Here We Go Again

Snail Love

Listen to this song while you're reading. I love this song so much TT.TT



[Eun Jae’s POV]

I curled up on the floor and cried my eyes out. Momma, why am I so selfish? I asked Minho to stay and miss his job in France. Why do I feel so unsure about my feelings towards anyone? I closed my eyes and lightly beat my chest. Let me get rid of this pain. “Eun.” I opened my eyes and saw Key leaning towards me. “Don’t cry.” He said to me. I shook my head. “Then promise me this, whenever you feel like crying, come into my room and cry about it to me. Okay?” he said to me. I just closed my eyes again. “Promise?” I sighed and nodded. “P-promise.” Key helped me up and I laid on my bed with the blankets covering me. “Goodnight Eun.” He said to me while tucking me in.

3 Weeks Later…

I sat quietly across from Jonghyun as Key talks to him. Three weeks and still no sign of Jonghyun waking up. “His mom told me that they are considering pulling the plug on Jonghyun.” He said in a low voice. I gasped, “No! Why would they do that?” I held my hand to my mouth. “Eun, its been over a month now. They can’t afford to keep him alive through machines forever.” Key looked away, tears dripping from his face. I stood up and ran out from the room. No, I don’t want to hear this.

[Key’s POV]

Eun Jae ran out of the room, leaving visible traces of her tears on the floor. I stood up to follow her then stopped when I felt a grip on my arm. “D-don’t say that. I’m still alive and fighting Key.” I looked at Jonghyun, surprised. “J-Jjong?!” I grabbed his shoulders. “Aish, that hurts.” He mumbled to me. Embracing him I snuggled in the crook of his neck. “You’re alive, you’re alive.” I pressed the nurses button to tell them the good news.

I didn’t know what to do. Should I call Eun Jae and tell her or should I just bring her here to see him? What about Onew and his fiancé? Groaning, I decided to pick Eun Jae up and leave Onew a voice message.

Covering Eun’s eyes, I led her into Jonghyun’s room, where he’s sitting up and eating some rice porridge. Letting go of my hands, I allowed her to see him. “J—J-Jonghyun Oppa?” She fell to her knees and cried. “You’re a-awake?” she smiled through her tears and reached forward to grab his free hand. Eun stood up and leaned on his shoulders, crying of happiness. “Um, Key, why is there a girl crying on my shoulder?” Jonghyun gave me a puzzled look. “Who is she?” he said to me. My jaw dropped in surprise. He doesn’t remember her? Eun immediately stopped crying and looked at Jonghyun in surprise. “Y-you don’t remember me?” her voice was shaky. Jonghyun shook his head. Eun Jae turned around and ran out of the room.

[Eun Jae’s POV]

I can’t believe that he doesn’t remember me at all. It hurts. It hurts so much. He remembers everybody else besides me. Crying, I escaped outside, into the frosty air. Lights are strung up everywhere. It’s near Christmas. I walked to the nearest bench and sat down. I made the wrong choice of wearing a thin jacket. More than 45 minutes has passed, I don’t feel the coldness seeping into my limbs anymore. Ha, I must be immune. Or have I gotton so cold to the point where I don’t feel it anymore? I sighed and tried to stand up, but couldn’t. Freaking out, my tears had formed an icy trail down my face, my hands were swelling up already. Frostbite? I pulled them up to my mouth to warm it up. Much better. I sat there a while and thought about life. And how I felt about Jonghyun and what I should do. Finding no answer, I just stayed sitting on the bench. “Yo’ Hyung, I think it’s the same girl from the bakery we ed with a while ago.” Two strangers surrounded me, smiling with satisfaction. “Who? Let me see.” A tall guy with came over. “Yah, TaeKyung she’s alone. Let’s finish with what we started!” Tae-TaeKyung? Sounds familiar. Then I finally remembered. These were the same people that tried to me before in the bakery. I looked frantically around, there was no one during these late hours of the night. The two guys lifted me up by my arms and dragged me to a dark corner, not far from the bench. “YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” I began to scream. One of them pulled my hair, forcing my head to look up to the sky. My mouth was agape, screaming for someone to help me. “Shhhh, little girl. No one is around her to help you.” It was the guy named TaeKyung speaking to me. “Not even your little blonde boy. So this time, I’m going to get what I want from you.” I yelped as he ripped the front of my long sleeve shirt. His buddies pinned me against the wall, my back was pressed against the chilly wall. “Please, please stop.” I couldn’t help but cry. “Tsk tsk, I will, after we’re done with you.” TaeKyung swiftly grabbed my bra and broke it, exposing my s to the cold air. “Ah!” I closed my eyes. Momma, I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment to you. Sorry mother, forgive me. He slowly left a trail of his saliva from my rib cage all the way to my neck. I flinched as he tried to my neck. TaeKyung ripped off my jacket and top altogether and threw them on the ground. Key, Key oppa. Please save me like you did last time. I could hear TaeKyung ping his pants and heard him cuss when his pants fell to his ankles. Wait, no. I can die like this. I can beg them to just kill me. I have no reason to live. None at all. Jonghyun doesn’t remember me and Key will finally get his chance to tell Jonghyun that he loves him. I cleared my mind, everything went blank. I couldn’t feel what they were doing to my body. I was cold everywhere. I was numb everywhere. Especially in my heart. I heard the switch of a blade being taken out. Yes, just kill me already. I’m prepared for death.

[Jonghyun’s POV]

My body aches, so does my heart. I finally get to see Eun Jae and I can’t help but think about my marriage to Taeyeon. I got to let her go before she gets hurt anymore. “Um, Key, why is there a girl crying on my shoulder?” I asked him. I saw Key flinch. Eun Jae was still crying on my shoulder. It hurts to let you go when I finally just found you. “Who is she?” Eun Jae stopped crying. She looked up at me and met my eyes with her piercing brown eyes. “Y-you don’t remember me?” she stuttered. Taking a deep breath I shook my head. Eun Jae immediately ran out of the room. Key was about to go after her when I told him to stop. “No Key don’t chase after her. It’s better this way. I don’t want her hurting anymore because of me.” I looked away and noticed that there was someone who sat down on the bench right outside. Tearing up I confessed to Key. “I have something to tell you. I’m getting married to a girl pretty soon.” I heard Key sigh. “I know.” I looked at him in surprise. “What?” Key chuckled. “Minho told me that he heard you guys talking on the phone. Don’t worry about it, Eun Jae has been hurt. Congratulations Jjong, you’ve managed to hurt her even more by pretending you lost your memories of her.” Key looked away.

[Key’s POV]

You’ve also managed to hurt me too Jjong. I looked away before he could notice the tears that formed in my eyes. “Oh.” He said. That’s all you can say! She just gets an ‘Oh’ not even an ‘Oh I’m sorry Eun Jae’ “Key are you alright?” Jjong asked me in a serious tone. I turned away from him. “Come on! Don’t be mad! I already told her and you that she’s gonna get hurt! I don’t mean to do this on purpose! You know I love her a lot. I really do. I’m not even sure if she loves me too.” I chuckled. “Ha, you’re blind Jonghyun. You can’t even see love if it’s right in front of you.” I turned and walked away, tears streaming down my face. I love you Kim Jonghyun and I always will.

[Jonghyun’s POV]

Key walked out of the room leaving me feeling alone and isolated. Why did I have to wake up and deal with this ? I yelled out loud in frustration. Ha, you’re blind Jonghyun. You can’t even see love if it’s right in front of you. The last sentence Key said to me kept repeating in my head. Grunting I looked outside, lights were strung up everywhere. Is it Christmas? I asked myself. I heard a quiet yell as I see this girl being dragged away. Where’s Key when I need him!? Grunting, I lifted myself off the bed and tried my best to run out and save this girl in time. Three weeks in bed has made my body weak. I snuck by nurses and walked through the front door just in time to hear her say, “Since you’re finished with me, please just kill me now. I have nothing to live for.” That sounded like Eun Jae’s voice.


Yeah, readers. I love this song so much TT.TT ~

My birthday is in 6 days ~

Ppyeong ~

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Chapter 13: I hate you Microsoft word. I really liked this story and hope that one day you will come back and finish it.
Please update soon ~ I love this story <3
Shineebambi #3
Oh pmease continue....this is like my favorite story T.T But if you dont want to continue ill just wait here XD
LocketForever #4
Nooooes ms word is mean :(<br />
I'll still be here waiting incase you get the motivation to continue ^^
Blingerzxc #5
I hope Eun Jae ends with Jjongieee in the end:)<br />
Update soon, Thanks^^
LocketForever #6
Oh god oh god<br />
What's gonna happen?! D:
shinning4ever #7
Update soon..will jonghyun save her?
Shineebambi #8
Oh my goodness. JJONG HURRY AND HELP THE PERSON YOU HURT!! THen get a divorce (or try to) XD And then go apologize to key and live happily ever after with him and eun jae XD
LocketForever #9
Your welcome ^^<br />
The feeling bout silent readers is mutual xD<br />
Anyways the end made me want to cry, and kill Jong at the same time :/<br />
Another thing, that song was beautiful <3
@LocketForever : Thank you TT.TT - my life would be meaningless without your comments. <br />
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