Reason Why I Love Her

Why It Must be You

Taeyeon POV

"Mr. Lee.. Where are you? Why you haven't arrived here? I have been waiting here from 1 hour ago..." I ask my driver with angry tone.

"I'm sorry miss. There's traffic jam everywhere. I'll go there as fast as I can. It's not really far from your school" Mr. Lee explain.

"Okay.. Okay.. Just call me when you are here."

"Okay. Get it." He answer.

I'm really bored and tired standing here for more than 1 hour. In the end I decide to go to canteen and wait there.

When I arrive there I see that girl, Tiffany. She is using her phone seriously. Her serious face is so cute. Suddenly my evil instinct is working. I walk to her quietly and then...

#Snap# I take her phone and quickly running away from her.

"Upss... Sorry... Hahahaha.." I see her surprised face. "Yah Kim Taeyeon!! How dare you take my phone from me! Give it back to me NOW!! she shout at me with anger.

"Take it if you can." I . I don't know why but I always like her when she is angry like that. I think she's really cute.

After I know that Sunny has had a boyfriend I'm very very frustrated and I started to have interest in Tiffany. Maybe she's just my runaway but later I feel like I start to like her sincerely now. I still can make up my mind about it. So for now I'll just enjoy my time teasing her.

Tiffany POV

I was waiting for my daddy to fetch me when suddenly there's someone take my phone. Then I see Taeyeon's back. She is running away after take my phone. Here she go again. Why is she never tired taking my things. But actually I enjoy it. Although it's tiring but that one of my reason why I love her. She is very childish and cute. Her joke can make me happy all day.

Although she still running but she look careless. So I don't want to waste my time anymore and quickly take her phone. "Don't you want your phone back?" I show the phone I took from her to her round eyes. She's pouting. Waw her pout is really amazing. Her pout is the best of all pout I've ever seen. It make me want to smile but if I smile I'll lose so I get an idea to make her lose.

"Give me my phone or your phone will broken." I threaten her.

"Owh really? Return my phone first." She don't want to lose.

"What! You started this problem first. Okay that's no problem I'll take your phone, anyway your phone is better and newer than mine. Ha!" She try to take her phone from me but she miss it. She look annoyed. In the end she give up.

"Okay.. Today I lose to you. Here." She return my phone and then I'm return her phone too. "But next time don't hope I'll lose again." She say to me.



"What are you doing here? Why haven't you go home?" She ask me.

"My daddy has a meeting now so I must wait till he is finish."

#dertdert# Taeyeon's phone is ringing

"Wait a second." She told me then walk away from me.

"Hello? Oh yeah. Oh ok. But Mr. Lee I want to wait till my friend is fetched. I think it won't take much time. Is it okay? Hmm... Thank you Mr. Lee. You are the best."



"Your driver has arrived?" I ask.

"Hmm.. Yes. But I want to wait here until your dad come. It's already 3 p.m and there are no many people around here. It's dangerous for a girl to wait here alone."

She's so sweet. Even though she's a jokester but she's big hearted. When somebody need her help she will help them as good as she can. Like that time, first time I looked her as a cute but gentle girl.




-Flash back 2- Last year

Today is the first night snow fall from the beautiful winter sky. It should be the best day for everyone except for me. Now I'm escaping from my house because I fought with my dad.

At first I'm really angry but after I think about it again I realize that it was my fault but I can't go home now. I have gone too far, I'm too embarrassed to face my dad.

Because I went out too rushly so I forget to bring my coat. The weather is getting colder and colder. And the worst thing is I even forget to bring my phone and I don't bring money. I don't know what must I do. I just walking nowhere.


I was sitting on a bench because I'm tired walking for hours when suddenly someone is put a coat on me from behind.

"Why are you wearing such a thin cloth like that. Don't you will freezing if you sit there like that? Here drink this." Taeyeon offer me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Oh thanks." I thank her. "What are you doing here?" I talk to her while I drink my hot chocolate.

"Shouldn't it's me who ask you that question?" She ask me with her warm smile.

"Just a little argument with my dad." I answer her.

"You're escaping?" She ask me curiously.

"Hmm... Yes..." I answer her still holding her coat so my body is getting warmer. "Wait... If I wear your coat what do you wear. It's really cold today. Here." I've just realize she didn't wear a coat so I give her coat back.

"Oh no no no... I'm okay. Just wear it. I don't feel cold." She reject it. But I see she likes a little trembling against the cold.

"If that so why don't we share the coat together. You must wear this coat too. This coat is yours. Come here, sit beside me..."

She come closer to me. I'm right she lied to me. Her body is freezing. I can feel her body is really cold like an ice.

She's so cool. Even though she's freezing too but she still give her coat to other people.

After we're under same coat together for minutes finally our body is warmer. I don't feel cold anymore. We are chatting all night. And we don't realize that day has already dark.

"Hey Fany-ah... It's already 9 p.m... Want to go home now?" She ask me.

"......" I don't answer her right now. I still can't face my dad. I don't want to go home for tonight. But where must I go? I have nowhere and I don't have money too.

"How if you sleep over at my place?" She offer me to sleep in her house. I'm a little shock when she ask me that. I don't know if It's okay for me to go to her place.. "Is it okay?" I'm not sure.

"My parents aren't home tonight. They're really busy. My brother is with his girlfriend. So I'm lonely. Let's go." She grab my hand and bring me to her house.

Finally we arrive. Her house is really big and comfortable. We go to her room and then she give me another warm cloth. All night we can't stop chatting. I don't expect that today can be a great time like this. Although I fight with my dad but it's very fun after I meet Taeyeon.

I'm never know that Taeyeon can become like this kind. All this time I though Taeyeon is just a heartless prankster girl. It's very different from what I expected. She's amazing. For me today is the best winters first snowfall day ever. I grateful that I can meet Taeyeon. If it's not her now my mood would still bad and I would still in that park frozen.

After we feel tired, we fall asleep.

The next day she cooperate with me to my home. I apologize to my dad and all problem solve. Thanks to Taeyeon.

-End of flashback-





#turululutdertdert# Now it's my phone which is ringing.

I walk away from Taeyeon.

Oh it's daddy. "Yes dad? Oh you have arrived. Okay I go outside now. Wait there."



"Taeyeon-ah.... My dad has come. Let's go outside together." I invite her to walk with me.

On the way to the front gate we don't stop talking until we meet my dad.



Taeyeon POV

"Hello sir. How are you?" I greet Mr. Hwang while I bow to him.

"Oh yes Taeyeon. I'm fine. Thanks for taking care this girl." He greet me too.

"No problem sir. I must go home now. So bye."

"Thanks Taeyeon-ah. Good-bye. See you tomorrow." I bow to Mr. Hwang and I'm waving my hand to them. Then I go to my car.

"Let's go Mr. Lee. Let's go home." I sit on the back playing my phone and I smile to myself thinking of what has happened today.











Hello again everyone... I finally finish my third chapter. Thank you for read it... And I want to thanks everyone who subscribes this story. Hope you enjoy this chapter and still wait for the update. I'm sorry because this chapter is a little deviate from the truth. But I still try hard to maintain authenticity. Then see you in the next chapter... Thanks everyone....

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 20: I read it again after years
maemae08 #2
Chapter 20: Moreeeee
cwright01_ #3
Thanks for writing an awesome story ! Love it ! <3 <3
YhoTaengoo #4
I really love a happy ending like this XDDDDD
EMT0304 #5
Another TaeNy story, please ^^
Love you <3 ;)
Thanks for becoming first reader.. Hahaha..
Thanks everyone.. I know taeyeon is really a coward.. But finally she make it thanks to her friends.. Hahahaha..
finally, thank goodness she confessed!!!! ^__^
it's ending now..?
it's k coz happy ending for taeny..:)
gudluk author,write a new fic 'bout taeny too..:)
yah Tae needs to confess now!!!! Fany is going to leave and the two will never know their feelings for each other.....arghhh!!!!