Saved by the Blondie

Snail Love

[Eun Jae’s POV]

“Yeon, yah, I’m so tired.” I whined as I finished washing the dishes. She laughed and gave me a pat on the back. “It’s getting late, I’m gonna leave first! Be safe walking home! And make sure to call me once you reach your house okay?” I nodded and smiled. “Okay, talk to you soon!” and it was just me left in the bakery. I quickly wiped down the counters and swept the floor. I looked up as the door opened. The bells jiggled and a blast of cold air hit my bare legs. “Oh, welcome, I’m sorry but we are closed now. Please come back another day!” I gave the stranger a light bow. “Yah, I’m not here for bread honey.” There were 3 guys that reeked of alcohol. The tallest one walked over and came behind me. I backed up into a corner. “I am here for, I mean, we are here for you.” He gave me a creepy smile and took a step closer. I held the broom across my chest and glared at him. “I’m sorry sir but you and your friends have to leave. We are closed.” All they did was laugh and got closer. “I’m afraid you have no choice.” He said and grabbed my arm, I dropped the broom stick. “Get off of me, you are just high school students who shouldn’t be drinking!” I yelled in his face. He smirked and pushed me against the wall. He motioned for his other two friends. They pinned my legs down as he laid me on the floor. “Get off me you jerk!” I started to kick and move around. All he did was laugh and started to unbuckle his belt. He ripped open my buttoned shirt and squeezed my s. “Stop, please just stop.” I turned my head and tears formed. His face was by mine and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He slowly kissed my cheeks. “Yah, TaeKyung, get off the girl.” I opened my eyes and saw that a new guy came in. He roughly pulled TaeKyung off me and the other two let go off me. “Go now, before I tell the principle.” The three of them quickly rushed out of the bakery. The stranger held my hand and helped me up. He threw me his jacket and I covered myself in it. “Th-thanks…” I quietly said. He lightly flicked me in the forehead and said, “Pabo, how can you leave the door unlocked? And have no one to take you home?” his voice was deep and rich. “I-I don’t know…” I looked away embarrassed. “Hurry, lock up. I’ll take you home.” I complied and quickly locked up the shop. I noticed that he had blonde hair and his cheek bones were nice and sharp. His eyes were a milky brown and had a deep dimple on his cheek when he gave me a slight smile. He took a quickly glance at me and told me to hurry up.

Once outside, he asked, “So where do you live?” I look up at him and said, “Just over there.” and pointed towards the general direction. He smiled and asked me if I go to the nearby high school. I shook my head. “No, I had to drop out and get a job. My mom died, so no one is here to support me anymore.” I looked down at me feet. He rubbed my shoulders. “It’s alright. My mom and dad don’t love me. They care too much about their jobs.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” I said. He shook his head. “It’s fine. Hey, I’ll see you later.” He said as I reached my doorsteps. “Wait, before I go. What is your name?” he asked me. I slightly blushed and said, “Park Eun Jae.” He smiled and walked away. I was in a daze before I realized that I had his jacket still and that I didn’t know his name. “W-wait!” I yelled into the night air, but he was long gone.

Entering my house, I get a glace of all the red stickers placed around. I sighed. I only get a couple of more days to live here until it gets foreclosed. I closed my eyes and headed towards the fridge. I opened it up and it was empty like usual besides a carton of spoiled milk. I slammed it shut and threw myself onto my bedroom floor. I crawled under a bunch of blankets and cried. I missed my mother so much and now I am gonna lose our house. I don’t know what to do or where to live anymore. Momma, I miss you.

A few days later I packed my little belongings and offered to close the bakery shop from now on. “Eun Jae! I’ll see you tomorrow okay?!” Yeon said to me while leaving the shop again. I locked the doors and start to clean up. I closed the lights in the front of the building and went to the back. I entered the storage room and set up my blankets and rested my head on my pillow. Now I’m without a home, a parent, education and friends. I closed my eyes and awaited the sleep that was to come.

“Eun?” I woke up to someone shaking me awake. It was the bakery’s owner, Onew. “Yah, what are you doing here sleeping?” I rubbed my eyes and said, “I have no home, no education, and no friends.” Onew bent down and rubbed my head. “Come on, I’ll take you to my friends house. He always had an extra room and he’s nice. I think you guys will get along.” He helped me pick up my stuff and loaded it into his car. We arrived at his friend’s house and knocked on the door. “Yah, dongseng. Remember that favor you owed me awhile ago?” Onew said while his friend opened the door. I stood face to face with a teenage boy who had black flippy hair and full lips. His eyes were huge and puppy like and his cheek bones stood out. I heard him sigh before opening the door all the way. “Come in then.” I quietly entered his house and heard a loud crash. “Yah, Key-ah! What did you break this time?” Onew’s friend yelled. Onew motioned me to sit down on the white leather couch and began to tell his friend my story.

During the middle of my story a guy with blonde hair came over. “Hey, you’re the girl I saved the other day.” He pronounced while taking a gulp from his purple cup. My eyes opened wide and I tried to cover my face. “What? This is the girl you were talking about? Yah, I didn’t know that she was so cute and attractive.” Onew’s friend gave me a slight smile. I blushed and turned my head away. “Yeah, but is she gonna live with you now?” he asked Onew’s friend. He nodded and smiled. “Yeah of course.” And stood up to leave. “Yah, dongseng introduce yourself, show some manners.” Onew scolded him. “I’m Kim Jonghyun and this is my best friend Key. Nice to meet you Eun Jae.” He said and left. Jonghyun? The name sounds familiar. Eh, there a lot of Jonghyun’s out there. I shook away the weird feelings and got up to thank Onew.

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Chapter 13: I hate you Microsoft word. I really liked this story and hope that one day you will come back and finish it.
Please update soon ~ I love this story <3
Shineebambi #3
Oh pmease continue....this is like my favorite story T.T But if you dont want to continue ill just wait here XD
LocketForever #4
Nooooes ms word is mean :(<br />
I'll still be here waiting incase you get the motivation to continue ^^
Blingerzxc #5
I hope Eun Jae ends with Jjongieee in the end:)<br />
Update soon, Thanks^^
LocketForever #6
Oh god oh god<br />
What's gonna happen?! D:
shinning4ever #7
Update soon..will jonghyun save her?
Shineebambi #8
Oh my goodness. JJONG HURRY AND HELP THE PERSON YOU HURT!! THen get a divorce (or try to) XD And then go apologize to key and live happily ever after with him and eun jae XD
LocketForever #9
Your welcome ^^<br />
The feeling bout silent readers is mutual xD<br />
Anyways the end made me want to cry, and kill Jong at the same time :/<br />
Another thing, that song was beautiful <3
@LocketForever : Thank you TT.TT - my life would be meaningless without your comments. <br />
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