Family outing pt. 1

Extraordinary family
The school holiday has came. Jeongcheol family home still looks empty because the kids haven’t wake up yet, only Joshua and Jun who look busy because they want to go jogging. Seungcheol is also still sleeping after tired of working last night *hehe . Well, just on this moment Jeonghan can feel a peace at home because usually the house is always crowded, especially in the morning, the kids who are preparing to go to school, college and work.

When Jeonghan is busy in the kitchen suddenly Seungcheol comes then back hug her.
"Good morning babe" and kiss on Jeonghan’s cheek.
"Good morning, what if the kids see us"
"They are still in bed, it has been a while that we don’t have moment like this"
"How is your plan? Are you going to tell the kids right now?
"Of course, you haven’t said that to the kids?"
"Not yet, it’s better that you do"
"Go take bath!"
"Popo!", Seungcheol already wants to land his lips to Jeonghan’s but then…
"Nee! Do it later, ok?", Jeonghan winked at him.
"Ah wae", Seungcheol pissed off.

Finally, the kids have fully gathered for breakfast. After finishing their breakfast, Seungcheol begin to talk about his plan.
"Kids listen! Dad has a surprise for you"
All of them suddenly stop their activities and pay attention seriously to their Dad.
"We’re going to go on vacation!"
"Yay!!!!", the kids cheered happily.
"Where are we going Dad?!”, asked Seungkwan.
"It's a secret"
"Let's get prepared kids," Mom commanded.
"Okay Mom!"

They are very excited to go on vacation this time moreover with all of the family members.They go with two cars, Seungcheol and Mingyu drive the cars. On the way they are singing happily but at the end they fall asleep because the trip takes about 5 hours. The way leads the family to the mountainous area. Seungcheol wants to take his family to the fresh and peace atmosphere away from the busy city, Seoul.

At 4 p.m finally they arrive at the destination which has been chosen by Seungcheol but after out of the car they still have to walk about 10 minutes from the car park.
"We have arrived!"
"Are you serious Dad?!"
An old traditional house in the village at the hill that is simple even no shops nearby.
"We will spend 3 days 2 nights here"
"Mom, why Dad give us this kind of vacation"
"I want to back home Mom"
"What do you mean Dad to bring us here?"
"Let us move Mom!”
"Listen kids! You have to follow what Dad has been prepared or I won’t give you money. If you want to go then go but I won’t give you money and take your card"
"Just follow your Dad", said Mom.
When Mom already talk they can’t oppose it.

They reluctantly enter the house and organize their stuffs. Only 2 rooms available but it has large living room. They choose to sleep together in the living room.

"It's time for dinner but we have to cook by ourselves", said Dad.
"Why we don’t call delivery order", asked Vernon.
"No! We have to cook", said Dad.
"I'll divide the tasks. Joshua, Jihoon and Vernon take the ingredients in the car, Sooyoung and Dokyeom turn on the fire, Ming and Seungkwan wash the ingredient. Mingyu, Jun, Cheonsa will cook with me. Dad cut the woods, Chan and Wonwoo bring here" Mom commanded to the kids.
"Alright Mom!"
The kids can’t do anything except follow what their parents’ order.

The kids do what they are told by Mom. Some of them do it passionately but some of them also grumbling because they are accustomed to the good life at home without any difficulties using traditional way like this.

Mingyu ‘the husband material’, handsome, tall, smart and good at helping his parents, who the girl that is not fall in love with him. He swiftly help Mom to cook, he is a very good at cooking.

Tonight is very noisy and chaotic because it's the first time the whole family work together for cooking.

"Oppa stop eating!", Cheonsa yelled at Dokyeom who just eat instead of helping to cook.
"Ah my eyes hurt”, Sooyoung ‘the fire maker’ who suffered from smoke.
"I'm really hungry", said Wonwoo.
"Why is it too difficult", said Dokyeom.
"Why we should do this", said Chan.But Sooyoung and Seungkwan are cheerfully singing to cheer up those who are working hard.

After struggling about 2 hours finally the cooking lesson is done.
"Enjoy your meal!"
They all eat the food heartily without even saying a word.
Seungcheol and Jeonghan only amazed by watching their kids who look very hungry and don’t speak at all.

"You're all great, Mom proud of you"
"But actually why we are here Dad?", said Jisoo.
"What is the reason Dad?", said Jihoon.
"Actually, Dad wants to give you a different experience of life, how can you live independently not only spoiled with all the facilities, how to cooperate and build a togetherness"
"Daddy did not mean any vicious act to you, all these plans have good intentions to train you to be a great child", said Mom.
"I'm sorry Dad because we have bad thoughts to you earlier"
"I'm sorry Dad, you are really the best", Cheonsa then hugs and kisses Seungcheol.

Now it’s time to decide who will wash the dishes. They play ‘paper, rock, scissors’ and the losers are Soyoung, Joshua and Jihoon, then they immediately washing the dishes.

"I prepare a snack for you but it's not for free, if you want to get this follow my rule"
"Ah Mom"
"Let's have a battle", said Seungcheol.
"Jisoo, Jihoon, Seungkwan, Dokyeom do a sing battle; Wonwoo, Vernon, Mingyu rap battle; Ming, Jun, Sooyoung, Chan dance battle", said Jeonghan.
Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Cheonsa are the judges.

"Let's start!", Cheonsa lead the battle.
The competition becomes like a gag concert, they do silly things that bring laughter to the judges and other participants. The judges are really confused to determine the winner because the chaotic situation. Vernon turn on the music and the living room of the old house turns out like a night club. They are just enjoying this moment together to forget about the crazy schedule of school and work in Seoul for a moment.

"Listen kids! I'll decide the winners. Are you ready?!", said Jeonghan
"Vernon, Seungkwan and Sooyoung congratulations!!"
Then three of them happily run to their Mom to take the gifts but at the end they share the snack with others.

It’s already late night, they are all getting ready for bed to rest from this exhausting day. Although they all just sleep on the floor and the night is really cold, but they feel warm because of their togetherness with their big family.

In the morning...
Mingyu, Wonwoo and Chan get up first and then Chan join Wonwoo and Mingyu to find wood in the forest in preparation for making fire to cook.

However, suddenly..
"Mom! Dad!", Mingyu and Wonwoo shouted frantically calling Seungcheol and Jeonghan.
"What happen?!"
"Chan is missing!", said Wonwoo.


To be continued ...

I don't know what to write actually but still hope that it turns out well.
This story inspired by seventeen one fine day. *i love mingyu lol

*Fyi i changed the title from 'a miracle' to 'extraordinary family' the reason is bc the story has changed in the sequel. Thank you ^ ^
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hyachiko #1
Chapter 12: Your back!!! Thank you for another update. I kinda miss this story..
Arjei14 #2
Chapter 11: Auw... so heartwarming*despite chan kidnapping.
Thank U,authornim.
Chapter 10: No!!! Channie!! I bet Jeonghan is going frantic again xD Knew you change the title. When I saw that it updated I was confuse. Did I ever subscribe to this story? Then I saw the forward then I remembered xD
Arjei14 #4
Chapter 9: Sweet like candy
Cute like kitty
*just trying to say I love Ur story theme
hyachiko #5
Chapter 9: Thanks for this wonderful update... hope you can write more of this family ㅎㅅㅎ
Chapter 9: AWWWWW~~!!! I thought she was kidnapped for real!! Hahahaha xD And I was annoyed when Jeonghan and Seungcheol didn't call the police for back up because I thought she was really being kidnapped xD Hahahahaha
Chapter 8: yo yo yo yo Can I ask for another sequel? SORRY BUT OMG WE NEED MORE CUZ THIS IS SO KAWAII u wu
littlebun91 #8
Chapter 8: ok how about we twist a little..haha..their brothers finally didnt become protective anymore..and suddenly she feel sad cuz she didnt get the attention like before and she want it back..haha..just my opinion
Chapter 8: Hahaha how cute! Jeonghan can't scold Cheonsa but she has to scold the brothers xD