Teasing Junjin

The weird fan

Hi, today is my birthday and normally we treat our family and friends to something yummy. 
But because i can't give you cake or pie i hope you'll enjoy this chapter instead.
Please tell me what you think of it! :)

I want to dedicate this chapter to all Shinhwa Changjo who take risk by recording and photographing during the concerts and then sharing it on the internet! 
They take big risks and gain nothing by it for themselves, they only do this for us who aren't able to go to the concerts ourselves.
I'm eternally grateful to them, for me they are Hero's as well!

It's not much, but this is al i can do to show how grateful i am.


When you're finished doing the dishes together after breakfast Junjin turns towards you "I think you need to go back to bed to rest some more." he says, while fidgeting with the towel he used to dry the dishes. You look at him surprised "It's ok, I'm fine. I'll just take it easy for today.", he puts the towel on the counter and takes you by your wrist "No that won't do, you need to go back to bed, come" he says with more confidence but still a bit awkward. Confused you let him lead you to the bedroom, while he gently pulls you along by your wrist. Still holding on to you he pulls back the covers and steps aside while motioning you to get in the bed. Kind of curious, and starting to feel a bit nervous, as to why he is so adamant that you need to rest some more you quietly do as he wants and lay down, he pulls the covers over you and walks around the bed. He smiles gently and your eyes grow big because it slowly starts to dawn on you as to what his reason is. He gets in the bed on the other side and holds out his arms to invite you to lay in his embrace once more.

You have laid in his arms the whole night so he could keep you warm, and it had felt really good. Apparently he feels the same and wants to hold you some more, you slowly move over to him while blushing fiercely. For some reason this is even more awkward then it was last night, maybe because this time around you're not half asleep.
He pulls you close to him, your arms folded in between both of your chests, his arms around you. You let out a soft sigh and try to relax as he snickers because of your tensed reaction. One hand is on your shoulder and you feel the other hand halfway down on your back, like that he holds you tightly against himself for awhile.
After about 20 minutes, when you're finally able to relax in his embrace again, he pulls a bit away from you and looks at your face. You look up at him to see why he pulled back, his hand comes up and he softly brushes your hair back. He looks in your eyes with a slightly worried expression, softly he asks "Are you really alright, are you hurting anywhere? Please tell me honestly.". You give him a faint smile "I'm alright...the muscles in my legs hurt a bit and I'll probably will be a bit tired the next few days. But it's alright, nothing serious." for some reason you feel tears stinging behind your eyes. The thought occurs to you that you can't remember the last time that someone was genuinely worried about you, and you feel really grateful towards Junjin for being so caring.
He's still staring into your eyes and you
 can't move, he has locked your eyes with his gaze and you can't look away. His fingers trail down the side of your face, from your temple to your jaw and then he follows your jaw line to your chin. He gently pushes your chin up a bit and slowly moves closer with his face while he keeps looking at your eyes to see your reaction, to see if you won't get startled to much. When he's almost upon you he lowers his gaze, finally letting go of your eyes, right before his his lips softly brush against yours, it only lasts for a second before he pulls back and looks up again. He doesn't move away far, only a few centimeter, and he sees that you have your eyes closed.

Your heart pounds in your chest after the soft touch, your lips hardly had met, it was that soft and that short, but it still made your heart pound...maybe even more than a full on kiss would do. You feel his breath on your face and know he is still very close. When after a few seconds still nothing else happens you carefully open your eyes again. He's looking at you, when he sees you're looking up at him questioningly a small smile spreads across his mouth. His hand moves to the back of your neck, and slowly he moves towards you again. This time he gently presses his lips against yours for a real kiss, still softly and carefully afraid you might get frightened. Right before he wants to pull away again he feels your lips move slightly to kiss him back, it gives him the reassurance that you are ok with it. While he keeps his lips against yours he pulls you closer with the arm under you and moves his hand from the middle of your back to your waist, almost circling his arm entirely around you. You let out a small gasp because you're pressed even closer to him. You feel his lips pull into a grin because of it and his firm muscles move under your hands that are now pressed flat against his chest, your cheeks start to burn.
You pull back from his kiss and quickly lower you face to bury it against your hands on his chest because you're too embarrassed to look at him. His hand comes up to your face again and he softly touches your red cheeks, he smiles slightly while thinking how cute it is that you're so easily ashamed.
He brushes your cheek with the back of his fingers and then lets them follow the curve down the side of your neck. He folds his other hand a bit more firmly around your waist, while the tips of his fingers trail from your neck to your shoulder.
You trembled involuntarily at the soft touch of his fingers brushing the side of your neck and you can just barely hold back a whimper, you don't want him to know that you are this sensitive to his touch.
To your relieve he puts his hand on your shoulder again and lets it rest there, after a bit he moves his hand to your other shoulder so that both his arms are around you, and he holds you in a tight embrace once more. 

He holds you like that for a good long while, he had felt your tremble and it surprised him a bit, he hadn't expected that his tender caresses made you react like that. He wasn't really thinking about what he was doing at all, he was just letting his mind wander while enjoying having you close and being able to hold you. He wasn't doing anything on purpose, although now he's thinking about it, he does like the thought of teasing you a bit. A grin spreads on his face, he places his hand on your shoulder and softly pushes you a bit backwards so he can see your face again, you look up at him carefully, still feeling a bit flustered.
He says "You're a bit sensitive." while grinning at you, your face go's pale and then turns bright red right after, he laughs at the sight. You want to hide your face again against him, but he doesn't let you, instead he places his fingers under your chin and holds it so you can't turn away. 
He lowers his head and very slowly moves towards you again, he sees your shocked gaze and smiles. He parts his lips slightly so he can capture your lips with his own, he doesn't want to let you go now. He kisses you a bit more passionately but still softly, he nibbles your lower lip and without realizing it you slightly part your lips giving him an unexpected opportunity. He lets his tongue wander between your lips, carefully tasting them, but only for a second because he feels your shock and doesn't want to startle you to much yet...he has something else planned.
He moves his hand from your shoulder to the side of your face so he can cup your cheek, while he keeps giving you soft pecks on your lips.
He lets his fingers trail down your face towards the side of your neck once more, again you can't help but shudder when he lets his fingers trail softly down your neck. While kissing you he lifts his head from the pillows and pushes your shoulder back with his hand making your turn a bit towards your back so he is slightly hovering over you. Then he moves his kissing from your lips to the side of your mouth and then your jaw line, and while softly letting his lips feel your skin he lets his kisses trail towards your neck. 

Junjin is curious to how you will react to his kisses there, seeing you already had such nice reaction to the touch of his fingers on your neck, he grins slightly by the thought of it. He isn't disappointed, the second his kiss barely touches your neck you tens up entirely and you can't hold back another whimper. Not moving his lips from that spot he holds you firmly, one of his hands still around your waist, pressing you against himself and the other hand on your shoulder blade. After a few seconds he slowly starts to move his kisses down the side of your neck. 
Suddenly you start to protest and try to wiggle free from his embrace, surprised by your sudden action he stops kissing and pulls back his head to look at you, panting you exclaim in a tiny voice "Yah! Please stop. Please, no more.". He obviously reached your limit, he still keeps holding you in his arms though, your wiggling to get free hardly bothering him. He grins while you keep trying to get loose, "Ok ok, I'll stop." he says "Calm down a bit so i can release you, i don't want you to fall from the bed in your haste to get away." he adds smiling. At that you stop your wiggling but you just can't seem to relax your arms who are pushing against his chest to keep him at a small distance, you know it won't be any use though, you're obviously no match for his strength. You're hoping he will let you go quickly, but before letting you go he rolls you further on your back while pushing himself up on his elbows that are now on both sides of you so he hovers over your entirely. Being free from his arms but not his awfully close stare you can't look anywhere else other than his eyes, he gives you a reassuring smile and after just staring at you like that for a while he says "I was just teasing you. You can't take much, can you?", you don't answer so he continues while starting to grin "We have to work on that!" and he gives you a wink. Your eyes grow big at the thought of it, but before you get the chance to try to get away again he quickly gives your a peck on your lips, then he gives you a sweet smile and immediately after gets up from the bed. 

He quickly walks out of the room, he heads for the couch and sits down while he can't stop grinning at that amazing expression he just got from you. He waits patiently in the living room, not sure how long it will take, or even if you will ever come out of the bedroom.
 he starts thinking about all possible ways to 'work on your sensitivity' or in his case of ways to tease you with it.

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I'm writting the ending...not that i'm there yet, but it suddenly popped in my head how to end this story...kinda sad feeling though.


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Chapter 22: Very nice story, honestly I convert my bias to Junjin because of this story. Great job
finmin #2
Chapter 22: Nice story ^^ Every shinhwa changjo dream come true <3
championmugger #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this! Found this via your post on tumblr and thought I'd check in ; u ; I'd be reading them in a bit but good luck on this! :D