
Snail Love

[Key’s POV]

I walked over to Jonghyun’s bed and lightly tapped him on the chest. “Yah, Kim Jonghyun you better not die on me.” No response. It was weird seeing him sleeping covered in bruises. The nurses bandaged his rib cage and left leg and his left arm was in a cast. I heard sniffles coming from behind me. “Ke-Key-ah.” It was Eun Jae. I turned around and pulled her into my body and her hair. “It’s okay Eun, he’s gonna make it out alive.” She crumpled in my embrace and sobbed. “I-I know who he is.” Eun’s muffled voice reached my ears. I heard crushed paper being unfolded. “H-here i-it is.” Eun Jae hiccupped and handed me sheets after sheets of colored paper with writing on it. “I lo-love him.” Her tears fell and stained the letters. I sighed and hugged her again. So, she wasn’t in love with me. Ha, then why do I get butterflies when she kisses me? I blinked back a few tears. I’m confused, do I like Jjong or Eun? “What? What do you mean?” Minho said in his deep voice. I sighed and let go of Eun. She wiped her eyes and sat down next to Jonghyun’s bed and held his hand while telling Minho the story of her pen pal letters.

“Oh, now I understand.” He quietly said and waited a moment before taking off. “Minho!” I yelled after him. “Aish!” I quickly stood up and rushed to follow him.

Panting, I grabbed his wrist as he tried to pull away. “Minho! Listen to me!” My heart was furiously beating from the chase. “I know how you feel. I know how it feels to like someone so much only just to find out that they don’t like you back, but in turn likes someone else.” I clutched at my chest, it became harder to breathe. I took to big gulps of air. “Hyung are you okay?” Minho took a tentative step towards me. “I’m fine. Nothing I can’t handle.” Then let out a grunt of discomfort. “I-I understand how you’re feeling right now.” I shakily said to him. “NO HYUNG! No you don’t. I’ve never felt this way before Eun Jae came into my life. She- she just turned it upside down within a short period of time.” I shook my head. “St-stop, you’re just over thinking this. This, what you’re feeling, is not love. Love is- love is” Minho interrupted me before I could finish. “I don’t need to know what love is! All I know is that I care a lot for her and I can’t see her loving someone else, especially that playboy.” Playboy? What is he talking about? “Yeah, I just said it. That PLAYBOY. You’re barely home half the time and you’re not the one sitting there listening to his late night conversations to his FUTURE wife on the phone.” I clutched my chest as it began to tighten up. Jonghyun, has a wife? A fiancé? I-I can’t take this anymore. Falling to one knee, I felt my tears finally drop. Life isn’t worth living anymore. Just let me die now. I closed my eyes and images came up. Images of the first time meeting Jonghyun, the first time holding him when he had a nightmare, the first time- the first time I had enough courage to tell him I loved him, but couldn’t. An explosion of pain occurred in my chest. “Ahh” I yelled out and laid on the floor. I saw Minho walk towards me. “Get away from me! Let me be!” I yelled at him. “I don’t want to listen to those lies of yours!” He attempted to pick me up, flinging my arm out at him, it made contact with his arm. “You- you don’t know what love is. Love is something that cannot be explained with a certain definition. It’s about caring for someone so much that you’re willing to do anything just to see them happy. Keeping the secret of how much you love them inside because you know for a fact that the person you love, loves someone else, and by telling him that you love him will only be a heavy burden on them.” I could feel myself slipping into the state of sleeping. “Hyung , so you loved him right?” Minho asked. “No, I love him, not loved. He still holds a place in my heart.” I whispered before closing my eyes.

[Eun Jae’s POV]

Onew and I sat in the room in silence after Minho and Key ran out. “Don’t worry about them. They’ll be back.” He said and I nodded in return. “So, how did you know the lady from before?” He asked me. I explained the story of how I met her in the bathroom. “Oh, well she’s was just here visiting Jonghyun. And I’m not sure if I should say this, but please don’t grow anymore feelings for Jonghyun. He’s gonna hurt you in the end.” Onew looked away from me. “Why?” I felt my lips quiver. “Because, he’s going to get married soon, or so I heard from the lady you met. She was on the phone talking about doing whatever she can, to save him.” Tears spilled from my eyes and splashed to the cold hospital floor.  “No, no she can’t!” I stood up. “She can’t take him away from me when I finally know who he is!” My hands fisted and I wiped away the stray tears that touched my cheeks. “I-I’ll do whatever it takes to save him.”

[Onew’s POV]

Minho walked in without Key just as Eun began to cry. “What’s wrong?” he asked and walked over to Eun. Hugging her, he turned towards me. I quickly ran through what I discovered about Jonghyun. “Yeah, I know about that.” I flinched in surprise to his words. “What?” I asked in disbelief. “I hear them talk on the phone sometimes. His voice carries into the living room.” Minho said. Eun looked up at him, then I saw her push him away. “You knew about it and didn’t tell me?” Eun had stopped crying and anger clouded her face. “Yeah, I didn’t want to hurt you Eun.” Minho reached for her hands. She flung them away and whispered, “You knew all along and didn’t tell me. I can’t believe it Minho. You knew…” Eun ran out the room and Minho tried to chase after her but got stopped by me. Holding his arm I pulled him back. “Stop, let her figure out what to do with this information. She’s old enough to figure things out by herself.” I said to Minho. He let out a yell and buried his face in his hands.

[Key’s POV]

I awoke to sniffling and a wet sensation soaking my shirt. Pissed off since this was my favorite shirt to wear I opened my eyes and sat up. “Oh- “ It was Eun Jae. “S-sorry Key oppa.” She wiped her tears away. “Shhh.” I whispered and pulled her to my chest, something I always do to soothe Jjong. “What’s wrong?” she sniffled and told me what Minho and Onew just told her. “Yeah, I just found out today too.” I looked away and tried to discreetly wipe the tears that had escaped my eyes. “Key oppa, why are you crying? And why are you sleeping in a hospital bed?” Eun Jae asked me. I turned away. “Because, my heart was hurting again.” I said to her. “But why did it hurt?” I let out a sad chuckle and laid back down on the bed. I had my back turned to her. “So you love him too, right Key oppa?” she said to me. I closed my eyes, hoping that it’ll barricade the tears that were forming. “Yes, I love him too.” I told her.

Sorry for not updating . . . but no one seems to care anyways T.T

-but on the brighter side, HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ only 10 more days till my birthday :3


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Chapter 13: I hate you Microsoft word. I really liked this story and hope that one day you will come back and finish it.
Please update soon ~ I love this story <3
Shineebambi #3
Oh pmease continue....this is like my favorite story T.T But if you dont want to continue ill just wait here XD
LocketForever #4
Nooooes ms word is mean :(<br />
I'll still be here waiting incase you get the motivation to continue ^^
Blingerzxc #5
I hope Eun Jae ends with Jjongieee in the end:)<br />
Update soon, Thanks^^
LocketForever #6
Oh god oh god<br />
What's gonna happen?! D:
shinning4ever #7
Update soon..will jonghyun save her?
Shineebambi #8
Oh my goodness. JJONG HURRY AND HELP THE PERSON YOU HURT!! THen get a divorce (or try to) XD And then go apologize to key and live happily ever after with him and eun jae XD
LocketForever #9
Your welcome ^^<br />
The feeling bout silent readers is mutual xD<br />
Anyways the end made me want to cry, and kill Jong at the same time :/<br />
Another thing, that song was beautiful <3
@LocketForever : Thank you TT.TT - my life would be meaningless without your comments. <br />
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