Chapter 2

The Merger

Chapter 2





It has been 1 week since I saw Vernon. I’m quite happy that no one is pestering me right now and I’m free for today. My secretary opened the door “Miss, Someone is waiting for you at the underground parking lot. She said to hurry.” SHE? I thought “Who is the SHE? Who is waiting for me there?” she looked me. “Actually, I don’t know miss.” Okay this is odd.


I ran towards the parking lot and saw my friend with a cute girl with her. She waved at me. “DAHYUN! Why didn’t you attend my fashion show last week?” she stated. “I’m sorry alright. I was a care-giver last week.” She laughed. “You were? I can’t believe this. Kim Dahyun the queen bee in her entire education life? The intelligent, gorgeous, y, rule breaker yet an honor student Dahyun was a care giver for a night?” I laughed all she mentioned was true. I was all that when I was still studying especially High School and College days. I go out every night with our other friends and still able to graduate without any complications. “It wasn’t that you know. It was just like when you let me baby sit Choco.” by the way Choco is her very cute puppy. “Look what we have here. Nayeon, can you introduce me to that beautiful young girl behind you?” I said as I look at the girl, she looks familiar. It seems like I’ve saw her before or something. “Aw shoot! I forgot. So, this is Tzuyu, she is a friend’s little cousin and my friend told me that I should make-over her because as she gets older she would really look like a nerd.” I look at the girl head to toe. She’s pretty with that thick glasses on and long sleeves dress with a sneakers. Actually I like her style but I think something suits her more. “Hello Tzuyu! What a unique name. You are really pretty and in addition to that you have a great body and the perfect height to be Nayeon’s model.” Nayeon laughed and said “Actually, I’m really planning for her to sign a contract as my model for the teens and if she is already at the right age, maybe I could get her as a model not only for the teen collection but for other collections.” Tzuyu clapped and I laughed at her actions. What a funny girl. “Tzuyu, is your parents okay with it?” She didn’t answer my question because her phone was started ring. ”Excuse me for a while.” She said. ”You know, that kid. She has handsome brothers. Seriously, her genes I mean their genes are just so good. Even their parents, you can’t believe that they have three kids and 25 years old son as the eldest and most especially, they are one of the most respected clans just like ours but they all live like they aren’t. They are very respectful, down to earth and everything nice.” I laughed at her. Im Nayeon’s clan has it all when it comes to fashion. Almost all the boutiques is theirs all the things that is connected to fashion, they have line on it, like shoes, blings and most especially clothes and many more.


“Miss Nayeon, can we proceed in the makeover thing? My brother wants me to change for the better of course.” I looked at my friend. “Now go. I can’t go with you. You know fiancé wedding thing.” She laughed loudly. “Perks of getting married!” with that I slap her but not too hard on the arm. “Shut up alright. Just send me pictures of Tzuyu. Tzuyu, let’s spend some time together huh. Let’s do a makeover or let’s go shopping together someday. You know, I feel like I’ve known you already that’s why I feel comfortable with you. Don’t ever be a okay? Maybe at times but please no. I’ve been there done that and don’t ever wanna go back but if my husband will do something stupid I’ll be a again and invite both of you and others to join the club.” I laughed. “Seriously, with that kind of beauty, you have the every right to be one.” Then that’s Nayeon’s time for payback. “Stop encouraging her ” We all laughed. ”I gotta go bye!”


I was lying when I told them that I have my preparations for my wedding. I’m really preparing for a party. It is Nayeon and my mutual friend’s bridal shower and her fiancé’s at the same building. They decided to be held at the same time and at the same place because they are both afraid that their friends might tag along other guys or girls which I found ridiculous. “Nayeon, are you ready? Where are you?” I asked her as she picked up the phone. “I’m almost ready. Can I ride with you? I’ll just go to your condo and just fetch me there ok?”   “Okay.” I answered her.


As pull over in front of my condo building I saw Vernon with a girl in his arms. What a lucky day to see your fiancé with someone that looks like a . I followed them until they reach the elevator then the girl said something to Vernon which make Vernon nod then the girl went in the front desk but before that she made a sign to Vernon that shows 217 which I conclude the girl’s unit and is just the unit near to mine. Before the elevator closes, I put my hands at the door and it opened widely with Vernon’s shock face. “Hello! Vernon. What are you doing here?” I greeted him. “Nothing just visiting a friend.” He said. Shut up please. “That’s good! And by the way if you want to visit me some other time my unit is 214 so feel free.” With that the elevator opened exactly at 21st floor so I’m in my unit’s floor and so does his friend’s unit’s floor. We both step out of elevator at the same time. “I gotta go Vernon. I need to rest. Bye!” I said to him. “Rest well.” he replied. . I wonder if he knows the code. I entered my unit but peeks at the door and studied Vernon if he knows the code and tada! He knows it only took him seconds then he entered the unit. After minutes I think, the girl was nearing the unit with a guy staff that I presume their dinner. I walk out from my unit and went downstairs as I stepped out of the building I saw Nayeon standing by my car. “Where have you been?” She asked and sat at the passenger’s seat. “I went at my unit. I saw my fiancé entering with a girl in his arms holding like a monkey.” I stated which made her shock and gasped. Until now, I still didn’t tell her about the fiancé thing and if who he is. I made it a secret and my original plan is introduce them properly but if I will see him again with another girl, I will punch him in the face and call off the wedding. As I think of Vernon my blood boils. My speculations were right ever since I met him I could feel that he is really a jerk, a womanizer and a guy that is dependent by his money, face, family and connections.


We reached our destination. Nayeon dragged me all the way here. The first thing I saw was Champagne and other alcoholic drinks. Then I grabbed the opportunity it has always been me driving so today, Nayeon will drive and I’ll be wasted. “I’ll go outside you’ll drive so don’t ever drink too much.” I said to Nayeon which made her laugh. After glasses of champagne, Tequila, Margarita and others, I decided to go out. The cold breeze of air outside made me shiver a little. It can’t affect that much I’m tanked up like gasoline station. With a bottle of this drink that I don’t know what is the name I sat at a round table with plenty of chairs. Someone grabbed my drink “STOP THAT” someone said in a command or a something tone with a very scary voice. I looked up and saw the face I want to punch earlier. Damn Vernon with all his might stopping me from drinking? Is this a joke? “I won’t. What are you doing here?” I asked him. “I’m here because the guy who is throwing this party is my college friend you, why are you here and what are you doing here outside.” College friend? Maybe we attended the same school before. “I’m here because the Girl who is also throwing a party is my high school and college friend. I mean she is my long-time friend and Mr. Choi, I have something to tell you.” He then responded. “What?” I smiled. “My friend has a huge problem, He has a fiancé and he saw her with a guy acting sweet and all.” He laughed with what I said. ”Then what.” I grin. “For the second time, he saw his fiancé with another guy! Then he decided to call off the wedding. Isn’t it wonderful?” His eyes grew bigger in shock. ”Really? There is nothing wonderful in a called off wedding.” I laughed. “Are you willing to have a called off wedding?” I asked him. I saw his jaw clenches. “NO. definitely no.” You don’t like a called off wedding? Then why do you have flings? I thought. “Okay. I’ll go get inside and you go inside too. Then after, go home directly okay? No going to someone else’s condo.” Then I walked inside.


. Hangover. One of the things I hate most. Again the phone was ringing I forgot its Vernon’s. Why do I have so many early morning calls? Can they just wait until I get to step into my office? I picked it up and answered it screen without looking t the se. “Hello, Kim Dahyun speaking and what the is wrong with all of you! Can you just call my secretary and I’ll answer all of you when I’m in the office? I have so many things to do and to deal with.” I said without a pause not minding who is on the other line. I heard the other line cleared his throat. Oh who is he. ”What’s wrong?” said from the other line. I know this voice I know this very well. “What do you need? It’s too early for you to call me. I’m on a hangover so spit it out. Do it fast.” I said. “Well, the wedding planner called me yesterday and that we should go this place which she sent to me to plan about our wedding.” I groaned, “Suit yourself Choi. Plan your own wedding and find a replacement as a bride.” I ended the call.


It’s almost 11 AM and I just got out of my car at the front parking of our building. As you could see I don’t do work. I’m just the reader and the one that will just signature it all. I went directly to my office and greeted by secretary who is standing by the door and looks so nervous. “Miss someone is inside he said that he won’t go out there if you won’t talk to him and go with him. I kicked my door and saw someone’s back sitting at my huge comfy chair. He is wearing a tux a very fashionable tux as I could see. It is a dark blue tux. “Hey get off my chair.” I said to the guy. The chair spanned around and saw Vernon sitting on it. “No I won’t. Not until you’ll go with me.” I look at him seriously. “Suit yourself then. I’ll sit here in the couch and do my work here until you’ll rot there.” He laughed. “Look here Dahyun, I’m sick okay I wasn’t supposed to get up from my bed but I did for the wedding preparations. It will happen maybe a month and a week from now.” I look at him but it looks like he isn’t sick. “Liars go to hell. You don’t look like you’re sick and I told you earlier to find a bride right? Maybe you need to hear it again. Again, Vernon, find your bride. You only have a month from now.” I said to him. “Whatever. I researched about you Kim Dahyun. I gained an information that you want to be a doctor but didn’t pursue it because your family needs you at your family’s business and its hard for you to work in a hospital while your dad is getting older and that no one can replace it so you sacrifice the degree for your family.” He said. “Shut up okay? I chose working here because the degree could wait. Maybe some other time I could take up the degree.” I said as I scan the papers in my table and transfer it in the table near the couch. “Stop this Kim Dahyun! You need to gather it all up! You must go with me now I’ve been here for almost 4 hours now and you didn’t even show interest to what I’ve said!” He shouted it all. I think he got fed up and burst out. I raised a brow then spoke. “What if I say I don’t want to go out especially with you.” He grinned and I was startled as he picked me up and carry me like a sack in his back. “What the hell are you actually doing Choi Vernon?!” Before he could even open the door, he stopped walking. “Can you stop calling me Choi? I’m older than you.” He stated. “I don’t ing care Mr. Cho no scratch that Mr. Vernon. . wait do you have a second name?” I asked him. “My second name is Vernon.” He said then started walking.   “okay so what is your first name then?” I asked him. “It’s Hansol so shut up.” He said as we reach the elevator. “I’ll re state what I’ve said earlier. I don’t ing care Mr. Hansol Vernon ing jerk Choi.” After what I’ve said. I laughed and it echoed over the elevator. ”Hey Dahyun Sarcastic Kim shut up. You need to shut up.”  And with that I shut my mouth. It was sounds demanding and creepy. It seems like he is angry or what but I’m not afraid of him.  


I am currently being forced to enter this very girly café. “Vernon, I don’t want to get inside It’s so girly.” I complained. “Why? Do you think that I want to get inside too? I’m a man for someone’s sake.” I shrugged and didn’t move. “Alright let’s get inside together okay? Or you want me to carry you again?” What did he said carry me again? I pulled him to get inside. “Please don’t do it.” I said to him. “Wow. For the first time you said please to me.” What’s wrong with it? “Good morning Mr. Demarkis! Finally you are here.” I turned around as I hear the girl’s voice. “Good morning to you too. Ms..?” Vernon looked at her with a questioning look. “I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Hyerin an event organizer and I was one your mother chose as your wedding planner.” She smiled. “Once again, Good morning Ms. Lezeil. This is my fiancé Dahyun Pier.” Look at me and smile. “Good morning Ms. Kim. What a lucky guy you are Mr. Choi you have such a beautiful and great wife.” I smiled at her. “Thank you Ms. Hyerin.” I said to her. “So, let’s find a seat shall we?” She said. “She’s a flirt. I can feel it.” I whispered to Vernon. “She’s not.” He answered back. “If I could see her flirting at you what will I do. Let’s do a bet’” I said. “Pinch me hard.” He said. “I’ll pinch everywhere I want or everywhere she touches you or look at you. Deal?” I look at him. “It’s a deal then” he answered.


“So, how many people are you planning to invite?” Hyerin asked both of us. We both look at each other and spoke in unison. “75” “200”. I look at him. “Are you sure? Isn’t it a bit too much? What were you thinking?” I unintentionally raised my voice a bit. “Can we not fight in front of other people? Just for now?” he whispered the smile when he regained the proper distance to my face. “What the ?” I murmur. “I heard it. Just let me decide okay and if you have objections say it.” He whispered again. I only look at him for seconds then I noticed when he look back at Hyerin that he has a piercing at the left ear that I think every girl finds it attractive. I also saw Hyerin noticed it. “Mr. Choi! You have a piercing at your left ear. That’s cool.” Vernon smiled “Ah yes, I had this when I was high school.” Hyerin then burst out. “Can I touch it?” BOOM. Hormones baby. Then she raised her hands to touch Vernon’s piercing which he just let her touch. After that I whispered to him. “See? That was flirty.” He looked at me with wide eyes which screams like ‘NO you can’t pinch me in the ear’ look. I smiled and pinched him. “Ouch! That hurts!” He said. “No worries.” I said. “So, where were we?” I blurted out. “ohh yeahh about the people you want to invite!” and the rest of that was a blur. Vernon answered all her questions and I pinched him 4 times after the ear. I pinch him the hand, Rib part of his body, shoulder and neck. I admit Vernon is good when talking to people. He is really a business man. He also is good in plotting and making decisions.


“Can you come with me for a while then ill drop you in your office?” It’s almost 1pm now and the planner told us that we will meet again next time to continue planning. ”Where are we going?” I asked. “Just in one of my branch. Don’t worry it’s near here and we’re already done eating so It’s alright.” He said. “Okay but make it fast jerk. I don’t want to look like a statue standing outside.” He looked at me as he stopped his car. “I won’t let you stay here. You’re coming with me.” He went out of his car and opened the door for me. “Let’s go.” Wait, this is a 5 star hotel. What are we doing here? We enter an elevator and he pushed the last floor of the hotel. Maybe his office is located there. “Can you walk faster?” he said as we went out of the elevator. We entered a room a very cozy room but it’s huge. ”So this is your office?” I Asked. “Yes and I need to be here because my sister is coming and she said that she has undergone a makeover.” I laughed. “That’s it? Then you brought me here.” “Yes. That’s how important my family is to me.” Really? Then why have flings when you value your family in which includes you future family. I wanted to ask. I heard a knock outside then the door opened and let out Tzuyu. Wow she changed a lot but still when you look at her you can still recognize who she is. She looks y and cute at the same time. She’s supporting Nayeon’s clothes and shoes and also blings. As what I’ve expected, she really looks good especially without the glasses on. “Hey Tzuyu.  What Nayeon did to you made me ashamed of myself.” I laughed jokingly. She was shocked for seconds and went to me directly and hugged me. “Thank you Dahyun!” I smiled. “No problem baby, you look really good. So, have you signed the contract?” I look at her then to Vernon who look really shock. “No, I haven’t. Actually-“ She was cut off by Vernon. “You actually know each other?” Tzuyu and I made an eye contact then look at him. “YES.” Then Silver started speaking. “Hello there Big Brother!” she said then kissed Vernon. And what the . That’s why she looks familiar because she and Vernon are siblings. Damn. “Wait, you are siblings?” Tzuyu then answered me. ”Yes why? And by the way why are you here?” she asked and Vernon spoke. “Introduce yourself to Dahyun young girl.” Then Tzuyu spoke. “So, I know that we have met before my name is Tzuyu Choi his younger sister.” I smiled to her. I was about to speak when Vernon went beside me and kiss me in the forehead and said. “This Dahyun Kim, my fiancé and your future sister-in-law.” I was shocked of what he did but smile in the end. “Ahh yes. I’m his fiancé.” With that Tzuyu screamed like a teenager she is then clapped. “I’m so happy my brother is in good hands! I’m so happy for the both of you. Finally I’ll have a very pretty and nice in-law.” She said.  Then after like 30 minutes with them. I finally decided to go to my office which luckily, Vernon drove for me.

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Erikaxxx #1
Does anyone still read from asianfanfics??
indias313 #2
Chapter 7: You better treat her nicely vernon-ssi!!
indias313 #3
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: aw... that was sweet. But what the was going on with vernon and his flings things?!!!
indias313 #4
Chapter 3: well, vernon is indeed a jerk....

but he's HOT as well. <3
indias313 #5
Chapter 2: next!
indias313 #6
tbh the plot jump where verhyun met in restaurant then vernon sneaked out to dahyun's room in a worrying condition a little bit confused me. but anyway still love it! ^^
indias313 #7
i've just found it. Gonna excitedly read it! ^^
Chapter 13: Continue this?
Erikaxxx #9
Did you already forgot my story? Update?
Chapter 12: Keep updating please~~