Part 10: Winter Confession

Uni. Oneshot Series


Leaning back in his revolving chair, Wonshik pushed his hair back away from his forehead. He turned his vision away from the computer screen and looked out the window at the soft snow falling to the ground.


Wonshik could hear long ago laughter ringing in his ears with the lingering feeling of getting hit by snowballs. The chilling feeling from the snow on his hands as he threw back.


Wonshik placed his head on top of his arms. He misses her smile, he misses her laughter, he misses Jaehwa. Why did he ever come here? She’s so close but so far and his heart aches so much more than being thousands of miles apart.


The chime of his phone announced a new message. Without lifting his head from the desk, Wonshik peered at the screen his eyes widening.


Wonshik, I miss you.


Wonshik knew he couldn't go to her. This absence has only made him yearn for her more. If he went to her now who knows what he might say or do. He really doesn’t want to make her have to feel like she’s letting him down.


However, Jaehwa trusts him, maybe not as much as Taekwoon but….he has been her friend since childhood. He can’t keep avoiding her with excuses and making it like everything is okay. Jaehwa shared all her worries and fears with him when they were younger, why can’t he do the same.



Walking into the same art room one month later, Jaehwa sending warm smiles and the twinkling of stars in her eyes as she saw him again, Wonshik thought Jaehwa had finally found happiness and he wished her well.


“Wonshik!” She hugged him tightly and he could only hug her back. “I missed you.” Wonshik could hear the relief in her voice.  Why did he ever think of avoiding her?


“I missed you too, Jaehwa.” They separated and Wonshik couldn’t help looking at her gently, “I was just so busy these last few weeks. I’m sorry I couldn't hang out with you.”


“That's...alright.” There was a hesitation in her voice but Wonshik chose to ignore it.


“So how has it been with Taekwoon?”


Jaehwa looked down, “We broke up, not to long ago.”

Wonshik bit his lip, not knowing what to say from the sudden news. Jaehwa had trusted Taekwoon just as much as him. He can’t believe they would’ve broken up so fast.

“I’m sorry…”


Jaehwa shook her head, “We came to an agreement ourselves that we should head in different directions and we should go where our heart takes us. We’re still friends and I believe Taekwoon is a trustworthy friend to have around.”


Wonshik wondered if the chance he had been waiting for had come. But….he knew he couldn’t take advantage of it now, not when Jaehwa may be heartbroken by this development.


Wonshik took a deep breath, “Jaehwa, you're always being honest with me, even when you may put up a wall or a mask in front of others. So I was happy to see you making other friends and finding someone who you can trust, someone who could better understand you than I ever could.”


He locked gazes with her nervously, “But now I want to be honest with you. I don’t want to hide my feelings from you anymore.”


“You can tell me anything, Wonshik.” Jaehwa smiled warmly, reaching up to cup his cheeks.


Wonshik knew this was now or never. With Jaehwa staring deeply and affectionately into his eyes, he knew he had to say it. “I love you, Jaehwa. I’ve always loved you. I’ve just always been afraid to say it. I thought you would give up your own happiness for mine, so I thought staying away for awhile would heal me. But I could still remember everything and I could never get you out of my head. Your beautiful laugh, your smile, how you use to come to me for comfort when we were young. I’ve always cared for you and would never think of leaving you. I love you that much.”


Jaehwa smiled softly, “Wonshik, I can’t fully say I love you yet. But I do know I trust you with my heart. I don’t know if what I am feeling for you is love but...I want to try being with you. I’m happy just to be with you.”


Wonshik almost burst from happiness, “Does this mean...Jaehwa, you want to be with me?”


Jaehwa nodded, “I do. I want to be with you every second of the day and hear your smile and laughter. I can’t stand being away from you any longer.”


Jaehwa wrapped her arms around Wonshik, pulling him closer as she laid her head on his shoulder.


Wonshik smiled, happiness overflowing from every inch. “I love you, Jaehwa. I won’t ever let you go.” He gently kissed her forehead.


I had to actually rewrite this part a little last night cause I wanted to add more affection and talking to the scene. This part (and the next two things I will be posting) was actually written before part 7, 8, and 9. So there may be some inconsistencies.

Overall I hope you all have enjoyed this series so far. Tomorrow I will actually be uploading the last two parts instead of one part, since I’m going to be busy on Christmas Day. After that I may upload a few other specials, but we will see.




Special: What Hurts Can Always Heal




Final Part: Under The Mistletoe


Look forward to it!

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 16: It was cute and interesting to see their pov, and to see what happened before they met... I'm going to miss this ;-;
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 13: Whaaaaa so cute >_<
Happy ending~~ will miss them ;-;
missing_vixx #3
Chapter 13: The Luck at the end had so much fluff I can't stop myself from smiling... It's too beautiful! T^T Happy endings for everyone!
KTsuki-chan #4
Chapter 11: So sad it's going to end T-T
But happy Raken made up :3
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 10: Oooh... final couples~~~ wish them luck to confess~~
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 9: T^T That means Luck, Kenvi and Chabin for the ending? Poor Taekwoon but he did good in knocking sense into Wonshik's thick skull...
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 9: Haha, thank you Taekwoon for knowking some sense into Wonshik XD
Even if I started reading Keo before Raken, I still love Raken more x) my precious babieeees~~~
I'll wait for the next chapter~
missing_vixx #8
Chapter 8: @_@ oh my gosh, my heart.... Is this the start of some extremely complicated shift in relationship dynamics?
KTsuki-chan #9
Chapter 8: Aaaaaah time for some Raken now?? :D
Poor Taekwoon ╥﹏╥ I don't really know who I should support, since I love both couples.... (let's not choose I cheer for Wontaek XD //kidding//)
It's been a while by the way, so... welcome back (=^-ω-^=) but everyday, really?? You want my death, don't you?? X)