My Childhood Love

Snail Love

[Jonghyun’s POV]

I laughed and gave Key a wink. “Just kidding, I like girls.” And walked out of the room and into mine. I laid on my bed for a while but got bored. So I opened my backpack and took out my pen pal letters and read them. The colored sheets of paper were worn out from continuous reading. I smiled as I read about Eun Jae getting a pet rabbit when she was 9. After I reread the letters, I slipped them back into my worn out backpack and blasted some music.

Day after day, I just repeatedly read the letters, remembering how I felt when she replied to them. Aish, why does it bother me so much that you were cuddling with Key in his bed? I was the one who set you there… Kicking the air, I went into the kitchen for some lunch. “WAAA! Jonghyun Oppa! It’s finally snowing outside!” Eun Jae tapped the kitchen window. I smiled and asked, “Where is Key?” “Uh- uh, I don’t know.” She replied and turned to talk to Minho.

[Minho’s POV]

She’s cute when she smiles like a child. The way her eyes light up when she talks about snow. “Eun, do you want to go ice skating today?” I asked her. “Really Minho Oppa? I want to go!” she laughed and grabbed my hands. “Let’s go!” and pulled me towards the front door. “Yah~ What about me?” Jonghyun pouted. “Haha, I don’t know. Just wait for Key to come home! See ya!” I waved at him and went to get winter gear.

Coming out of my room, all dressed up, I see Jonghyun bundled up sitting next to Eun Jae on the couch, waiting. “Yah, who said you can go?” I asked him. Jonghyun smiled. “Eun Jae told me that I could.” He said to me and stuck his tongue out. I glared at him for ruining my date with Eun, but we headed out anyways. I quickly sent a text to Key telling him that we’ll be gone.

Once at the skating rink, I held Eun’s hand and helped her on the ice. “Yah! YAH!” Jonghyun screamed when he fell down flat on his . “Hahhahaha, Jonghyun Oppa, are you okay?” Eun bent over to help him up.

[Eun Jae’s POV]

Bending over I reached for his hands to help him up. “Ahhh!” I screamed as a little kid bumped me over and I landed on top of Jonghyun. My face was in front of his and he looked me in the eye. This felt weird, an image of Key’s face replaced Jonghyun’s. I wanted to lean in and kiss him. “Eun are you alright!?” Minho pulled me up by the waist just as I was about to lean in.

[Key’s POV]

I arrived at the rink and saw Eun’s bright pink jacket and wavy hair flowing over it. I was about to yell her name and wave, but realized that she was holding hands with Jonghyun, and they were skating together. My heart thumped faster, as I was filled with jealousy. I didn’t know who I was jealous of. Jonghyun or Eun? I don’t know where my heart lays anymore. I clutched my heart and closed my eyes. I had to get out of here. I called a cab and told them to send me to the hospital, my heart condition is getting worse.

Once at the hospitals, I was put into my usual room and waited for my doctor to come in. “Hello, how are you Key?” he asked me while giving me one of his usual heartwarming smiles. “Ahh, Dr. Taemin, I don’t know how long I have to deal with this disease. I want to be able to kiss someone and not be near death.” I crossed my arms over my chest. He laughed. “All you have to do is be careful. Don’t think too much about how the kiss makes you feel. Then your heart won’t beat as fast.” I shook my head. “Yes sir.” I can’t take Eun away from Jjong. He loves her, but then why do I feel this way? I blinked away tears. “Hold on Key, I will be right back." I nodded and waited another 2 hours. Dr. Taemin comes into my room breathless. “Well, it’s a good thing you came today. We have a donor for you.” I gasped. “A-a donor? Really?” I asked with tears in my eyes. Mom and dad would be happy. I would be happy. To be able to live like a normal kid… I smiled and grabbed his hands. “Are you sure?” Dr. Taemin nodded. “I want you to stay here over the next few days to prepare yourself for it. I already notified your mother and father. The donor matches your blood type perfectly and the heart is a tad bit smaller than your body needs, but it will work out fine. I cried tears of joy and texted Minho to let him know. Minho, I can get a transplant now. They found me a donor.

[Jonghyun’s POV]

I was happy that Eun was holding my hands as we ice skated. After ice skating, the three of us headed towards the food venders to see if they have any warm drinks available. Eun Jae and Minho were already sitting down. “Uh, three hot chocolates please!” I warmly said to the aunt. She smiled and I flipped my backpack over to grab my wallet. “No!” I yelled as my letters flew out of my backpack and onto the busy streets of Seoul. I ran towards them and bent over to grab them, kissing them I smiled. Without these, I don’t know how I am supposed to keep on living. They are a constant reminder of how much my love has grown for you, Eun Jae. I heard a loud honk and saw a blinding light. “Wha-“ and screams pierced the air.

[Eun Jae’s POV]

“What is all the commotion about?” Minho said as he stood up to go see. Following him I looked and saw that someone was lying still on the road. He had dark brown hair like Jonghyun Oppa and was even wearing the same colored jacket, that was now stained with dark red blood. “J-jonghyun?” Minho stuttered. “Jonghyun Oppa? Is that him?!” I yelled. Tears formed in my eyes as I scanned the crowd. “Jonghyun Oppa!” I yelled out loud. “Jonghyun Oppa!” The ambulance had arrived. Minho jumped into the van as they sped away. I saw the huge pool of blood. Jonghyun’s blood. Was that really Jonghyun? I was crying and hiccupping now. “No, Jonghyun, you can leave!” A piece of yellow paper flew towards me and attached itself to my leg. I picked it up and started to read.

Dear Jonghyun Oppa,

Guess what!? My momma bought me a snow white rabbit! I named it Chunji and momma sometimes lets me take it out for walks when she doesn’t feel tired. Haha, Chunji reminds me of you. I don’t know how or why, he just does!...

I carefully reread it again. Jonghyun Oppa…. Wait, is it the same Jonghyun Oppa I live with? The one that just got hit by a car? Taking a step back, I tripped over the curb and fell down on my . My tears were still flowing and I just realized who Jonghyun Oppa really was. Jonghyun Oppa, he’s the same one, he’s my childhood love.

Hey guys~

I had no homework tonight and decided to add another chapter. I hope you guys like it...

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Chapter 13: I hate you Microsoft word. I really liked this story and hope that one day you will come back and finish it.
Please update soon ~ I love this story <3
Shineebambi #3
Oh pmease continue....this is like my favorite story T.T But if you dont want to continue ill just wait here XD
LocketForever #4
Nooooes ms word is mean :(<br />
I'll still be here waiting incase you get the motivation to continue ^^
Blingerzxc #5
I hope Eun Jae ends with Jjongieee in the end:)<br />
Update soon, Thanks^^
LocketForever #6
Oh god oh god<br />
What's gonna happen?! D:
shinning4ever #7
Update soon..will jonghyun save her?
Shineebambi #8
Oh my goodness. JJONG HURRY AND HELP THE PERSON YOU HURT!! THen get a divorce (or try to) XD And then go apologize to key and live happily ever after with him and eun jae XD
LocketForever #9
Your welcome ^^<br />
The feeling bout silent readers is mutual xD<br />
Anyways the end made me want to cry, and kill Jong at the same time :/<br />
Another thing, that song was beautiful <3
@LocketForever : Thank you TT.TT - my life would be meaningless without your comments. <br />
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