Healing time

The weird fan

Junjin feels his phone vibrate even before he hears the beep of the incoming message and immediately he reaches inside his pocket to grab it, but Hyesung is quicker because he already has his phone in his hands. "They found her!" Hyesung exclaims after seeing the message on his phone, Junjin's eyes grow big and he quickly takes a look at his own phone to see for himself. "THEY DID!" he yells after seeing the message from Minwoo's two friends "Hyung they DID find her!" and he gives Hyesung a tight hug while jumping up and down, only stopping when the phone vibrates again after a few seconds indicating another message arriving.
The second message immediately brings him back to reality, it's saying that you're not responding to their calls and asking Junjin to come quickly. He feels tears b behind his eyes, desperately he asks Hyesung "Hyung, where are they? Do you know?", Hyesung quickly nods "I'll call them, don't worry, it's going to be alright!" then more softly to himself "It'll be alright, it has to be.". They quickly find out where to go thanks to a 'follow-me' app with which they're able to see where the others are at that moment on a map. Meanwhile the other 'search-parties' decide to head back towards Junjin's apartment and wait for them there. When Junjin and Hyesung arrive they see you huddled close to a tree stump, unmoving and with your eyes closed. Junjin runs towards you and kneels next to you while calling your name, when you don't respond he grabs your shoulders to carefully shake you to try and wake you up. It takes a while but when you finally questioningly say his name softly he pulls you in to his arms relieved. Behind him the other three guys also let out relieved breaths and Hyesung immediately sends a message to the rest that you are going to be alright. 
When Junjin picks you up in his arms after seeing you're still in very bad shape you see the worry flash in his eyes for a second. But when he see's your extremely uncomfortable and reddening face at being carried he has to try and hold back his laughter, 'it's really cute' he thinks to himself, while reprimanding you for struggling so much. 

"Junjin," Hyesung looks thoughtful and a bit worried "It's a pretty long walk back, i don't think you can carry her like that the whole way.", the others nod in agreement. At first Junjin immediately wants to protest, but even before he starts he already has to admit that Hyesung is right, it's close to impossible to carry someone in your arms while walking the distance they have to walk. He looks at you, and as if he can read your mind he says "Don't even think about it, you're not even able to stand, let alone walk all the way back yourself.". Then one of the unfamiliar guys asks "How about carrying her on your back, or is she to exhausted for that as well?". Again Junjin glances at you "What do you think?" he asks, you shrug your shoulders while nodding your head. Anything is better than this, not that your physically uncomfortable, actually it's pretty nice, but it's REALLY embarrassing to be carried like this, especially because he's so serious about it and there are other people around.
Carefully he puts you down on the tree stump, while holding on to your arm to help you to stay upright on the stump he turns around and crouched down in front of you. He gives a soft pull on your arm that he's holding and says "Alright, put your arms around my neck.", carefully you lean forward so you can do as he says. When your chest touches against his back you feel fluttering in your stomach, while your face starts to become red again you kick yourself mentally for being over sensitive, and slowly put your arms around his neck. He then reaches for your legs and puts them around his waist, while holding on to them he stands up. "Oh, this i can do easily." he says to no one in particular, "You hardly weight more than a decent back  bag." he explains and tries to look over his shoulder to give you a sweet smile, "Are you comfortable as well?". "Hmm, yeah." you softly murmur, you're more then comfortable, even though it doesn't help against your shivering and feeling cold, you can feel his warmth true his sweater, it's really nice.
After awhile you can't fight the tiredness anymore and you keep dozing off, apparently Junjin also notices it "Put your head on my shoulder." he says in a commanding tone, not giving you any chance to protest against the idea, you nod silently and rest your head against him. Not even 5 seconds later you're of to dreamland, your sleep and dreams are restless, but still you don't notice anything that's going on around you anymore.
Hyesung walks one step behind Junjin so he can keep an eye on you, once in awhile he comments "She's still sleeping.", and that's about everything that's being said, all of them seem to be to tired and busy with their own thoughts to say anything.

After the long walk back Junjin, Hyesung and the two other guys finally reach Junjin's apartment.
The moment Junjin steps true the door the four members who are waiting at the apartment immediately crowd around and start asking if you're ok. Before he can do anything Hyesung is already pushing them away while shushing them, "Keep your voices down, can't you see she's sleeping." he hisses, making them quiet down immediately. "She's going to be alright i think" Junjin answers quickly, seeing their worried looks, he continues "She's very tired and really cold....she hasn't stopped shivering the whole way back. I don't know what to do about it." he says and looks pleadingly at Dongwan for an answer.
Dongwan shrugs "A hot bath should do the trick...but seeing how week she is right now she can't take a bath alone..." his voice trails of, the rest of the guys in the room stay quiet while looking at Junjin, it takes a few seconds before Junjin understands and his face suddenly turns bright red "YAH! What are you saying! That's not an option!", Dongwan shakes his head "No ...no of course not, you can't.". Because of Junjin's sudden outburst you start to wake up slightly and let out a deep sigh while burying your face against his shoulder, making Junjin freeze on the spot.
Dongwan silently clears his throat "I think the best thing to do right now is to just put her in bed and cover her with a thick blanket, she can also be shivering so much because she's just to tired. She'll probably be better after a good night rest". At that suggestion Junjin nods, obviously relieved he says "Alright, I'll do that.". "We'll better leave you to it then." Andy says, and everyone nods in agreement, while on their way out Minwoo says with a smirk "You know the best thing to keep someone warm is using your own body heat, don't you?!". The others start to grin while Junjin's face turns red again right after it just turned back to it's normal color after Dongwan's suggestion earlier, Junjin only grumbles something inaudible back at Minwoo.
When everyone is finally out in the hallway of the apartment building Junjin quickly says his thanks for helping him while the others wave him back inside saying he should go take care of you.

The moment Junjin closes the door you wake up slowly and get to see a glimpse of the guys out in the hallway before the door closes entirely.
While you're silently trying to figure out where you are Junjin carries you towards the bedroom, still groggy you ask "Where am i?". Junjin looks over his shoulder in surprise, "Oh, you're awake?!" and then he adds "You're at my place." while he carefully sits down on the edge of the bed to put you down. He turns towards you and then crouches down to get a better look at your face because you're staring at the floor. You see a sad and worried expression on his face, you lift your head a bit and while trying to sound cheerful you say "Don't worry, I'll be alright, I'm just really tired." and you smile at him. Suddenly he pulls you into a tight embrace "Don't ever make me worried like this again!" he whispers in your ear, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him back to try and comfort him as well. You have to swallow a lump in your throat before you can whisper a soft "Sorry.", tears start to well up in your eyes. After staying like that for a short bit he pushes you away slightly so he can see your face again and asks carefully "Do you think you can change clothes before laying down? It's better to wear something more comfortable.", you nod slowly "I think i can manage.".
Junjin nods at your answer and walks to the closet to take out a sweater and sweatpants and lays them next to you on the bed "You can wear this." he says, before leaving the room he glances at you worriedly and adds "Call me when you're done." and he quickly walks out, closing the door behind him.

By the time you finally have managed to change into the comfy clothes Junjin gave you you're completely exhausted again, almost unable to sit up by yourself. You call to him that he can come in again, and the door immediately opens, making it obvious he was standing right on the other side, you're touched by how caring he is. He quickly helps you to get under the covers of the bed and tucks you in tightly, while he sits down on the edge next to you you can hardly keep your eyes open. But you don't want to fall asleep yet, you want to see his face some more, to see that he's really there and that you're not just dreaming. Seeing you struggle against the sleep Junjin gives you a reassuring smile while saying "Just go to sleep. I'll stay here, i won't leave you alone anymore.", he stretches his hand out towards your face and softly caresses your cheek. He then sighs "What can i do to make you stop shivering? Shall i get another blanket for you?" he softly asks. You shake your head, knowing it won't make a difference because you're cold to your bones and also from being to tired. Slowly you bring up your hand from under need the covers and stretch it towards his and you take his hand into yours, you give him a weak smile and then quickly close your eyes out of embarrassment. His fingers curl around your hand, then he leans towards you and kisses you on your forehead.
After awhile you still haven't fallen asleep because you just can't stop shivering, you try to roll up into a ball even further, even though it doesn't help. Softly Junjin asks "Are you still not sleeping?", keeping your eyes closed you give a slight nod, he sighs and while letting go of your hand he says "Alright...., wait a bit...", you feel him getting up from the bed. It sounded like his voice was shaking a bit at the last few words, but you're not sure, 'He probably is really tired by now as well.' you think. While still stubbornly keeping your eyes closed you hear Junjin moving around in the room.

Completely unexpected you suddenly feel the bedcovers being lifted and Junjin crawl under them next to you. His movements are quick, like he planned them ahead. Before you can react to it you already feel one of his hands on your shoulder and the other arm slide under your head, making your head lay on his upper arm. You have to stretch your legs so you're not rolled up into a ball anymore. While pulling you closer he wraps his arm, that your head is on, around your shoulders and the other one around your waist pulling you against himself. You can feel his body heat much stronger than when he was carrying you on his back, the moment he pulls you tight against himself you understand why and you freeze. 
You can feel his bare chest beneath your hands that are pressed against him, he's not wearing a shirt, only his shorts and nothing else. While holding you tightly in his strong arms he whispers "I won't do anything." and after a few seconds "This is the last thing i can try to make you stop feeling so cold.". You almost let out a smirk while thinking to yourself 'Yes, if there's one thing that'll make me feel warm again this is surely it.'. While your face starts to burn the rest of your body still shivers, but it seems like it's starting to decrease. You quickly give in to his embrace because you're to tired to care, so instead you actually snuggle against him, being thankful for the darkness so he can't see your tomato red face. 
But unfortunately for you Junjin decides to lift the mood a bit by saying "Your face does feel warm." while unable to suppress a giggle. You jerk back, or a at least try to, but his tight grip prevents you from even moving the slightest bit away from him. He gives a peck on your forehead "Don't worry about it....it's a good thing you can't see my face." he softly admits, and tightens his embrace around you for a second.

While holding you in his arms Junjin feels really content, he was afraid you wouldn't let him when he realized that he forgot to put on a shirt and sweatpants the moment he lifted the covers. When he realized he was only wearing his shorts it was to late, he knew upfront that the moment he would lift the covers he had to move fast so you wouldn't get the chance to try and move away and it would turn into one big embarrassing moment. But luckily it worked out, even though he's blushing like crazy now because he feels your hands and face against his bare skin. Your hands are cold and your face feels warm, but it seems you're shivering is lesser now, he hopes he's right about that. At first he doesn't dare to move the slightest bit while holding you in his arms because he's afraid to scare you away, but when he feels you snuggle against his chest he gets more confidence and softly starts rubbing your back carefully. When he feels you starting to relax in his embrace while he's rubbing your back he grins to himself, he's satisfied that he already found out how to calm you down quickly. 
Not much later he notices that you finally fell asleep, and it seems to be a peaceful and deep sleep.
While he's enjoying every second of being able to hold you close against him like this and trying to save every feeling and scent of you in his memory he can't help but to fall asleep as well in the end.

The next morning when you wake up you feel rested and comfortably warm again, you let out a relieved sigh. You notice you must've turned around during your sleep because now you're laying on your other side. Junjin's arms are still around you, holding you close to him while he's now giving you a back hug. You keep silent, pretending you're still sleeping while relishing in the feeling of being held in his strong arms, you also don't want to wake him up and you're to embarrassed to face him like this.
You actually don't know that Junjin's also awake already and that he noticed that you woke up as well. He's also keeping silent while not wanting to get up and let go of you. Both of you stay like this for another 30 minutes until suddenly Junjin's stomach starts to grumble, he lets out a soft groan and starts to move. He softly whispers next to your ear "In case you're awake...i'll go make breakfast." and he gives a soft kiss on your cheek. After that he quickly but silently gets out of the bed and walks out of the room leaving the door open on a crack. 
When you hear him walk out of the room you let out a breath you didn't know you where holding. You must've been holding your breath from the moment he whispered in your ear, and you're really hoping he didn't notice that. You stay like that for another 10 minutes, trying to regain your composure and figure out how you are going to face him because you know you can't avoid him for long. In the end you decide to just get out of bed and try to act like nothing happened.

But the moment you walk into the kitchen all of your plans go down the drain, when you see him standing there with his back towards you you feel your cheeks starting to burn again. He is fully dressed now, but he's wearing a very thin and loose sweater that seems to reveal every shape of his muscular body when it sways around him with even the slightest of movements from him. You shake your head to try and get it out of your thoughts, maybe it's just because he held you against his bare chest for the entire night and it's just your mind playing tricks on you, making you imagine these kind of things.
Apparently he heard or felt you standing there because he suddenly turns around and looks at you, for a second both of you can only stare at each other. Then Junjin blinks his eyes and says "Good morning, i hope you slept well?", luckily it seems like he also wants to act like nothing happened and you quickly play along "Yes i did, thank you. What about you?" you say with a slightly trembling voice. He gives you a sweet smile "I slept really well also." and he can't resist but to give a wink, while turning towards the counter he says "Breakfast is just ready, you have great timing." and he turns back around holding two plates filled with food.


Happy 18th anniversary to all Shinhwa Changjo!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

(wahahaha look at that, i got 18 subscribers on Shinhwa's 18th anniversary!
Thank you SO much, i love you all :D )

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I'm writting the ending...not that i'm there yet, but it suddenly popped in my head how to end this story...kinda sad feeling though.


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Chapter 22: Very nice story, honestly I convert my bias to Junjin because of this story. Great job
finmin #2
Chapter 22: Nice story ^^ Every shinhwa changjo dream come true <3
championmugger #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this! Found this via your post on tumblr and thought I'd check in ; u ; I'd be reading them in a bit but good luck on this! :D