you this as a reward for you for being an awesome Mom who taking care of me and the kids"
"You are also a great daddy who work hard all day long for us"
"It isn't even one day but I already miss my babies"
"Me too"

Night is getting late and they back to the hotel. But does the vacation end here?

Seungcheol is lying on the bed and playing with his phone while waiting for Jeonghan.
"Come here baby"
"Why are you keep teasing me?"
"Our trip hasn't ended yet", Seungcheol winks at Jeonghan.
"I know exactly what are you thinking. Are you not tired?"
"Of course not, when else I can play with you all day long. Come on", he start to show his aegyo.
"You just like the kids"
"Honey~", Seungcheol is holding out his hand.
Jeonghan smiles and grabs his hand.
*stop here I don't want to make this as a LOL

In the morning...
The sun has been rising high. Seungcheol and Jeonghan still peacefully sleep after having a beautiful night. *.*
Jeonghan wakes up first and she only stares at her husband. Then she fixes his messy hair. Seungcheol then wakes up.
"Good morning"
"Good morning baby"
Then Seungcheol hugs her and Jeonghan hides on his embrace.
"It's already 10, We have to prepare to come back. "
"Okay, but wait"
Seungcheol grabs her face and kiss her gently.

Before they come back to Seoul they buy many delicious food from Jeju for their beloved kids.

Finally they reach home and back to the reality. Back to the daily activities as parent. Even they are happy to be able experienced a date again but now their kids are the complement to their happiness.

I'm back. A new story is updated, hope you like it ^ ^

I hope the stories of this family can always entertain you.

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hyachiko #1
Chapter 12: Your back!!! Thank you for another update. I kinda miss this story..
Arjei14 #2
Chapter 11: Auw... so heartwarming*despite chan kidnapping.
Thank U,authornim.
Chapter 10: No!!! Channie!! I bet Jeonghan is going frantic again xD Knew you change the title. When I saw that it updated I was confuse. Did I ever subscribe to this story? Then I saw the forward then I remembered xD
Arjei14 #4
Chapter 9: Sweet like candy
Cute like kitty
*just trying to say I love Ur story theme
hyachiko #5
Chapter 9: Thanks for this wonderful update... hope you can write more of this family ㅎㅅㅎ
Chapter 9: AWWWWW~~!!! I thought she was kidnapped for real!! Hahahaha xD And I was annoyed when Jeonghan and Seungcheol didn't call the police for back up because I thought she was really being kidnapped xD Hahahahaha
Chapter 8: yo yo yo yo Can I ask for another sequel? SORRY BUT OMG WE NEED MORE CUZ THIS IS SO KAWAII u wu
littlebun91 #8
Chapter 8: ok how about we twist a little..haha..their brothers finally didnt become protective anymore..and suddenly she feel sad cuz she didnt get the attention like before and she want it back..haha..just my opinion
Chapter 8: Hahaha how cute! Jeonghan can't scold Cheonsa but she has to scold the brothers xD