Chapter 2: Dancing Till The Break of Dawn

Gift of an Angel


Jenny’s POV

I begin to warm up as I watched the rest of my dance crew continued to rehearse without me. As the practice end, I stayed back and continued to work on the choreography. 


Jaejoong’s POV

I walked quietly in the company’s office and passed by the dance practice room. I immediately looked back and watch Jenny’s intense practice on the tour’s choreography. She reminds me of Junsu, who always practice hard during the rehearsal. Now it was her water break time, so I decided to walk in. 


“’re practicing hard for the next tour.”

“Of course! I just got accepted and I definitely want to please our CEO,” she said it with a smile on her face.

“Don’t you think you’re working too hard?”

“Not really?” she laughed.

It’s been a while since I saw anyone who worked for the practice similar to Junsu. 


“Hey Jaejoong! Look what I can do!” 


I looked at Jenny as she did a backflip with an immediate backspin. I was super impressed. I consider B - Girl rare in my world. 


“Take a break, Jenny. I know you’re exhausted.” I handed her a bottle of water. She drank the whole thing in less than 30 second. “Told you so.”


“Did you ever work this hard?” Jenny asked. 

“I always work hard, but not that far of an extent. I don’t think our choreographer would push you this far.”

“But -”

“No buts.” I picked her up and carried her out of the company. “Tell me now. Are you going to rest or work?”


Jenny gave a solid grumpy face. I chuckled at her a bit.


“I’m dragging you home.”

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