unwanted answers

Psychopaths || gangster!jimin


"JinHee! Oh my goodness are you alright? Did they do anything to you yet? Do you know how hard I've been trying to find you?!" He said running up to hug me. 

"What the hell—What—Huh?" I could find words to describe how I fee right now, maybe because there were hundreds of questions piling up in my head. 

"Im so glad you're alright." He said hugging me tighter. 

"Mark how the hell did you get here? More specifically how did you find me?!" I questioned 
Mark sighed. He let go of the hug, and took a deep breath. 

"Ever since I head the news that you were kidnapped. I knew it had to do something people from the south, and...and...I got involved in a gang to find you..."

"No—" I said. Mark isn't the type of person, he can't be. He was the gay pretty boy on campus who had perfect grades and worked part time at the grocery store. 

"Look I'm not a fan of it either. I hate that you had to find out like this, but I had no choice! You dad is in absolute misery that his only daughter got kidnapped, and I couldn't stand watching people making fun of your disappearance! You are definitely the talk of the town these weeks, they believe that you're dead already. So I had to find you..." 

"W-What do you want me to do!? It's not like I can just causally walk back to the other side of the wall and be like 'Hey everyone I'm back!'" I spat back. I felt like I was being too harsh, but I'm just upset that he'd go as far as to joint a gang to find me. 

"No you can't go back. Not now." He said. What did he mean by that? 

"Never mind that, I have more important things to tell you." He said, looking frustrated as well. 
"It's about them...Bangtan." He said quietly. 

"What about them...?" Seriously, there it's happening again. I'm questioning everything again. 

"You need to get the away from them. They are not who you think they are." He said assertively. I was taken back a bit. 


"You heard me. You need to get out, or find a way out of their sight. Just do any means to get away from them." He repeated, with a stern voice. 

"Why?! They aren't bad! There're just misunderstood—"

"That's what they want you to think! Can't you see that they're using you?! You're the head policeman's daughter! They kidnapped you so your dad would drop their case! I heard that they made up some stupid story about getting you mixed up with another girl just to get you on their side! " He yelled. Maybe my self doubting was a warning. 

I froze, Mark did have a point there, what if everything was all just a lie? The police are having a hard time finding new evidence on them because of me. 

"Wait. How do you know this?" I questioned. Mark sighed and scratched his head. 

"You know how I got into the gang? Yeah, turns out Jackson was already apart of them, he's pretty good at getting information—I really don't know how, but I never questioned it—but that night at the Nix, we were there as well." I couldn't properly registered what he said. 

"Wait if you were there, why didn't say anything?" 

"I did, but you threw up all over me." He said with a small smirk playing across his face. 

"It was you!? You were the guy with the mask? You were the one that shot the creepy old dude? But I thought it was—never mind." I quickly shut my big mouth before I said anything else. 

"Yes, that's when I found out you were with Bangtan. Didn't you wonder why they all left except for Jimin from the club so early? He stayed back to get your...dead body." 

"No...that not...right." I can't believe it. Though a part of me is telling me to believe it, I just couldn't. I thought I finally was on good terms with him. 

"Look of you don't believe me I have prof." Mark then quickly pulled out is phone and pulled up a video of what looked like CCTV footage. On the screen was Namjoon and what looked like the man that attacked me in the bathroom. As the camera zoomed in I saw Namjoon slip the man some money and...the same exact knife the crazy man had held up to my neck. 

"See what I mean. Don't trust them. Next time they take you anywhere, resist going out. Oh and take this." He said handing me his phone. He stood up and made his way towards the back door. 

"Wait why are you leaving?" At this point I could even process anything, my voice just came out dull and monotonous. 

"Well I came to warn you, and explain some of the things they've been hiding from you." He replied. 


"Oh JinHee, I pray that you'll be alive next time we meet, also don't let them find that phone. My number is the only one on it so message me and keep me updated with everything. Also it has Internet, so knock yourself out." He said with a small smile. 

"Huh. Wait if they wanted to kill me, why didn't they do it already" I questioned. Mark looked confused. 

"To be honest, I don't know either. Bangtan style I guess." He said. 

"Wait when are you coming back?" 

"Maybe in the next 3 to 4 days. Just don't forget to message me to show that you're—well alive." He stated flatly. 

"Well at this point, I just wish I never went out that day." I replied. 

At that moment we heard the front door open, both of our eyes widened. Mark quickly jumped out the windows and ran off. While I ran back into my room with the phone. I quickly stuffed it under the pillow, and laid down to make it seem as if I was still asleep. 

I head voices, that I recognized were Taehyung and Jimin's, soon followed by footsteps towards my door. I heard them quietly twist the doors open, and step inside. I quickly shut my eyes and started to breath heavily, pretending to sleep. 

"See Jimin, she's still knocked out from last night. I'm pretty sure JinHee isn't the typed of person to just randomly runaway." Said what sounded like Taehyung. 

"Still don't know how she got so lucky to get saved my some random guy at the bar, but Jimin from what I heard you stayed back not to get her corpse, but to keep her alive?" Continued Taehyung. 

"Let's not talk about that." Said what I presume is Jimin. 

"Aw looks like little JinHee has a guardian angle." Taehyung cooed.

"I'm still against Namjoon's plan, just why would he want to kill her? If we keep her alive we'all get more money." Said Jimin flatly.

What the ? 

"Whatever, lets get Jungkook to wake her up again." Said Taehyung. With that I heard the door close and footsteps slowly fading away. 

After a few minutes of just lying there and rethinking of what Jimin and Taehyung were talking about. I heard a small knock. 

"JinHee..?" Ah it's Jungkook

"Wake up, it's already the afternoon, Jin hyung is making you special hangover soup." Jungkook spoke sounding like he was waking up a toddler rather than a 19 year old girl. I slowly sat up giving the illusion that I was sleeping and tired. 

"I'm up, I'm up." I said

"Good, just freshen up and come down." He said with a small smile, and walked out the room. I sat there and sighed. Though I felt a little sad to do this but from now on I have to be on my guard with them. 

"don't trust them....don't trust them....don't trust them..." I muttered quietly while making my way to the bathroom. 

"Don't trust who?" Said a voice from behind. it's Jimin. 

"What no. I said 'Don't...crust....ham.' I mean ham is pretty tasty and all but don't....crust them." I said too awkwardly. 

Jimin just chucked. "True I guess, don't crust game. Anyways did you see what we did? We took down Oh Sehun, so I guess that saved the police department some work." He said in a smug tone. 

"Oh—wow! I'm glad your all back here safe after that!" I said sounding a bit too excited. Alright calm down, just pretend everything was just like it was before. Jimin just stood there smiling. 

I coughed. "Well you seem happy today." I said as normally as I could. 

He looked down and smiled. "Yeah I didn't lose something important last night." 

"Which is...?" I questioned. 

He looked up and cleared his throat. "Yeah my set of car keys. I thought I lost them, but I didn't!" He said quickly. 

"I have to go talk to Namjoon Hyung." He said and quickly walked away. 

I sighed, I don't want to believe them, but something makes me feel guilty for not doing so. I tried to ignore that feeling, so I washed up and went downstairs. Only to be greeted by Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin sitting around the table subtly talking. 

"Oh JinHee, good morning, or should I say afternoon." Joked Hoseok with a smile. Wow I never knew that he was such a good actor.  Somehow I felt sad. 

"Ah JinHee sit down, I'll get you that hangover soup." Said Jin getting up and going into the kitchen. He quickly came back with a bowl oh hot soup. 

"Ah thanks Jin, you really didn't have to." I said taking a sip of the soup, I almost choked when I realized how tasty it was. I don't care how hot it was, I kept drinking it. 

"No problem, I'm guessing you like it." 

"Love it." I replied. Though this feeling of sadness is still growing inside me, I decided to keep ignoring it and fake a personality to make it seem like I know nothing about their plan. 

Why me? 

So I hope this didn't confuse anyone ^^' but more explanations will come in the future chapters. 

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Chapter 18: Wjy you didnt continue for the update?....I enjoyed the story....I like Jimin....
Chimchim0907 #2
Chapter 18: Please update ? it's so good ??❤?❤
KiaBear01 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon!! Its sooo good, I need more! ^^
Chapter 18: Please update soon I'm on edge
Chapter 18: been waiting for this! Jimin won't hurt her right? I hope Jimin protects her in his own will.
-DaeButt #7
Chapter 18: ooh... i wonder what will happen next... (i'll be glad if there's no ... i just don't think will suit this story... you remember how this story started? of course you do.. it's your story *facepalms* anyway.. i think the comedy feel has gone from this.. it became different)
Chapter 17: this story is great:)