I'll Be Your Light When Darkness Falls

Snail Love

[Key’s POV]

I came home late at night and I hear crying and sniffling sounds coming from Eun Jae’s room. I opened the door and peeked inside. Eun Jae was curled up into a ball and her eyes were puffy and red. “You know, crying won’t solve anything.” She sniffled and said to me, “I’m not crying.” Wiping her eyes she looked at me defiantly. “Get out of my room.” She pointed to the door. Geesh, why is she being so rude tonight? I nodded. “Okay, I’ll go.” I can see in her eyes that she didn’t want me to go, and she wanted me to stay and comfort her. But I’m not going to. Closing the door I head towards Jonghyun’s room. “Jjong! I’m home!” I smiled and opened my arms for his embrace.  I see him laying on his bed and headphones were plugged in. “Yah! I said I was home!” I yelled at him while pulling out the headphones. He took a glance at me and plugged them back in. “What’s wrong?” I sat down by his torso. “Nothing.” He told me. I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. “Come on Jjong, you can tell me anything remember?” he shook his head. “I tell you everything…” I said to him. “No you don’t, you don’t even tell me why you go out all the time. It’s not like you have a secret girlfriend or anything.” Jonghyun said and flipped around to his back. “Okay, fine. But please tell me what’s wrong?” I gave his chest a pat. He took a deep breath and started to tell me what had just happened.

“Well, tell her the truth then. She clearly likes you.” I said in a strained voice. Every girl always likes you. Even I like you. “But I just don’t like her Key. I love her, plain as that. It may be a cliché saying, but it was love at first sight or write. Haha, she makes me feel… not like me. I feel different, I feel like the old Jonghyun. The one before my dad got remarried. I just feel alive when she’s next to me or talking to me.” His face turned a little red. “I mean… I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. All the girls I’ve dated haven’t made me feel like this. But I’m afraid of hurting her. What if I can’t protect her from danger?” Jonghyun looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and winced as pain shot through my left arm. “Jonghyun, you just have to try. If you love someone then try your best to keep them safe. Keep them close to you. You don’t have to confess to her or anything if you’re afraid it’s not going to work out.” I said, while reminiscing the way I felt about him. Clutching my chest I faced away from him and let a tear slide down my cheek and quickly wiped it away. “Okay Key!” Thank you!” Jjong said to me while giving me a back hug. “Thank you for being here.” He snuggled his head in the nook of my neck. I brought my hand up and patted his head. “Yeah, no problem.” I said to him and stood up to leave. “Yah, you’re not sleeping over tonight?” he grabbed my hands. I shook my head. “If you get a nightmare tonight, just holler at Eun Jae. She’ll come over to help.” I told him and left with my tears falling down my face.

[Jonghyun’s POV]

I grabbed Key’s hand and said to him, “Yah, you’re not sleeping over tonight?” I hope he says he is, I miss him. I see Key shaking his head. “If you get a nightmare tonight, just holler at Eun Jae. She’ll come over to help.” He said to me in a monotone voice. Disappointed, I laid back on my bed and plugged my headphones in again. Leaving the lights on, I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come to me.

“Ahhh!” I screamed out loud while thrashing around. I can feel someone’s arms enveloping me in a warm embrace. It feels like I’m being strangled and I couldn’t breathe. “Ngghhhh!” I grunted and relaxed when I heard someone softly say my name. “Shh, Jonghyun. It’s alright I’m here now. Shhh.” It was Key’s voice. I could feel his warm breath on my ear as he held me tightly. I could feel his lightly cut body as he pressed himself to my sweaty body. My hands came up to his bare chest and rested at his heart. Beneath my palms, I could feel the flutter of his heartbeat. It was an odd sensation since it was beating faster than a usual heart. I leaned into his body and snuggled to his chest. It’s always like this. Key always comes into my room to comfort me when I get nightmares. Just he being here calms me down. When I feel his touch, my nightmares subside and I relax. “Key?” I asked him in a low voice. “Mmm?” he answered me without saying a word. “I just farted.” I laughed as he pushed me away. “Yahhhh! I’m not in the mood to joke around. I’m tired!” he said while giving me a slap on the arm. I pull him towards me and spoke into his ears. “Have I told you that you look hot with no shirt on?” I whispered seductively in his ears. “Yahhhh! Stop it!” he said to me and slapped my arm again. “Never!” I laughed and tickled him. “Jjong!” he yelled my name. “KIM JONGHYUN!” he screamed at me when I attacked his tummy again. “Key-ah~!” I laughed and stopped tickling him. “Yah, don’t do that anymore!” he pouted. I smiled and flicked his bottom lip. “Don’t give me that look.” I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down. “I need to shower now, I’m all sweaty.” Key told me and tried to get up. “Nope. You’re not getting up, let’s just go back to sleep!” I told him. “Aish, alright.” Key gave in and relaxed. My arms were around his waist and I all of a sudden felt awkward holding him like I would to a girl. I pulled my arms in but to my surprise Key grabbed them and held it in place. “Jjong. I- I li-“ before he could finish the door burst open. “HEY BABY~ Looooookkkkkk who’s bacccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!” A very tall man with short black hair walked in with arms spread wide open.

[Key’s POV]

I felt Jonghyun trying to snake his arms away from my waist. My heart was beating fast. I got to tell him how I feel before he’s fully awake to comprehend it completely. Grabbing a hold of his arms I opened my mouth to confess. “Jjong, I-I li-“ Then right before I was about to tell Jonghyun, the bedroom door burst open. “HEY BABY~ Looooookkkkkk who’s bacccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!” it was my brother. “Minho what are you doing here?” I rolled my eyes and mentally kicked myself for not switching the front door lock. “I’m here to live with you of course!” he replied back with a huge grin.

Chapter Five

[Eun Jae’s POV]

Who the heck is talking this late at night? Why are they so loud? THUMP. “Ugh…” I groaned as I crawled to my door. I had a huge headache and my eyes hurt from crying so much. Crawling towards the light, I looked up and was face to calf of a stranger. “Yah, move.” I plainly said to the person. “Uh, okay.” The person had a deep voice, a very deep voice. Frightened, I immediately stood up and he backed me into a wall. “Well you’re cute, but your eyes seem swollen. Did you cry?” he asked me in a sincere voice. I shut my eyes and felt the light touch of his finger tips tracing my cheek bone. “I’m taking that as a yes.” He was gone in the next moment. “Hyung, didn’t mom teach you how to treat girls?” it was him again, but this time he’s yelling at someone. “Yah, don’t you go blaming this one on me okay!” Key’s hands were on his waist, his bare waist. I blushed when my eyes scanned over his body. He had abs, but they were lightly defined and his pecs were just perfect, not too man ish. I then met his eyes, Key blushed a faint pink color and looked away. But before I could apologize, someone threw a blanket over my head. “Ahhh!” I yelled and tried to take it off. I felt arms drag me away from the light and into the darkness I went. “Stop!” I yelled and the person still dragged me without taking any notice of my complaints. “STOP!” I yelled again. Then finally the blanket got taken off of my head. I couldn’t see anything, it was pitch black. “Yah, I can’t see anything.” I said to no one in particular. “Hello?” I asked. No one replied. I carefully sat down on the floor and could feel the coldness of the wood floor seep onto my warm skin. Sniffling, I wiped away a few tears that randomly showed up. Momma, I’m scared. There is no light here. “Hello? Can someone turn on the light?” I said. Silence only surrounded me. “Please, I’m scared of the dark…” I meekly said into the night. The next thing I felt was a pair of strong arms holding onto me as if we were trapped on the titanic. “I’ll be here to protect you.” Jonghyun whispered into my ears. “I’ll be your light when darkness falls. And when you’re afraid just call out my name and I’ll be there, I’ll be your light that will never fade.” He said to me and held me even closer. Momma, am I dreaming? Well if I am this is a wonderful dream… I blinked once or twice and fell asleep.

[Jonghyun’s POV]

I could hear her complaints about it being dark, but if I made a move to turn on the light, then she’ll see that it was me who took her here. Why did I have to act all jealous about her checking Key out?! I yelled at myself. “Please, I’m scared of the dark…” I heard her softly say. I couldn’t stand it anymore. Key’s advice came to me. If you love someone then try your best to keep them safe. Keep them close to you. I made a blind grab for her and wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her shiver beneath my touch. “I’ll be here to protect you.” I whispered into her ears as I closed my eyes. I wanted to confess and tell her everything. But I couldn’t, she’s gonna get hurt. So I’ll say what a caring friend would say to their close friends. “I’ll be your light when darkness falls. And when you’re afraid just call out my name and I’ll be there, I’ll be your light that will never fade.” I continued and pulled her even closer to give her warmth. I expected a reply but I never got one. “Uhh… Eun Jae?” I shook her slightly. No response. I guess she fell asleep. Picking her up, I carried Eun Jae and gently set her on Key’s bed. I didn’t want Key and his brother’s loud voices to wake her up. I placed Key’s black blanket over her body and smiled. Leaning over her, I flipped on the desk lamp and gave her one last glance and closed the door behind me.

“Jonghyun, meet my baby brother, Minho.” He rolled his eyes and had his arms crossed. “Hey.” I nodded to him and he smiled back. “So he’ll be here for about a week or so before he goes back to France for a photo shoot.” Key explained to me and laid on my bed. I walked over and laid beside him and Minho spoke. “Where did that pretty noona go?” he asked. I shot him a quick glare and replied. “She’s asleep in Key’s room. You can sleep on the couch.” I stood up and threw him my blankets. He smiled. “How old is she anyways?” I gave him another glare. “17 years old. Now go to bed, its nearly 2 in the morning. Find your own meals in this house. Goodnight.” I said to him while closing the door. Turning around I see Key asleep on my bed. Crawling towards him, I rest my head on his chest and closed my eyes. “Key?” I said to him. “Mmm?” he replied. “What were you gonna tell me earlier before Minho came?” I prodded him with my index finger. “Nothing, go to bed.” He told me and swiped my finger away. “Key?” I whispered to him a minute later. “What?” he said. “Haha, nothing. Goodnight.” I cuddled closer to him and shivered from the cold.

[Key’s POV]

I felt Jonghyun getting closer to me as time went by. It got to the point where he shivered and clutched onto my body. I enjoyed it but I was getting sleepy and couldn’t fall asleep without any sort of blanket draped over me. Sighing, I got up and headed to my room. I heard Eun Jae crying and speaking nonsense. “Yah, Eun Jae. You’re wetting my pillow.” I said to her. She sniffled and sat up, eyes all puffy and blood shot. “Sorry Key-ah. I didn’t know you felt this way about me. All this time, you wanted to protect me and you did. I’m thankful. I’m thankful you saved me from the bad guys at the bakery and now for tonight. I didn’t realize that you were my light. Key-ah. Thank you so much.” The next thing I felt was soft moist lips pressed against my own. I could taste her tears that streamed down her face. Her light? What is she talking about? I pulled away after a few seconds. My face felt like it was just doused in hot water. Why is my heart beating like this? Why does she make me feel this way? I clutched at my heart and struggled to breathe. , I need my medication. Searching the room with my eyes I spot my orange bottle of medicine. Reaching over I untwisted the cap and dry swallowed a pill. Breathless, I spoke to Eun Jae. “Please don’t tell Jjong.” And laid on my bed. I felt her cool hands touch my forehead and then my chest. “Are you okay?” she asked me in a shaky voice. I looked up at her and nodded. “Yeah.” Her eyes were filled with tears. “You just kind of surprised me that’s it.” I gave her a weak smile. “Hold on let me get Jonghyun Oppa!” she stood up to go. I grabbed her and she turned around. “Please don’t. Get Minho, my brother instead. He’s on the couch.” I weakly said and closed my eyes. My whole left arm was numb, but my heart wasn’t racing so fast. Wow, so that’s how I lost my first kiss. I thought I would lose it to someone I was interested in… and passed out.

Hey Beauties ~

I updated again, even though I was supposed to be doing my homework . . . xD

I hope that this chapter didn't surprise you . . . xD Haha, but let's see where it goes next chapter.

Oh! sorry for making this chapter longer than the usual ... XD

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Chapter 13: I hate you Microsoft word. I really liked this story and hope that one day you will come back and finish it.
Please update soon ~ I love this story <3
Shineebambi #3
Oh pmease continue....this is like my favorite story T.T But if you dont want to continue ill just wait here XD
LocketForever #4
Nooooes ms word is mean :(<br />
I'll still be here waiting incase you get the motivation to continue ^^
Blingerzxc #5
I hope Eun Jae ends with Jjongieee in the end:)<br />
Update soon, Thanks^^
LocketForever #6
Oh god oh god<br />
What's gonna happen?! D:
shinning4ever #7
Update soon..will jonghyun save her?
Shineebambi #8
Oh my goodness. JJONG HURRY AND HELP THE PERSON YOU HURT!! THen get a divorce (or try to) XD And then go apologize to key and live happily ever after with him and eun jae XD
LocketForever #9
Your welcome ^^<br />
The feeling bout silent readers is mutual xD<br />
Anyways the end made me want to cry, and kill Jong at the same time :/<br />
Another thing, that song was beautiful <3
@LocketForever : Thank you TT.TT - my life would be meaningless without your comments. <br />
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