Part 2: Heartache

Uni. Oneshot Series

Part 2: Heartache


"Sometimes....I regret it, Noona.", Wonshik could feel how sore his back was from laying on the hardwood floor for so long. But he didn’t care. Even as his eyes begin to softly water at the bright lights of the dance room burning into his eyes.


A young woman with long black hair pulled into a high ponytail, wearing a tank top and shorts, paused the loud music. Everything turned silent quickly, only Hakyeonie's ragged breaths from dancing could be heard. Sweat covered every inch of her skin and her dancing muscles ached in a good way.  She stretched some more and sat back onto the floor next to Wonshik, gulping down half a water bottle in the process.


Nobody was in the dance room but the two of them at the moment. Hakyeonie always stayed behind for more practice, never feeling as if she was good enough. "So what is it this time?" She sighed, leaning back to laid down next to Wonshik staring up at the bright lights.


It was silent for a few moments, "I....sometimes I regret meeting Jaehwa in the first place." His expression grew sullen, "If I hadn't met her...than all of this wouldn't have happened...." the younger paused, his eyes turned soft, "I probably would've never had fallen for her."


The older girl's heart ached and she didn't think she could watch Wonshik break down in front of her. She knew of Wonshik’s feelings for Jaehwa since the night they first met each other. The night where the two old friends reunited only to find the other had moved on to another. And Hakyeonie still can’t forget the look on Wonshik’s face as Jaehwa announced proudly to her long-time friend that she had found love with Taekwoon.


Hakyeonie, herself, became torn. As before Wonshik, it was only the three of them and Hakyeonie was a proud supporter of the two getting together. But now hearing Wonshik’s story, Hakyeonie doesn’t what to do anymore. All she knows is that, she hopes Wonshik knows that there will always be someone nearby that loves him as well.


"Hakyeonie-noona....have you ever been in love?"


Her heart skipped a beat instantly, feeling a sudden urge to take his hand in hers and confess all her feelings to him. But she held back, if she'll end up breaking her heart even more. She knew what the answer was going to be but she didn't want to hear it.


She glanced away from his face to the bright lights shining above them, "....Y-yes, I have....I mean everyone finds love once in their lives..."


She glanced back to see a warm smile spread on his lips, directed towards her. Her heart jumped painfully in her chest as a light pink began to spread on her cheeks. Hakyeonie knew she should look away but she just couldn't find herself to do so.


"'ve felt it, haven't you? The rush of warmth and happiness they bring when you're next to them. The ache you feel in your chest every time you know you can never hold their hands or kiss their lips, because their heart is already taken. But you find yourself never being able to move on because you love them so much, no matter how you try."


And all the while Wonshik had stared so honestly into her eyes with a warmth she had never seen before. Jaehwa was such a lucky girl to have two perfect men in love with her. If only she could find someone who loves her just as much.


Even if they were alone and Hakyeonie could feel her heart melt at his warm expression. She knew it wasn't her that the expression was directed at and she began to hate the warmth that covered every inch of his handsome face.  


Her heart was breaking even more at the sight. "Yes...I have felt that way, Wonshik."


'Because of you.'


tighten and she could feel tears starting to form, she couldn't break down in front of him, not like this.


He grew concerned for her, "Noona, what's wrong? Are you okay?"




“Y-yes, I'm alright." The short sutter and the failing smile did nothing to convince him that she was okay. But he knew enough to know that he shouldn't question it.


Wonshik sat up and nervously glanced at her every few seconds, like the awkward guy he is. “Well if you ever want to talk about it…” he trailed off not knowing what to say next, as he twiddled his fingers.


Hakyeonie laid there on the wooden floor watching him, “...I’ll think about it…” she softly answered. Though deep down inside she knew she could never talk to him about it. It would only make their relationship more complicated.


Wonshik slightly smiled standing up as he did. Hakyeonie could barely watched as he walked towards the door, sending her a quick 'see you later' and the door closing slowly behind him.


All she knew next was the adrenaline pounding in her ears as she fluidly moved through her dance. Numb, she could barely feel the pain coursing her veins and the tears that blinded her sight. She didn't know what to feel or do anymore but dance with no sense of direction.


Finding herself next falling into the strong and loyal arms of one of her friends, she knew she could trust with her heart.

"Noona, are you okay!?"

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and read so far! And to everyone else that comments! Comments are welcomed and very much appreciated! It always helps to gain feedback from the readers and I enjoy seeing if any of you can correctly guess who the person at the end is. 

I decided to upload this right now since today is a very special day for me. It's my birthday today, yay. So I hope you all enjoyed reading the second part!

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 16: It was cute and interesting to see their pov, and to see what happened before they met... I'm going to miss this ;-;
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 13: Whaaaaa so cute >_<
Happy ending~~ will miss them ;-;
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 13: The Luck at the end had so much fluff I can't stop myself from smiling... It's too beautiful! T^T Happy endings for everyone!
KTsuki-chan #4
Chapter 11: So sad it's going to end T-T
But happy Raken made up :3
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 10: Oooh... final couples~~~ wish them luck to confess~~
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 9: T^T That means Luck, Kenvi and Chabin for the ending? Poor Taekwoon but he did good in knocking sense into Wonshik's thick skull...
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 9: Haha, thank you Taekwoon for knowking some sense into Wonshik XD
Even if I started reading Keo before Raken, I still love Raken more x) my precious babieeees~~~
I'll wait for the next chapter~
missing_vixx #8
Chapter 8: @_@ oh my gosh, my heart.... Is this the start of some extremely complicated shift in relationship dynamics?
KTsuki-chan #9
Chapter 8: Aaaaaah time for some Raken now?? :D
Poor Taekwoon ╥﹏╥ I don't really know who I should support, since I love both couples.... (let's not choose I cheer for Wontaek XD //kidding//)
It's been a while by the way, so... welcome back (=^-ω-^=) but everyday, really?? You want my death, don't you?? X)