KILLER Pt. 2 : The Impergium

Jisoo practically stared through my eyes but his gaze was blank. When I realized how blank his gaze was, I tapped his hand and he was slightly jumped, shocked by my touch as he brought up his americano. I could see the sadness on his eyes but he was really skilled to cover it up.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked.

He let out a dry chuckle shaking his head, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Then why you leave me?"

"I'm not leaving you, Yumi. I just can't be your beta anymore."

"Why?" I asked impatiently.

"I can't stand to have you by my side 24/7 but not fully owned you." He said under his breath.

I furrowed clearly losing track on this conversation, "What do you mean?"

Jisoo took a deep breath as he stared at me sharply, "Let's not pretend like we don't know my personal feeling toward you. We both know it right? How much I care about you, how I'm willing to do anything for you, how much I love you. But it hurts me to the core when I can't have you by myself." He crossed his eyebrows but dryly chuckled eventually, "Actually I was happy when Jungkook bluntly asked me to be your beta, it means that I would spend more time with you. And that was right, I got to spend time with you, have you by my side everysingle day, but still no one can replaced Jungkook for you." Again he sent me his dry laugh.

I didn't know why but I began to feel my eyes started to watery, "Jisoo, what can I do without you?"

Jisoo smiled, "Believe me, you can do anything even it has to be without me. You're a strong girl and I bet you know that." He smiled, "You can choose between Jun and Lee Chan to replace me."

"I think I won't pick a beta anytime soon. I will leave the throne empty for awhile."

Jisoo furrowed, "Why?"

"Too sudden and no one can replace you, Jisoo. Really." I said and Jisoo smiled, "But I can't make you to stay when you no longer want to."

"It's not like I don't want to, Yumi. It's just-"

I smiled, "I understand, Jisoo I really do. You can have your position back when you want to help me out again on the field."

He nodded, "Thank you, alpha."

"Thank you, beta."

He stood up and opened his arms wide, "Come on. A hug won't hurt, right?" I chuckled but I threw myself on his embrace eventually.

Inhaled his orange pineapple scent as I felt like he kissed the top of my head. One he pulled the hug, I watched his back until he was disappearing drove his black jaguar. I took a deep breath one I went back to sit down and reflected two things that happened today which was actually opposite to one another. Got a home with Jungkook and separated with Jisoo. God, life is so overwhelming. I didn't realize that I actually grabbed on my silver fang necklace the one Jisoo gave on winter four years ago.

Suddenly Jungkook sat across me on the chair where Jisoo sat earlier, "I saw Jisoo's car left so I hurriedly went back here. Is everything okay?" He asked curiously.

"He sent me a verbal resignation letter."

"A what?" Jungkook furrowed.

"He said he can't be my beta anymore with an obvious reason which also caused your jealousy toward him." I sighed.

Jungkook nodded understanding the meaning, "I thought he would be strong."

"He's patient enough and I considered it as his strength."

"He was your beta anyway, he has to be patient. Especially when the alpha looks like-" I glared and Jungkook just let out a soft chuckle, "I mean, you're beautiful, pretty good at fight, smart and cunning as well, no personal men alive could resist that dangerous mix."

"I just can't understand why he has to be stop being my beta."

"Because he can't fully owned you." Jungkook said instantly.

I shocked realizing that Jungkook just said what also Jisoo said earlier and I was pretty much sure Jungkook couldn't read someone's mind, "Why you say that?"

"It was a natural thing if we love someone so deep until we want to have that person for ourselves."


I looked down on the snowy ground and it was Jungkook's hand which finally raised up my chin up looked through his flashy red eyes. His lips curved into a beautiful side small and his hand moved to the side of my waist and to the side of my neck, brought my face closer and kissed my lips so gently right after I said 'I do' without hesitant. He pulled out and sent me jolt of happiness when finally I could see him on a different status. He's no longer my boyfriend.

I turned to see a man who stood behind Jungkook. He was standing there, with red eyes and red nose signaled him that he was crying, blame his white pale skin for making that so obviously visible. His lips formed a wide and happy smile so were his eyes but the tears couldn't stop to storm down on his cheek. He forcefully smiled and clapped but I knew, deep down on his heart he was sad to let go of his only little sister. That man is Kim Seokjin, my lovely older brother.

I brought my gaze to the other side to see a genuine smile of someone that succeeded giving me the feel of how to be loved and to be protected. However that were no signs of sad nor happiness on his eyes, I tried to translate his smile but I couldn't see nothing but lost. We knew we would never leave each other's side but he knew I was going to have my own life and this was the part of the process. That is Hong Jisoo, my knight.

I looked to another genuine and gentle smile that flawlessly spreaded all over his face. His scent was intoxicated so was his smile. He clapped and I saw no hatred on his eyes, instead I sensed proud. His eyes were glimmering but no tears came out whatsoever. His eyes never left mine as long as I landed my gaze on his. His smile escalated into a funny rectangle grin and playfully sent me a wink. I knew deep down he was sad but being a good person he is, he covered it up and showed me his pure joy instead. He is Kim Taehyung, my another older brother from different parents.

Last, I landed back my gaze to the gorgeous man in front of my very eyes who now had his eyes lovingly stared at me. His bunny grin and his playful smirl was replaced by his warm smile and handsome gaze. I'm the luckiest girl in the entire world for having such an amazing mate. I smiled as our very first encounter flashed before my eyes, his intoxicated chocolate hazelnut scent, until the day when we had the last conversation last night as boyfriend and girlfriend.


"Princess, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Jungkook."

"You do remember about all the things that happened back when the war happened a last couple days right?"

"For sure."

"What is the most memorable thing for you the last couple days?"

"I can feel the pain."

"That's memorable?"

"Way too memorable."


"Because pain is your friend and your ally. Pain tells you qhen you've been wounded badly. But you know what the best thing about pain is?"


"It tell you, you're not dead yet."

End of flashback

He firmly said to me that no matter how the pain would try to attack me, he would block their way. As memorable as it for me, Jungkook promised me to never let me feel the same or even the worst pain. The pain that only could touch me was the pain where I had back at the war field. He hugged me with his warm gaze and smile as I took a step forward to the center of the forest, back facing the twenty people behind me who were impatiently getting ready.

I took a deep breath with a slight chuckled escaped from my lips, their enthusiasm just beyond adorable. I looked over my shoulder once before I counted down on my heart ready to toss the wedding flower.




Everyone cheered but they dropped in silent almost immediately. Curious, I turned over my body to see what happening and that was where I along with other people bursted into a big laugh, louder than I expected. There were Jimin and Yoongi both gripping on the flower and catching each other eyes. They stared each other for a solid 15 seconds before Yoongi pushed the flower to the younger one.

"There. Have yourself." Yoongi lazily crossed his hands in front of his chest while our laugh still became their drama's backsound.

"No, Hyung. We catch it together and this flower belong to us."

"You're really a ridiculously drama-queen you know that?"

"But, Hyung. Let's take care of this flower together." Jimin practically whined.

Yoongi sighed rolling his eyes, "Fine, whatever."


To be continued




(A/N): I'm sorry if the wedding didn't go as you guys expected it would be. As you know (or don't know) I'm bad at writing fluff or romantic stuff plus I got a bad fever for the last two days, so if this particular chapter kind of make you disappointed, I'm here to sincerely apologize T.T Thank you and have a nice day everyone <333

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chariscma97 #1
Chapter 18: After reading the first part..I just continue reading the second part and I freaking LOVE both part..
Its magical and full of love ..although there are a lot of angst
I'm amazed of your story plot and writing skill..
Chapter 18: <3<3<3<3 -virtual hug-
We're thankful for such an amazing author writing such an amazing fic ^^
lisa_bts #3
Chapter 17: Arggghhhh ! I don't know what too say , it just whoah ! It just perfect ! Kbye >.<
Armygoldenmaknae7 #4
Chapter 17: THEY're so cute. And Jungkook, are cute. U too Yumi. NARA AND KARA too!!!!!!!
Author nim thank you very much for this amazing and wonderful story. I LIKE IT. More like I LOVE IT. This is 'legitly' my favorite of all time wolf story. Pls don't stop writing story. Your story are the best. JJANG!! and yes i'll read it your next strory.. AND don't forget that you are and amazing writer. Fighting!!!!!
Chapter 17: Cute~~~ both of the twins like their uncles~~
Woah Jungkook already wants more kids lol
It endedㅠㅠ
Thank you for writing such an amazing fic^^
Chapter 17: Awww~~~ finished... thank you Author-nim.. for writing such a wonderful story <3 and good luck for your future stories. And i'll make sure to read them, since i know you are amazing writer :D
AngelineEXO #7
Chapter 17: Ohhh Myyy Goddddd the last part hope the get a boy
Chapter 16: Does this mean yoonmin will get married? Lol
Chapter 16: That means there's part3 right?? *looking at you with hopeful puppy eyes* Jin so cute <3
dyqakim #10
Chapter 16: my yoonmin feel :')))))))) ohmygod my hearteu..yes mikook yes yes yes. I hope jisoo can find a girl that love him back also taehyung. ohhh im a new subscriber and i really love every chptr that i read from killer pt1 - pt2 ❤ . Hwaiting author-nim :))))) gws