★Fairydust ★ 5th member, dulcee !

★Fairydust ★

★Fairydust ★ 5th member, Yi Roo Ri !



Birth Name: Yi Roo Ri

Stage Name: Roo

Nickname(s): Roo Ri's nickname is Roo, which was given to her by Sooyoung of SNSD. Sooyoung loved Winnie the Pooh, and Roo's impossible dreams and accident-prone personality reminded her of the kangaroo "Roo".

Known For: Roo is known for her perceptiveness at judging people's personality, gaining attention for her keen eyes. She's able to tell whether one is double-faced or not, and can quickly determine one's personality by looking at their actions. She is known to be the sleepiest one in the group, and therefore needs much coffee. Roo is also known for being accident-prone, especially when under pressure, gaining the nickname "walking disaster". 

D.O.B: 11/11/1992

Age: 18 years old

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 45 kg



Personality: Roo Ri is what most people call a  "walking disaster" with "starry-eyes". She injures herself so much that it's considered abnormal, and often messes things up. She tries to avoids eye contact at all costs because of shyness, with the exception of people close to her. Roo Ri also has narcolepsy, which causes her to fall asleep at the most random times, including meal times, or when she's standing up. Despite her sleepiness, Roo Ri is extremely perceptive of people, and can tell fake personalities from real ones. Actually, a feature she is known for is her perceptive "starry-eyes"; the big and dreamy eyes that hide her intuitiveness. These "starry eyes" sometimes make people scared that she'll discover their bad sides. She doesn't do aegyo, since it always ends up with an awkward silence. Roo won't fall for any tricks or bribery, and is resistant to any type of aegyo begging. If you ever nag at her or try to force her to do something, she will run away. Literally. When she is on stage, she turns quite shy and more accident-prone than usual. In fact, other people regard her frequent accidents as daily happenings. Of course, it doesn't help that she hits herself on her head when she feels guilty or does something wrong.

                    Otherwise, she is very caring for other's feelings, although it's not obvious. Her sense of humor is so lame that it's funny, in a bad way. Roo Ri is the type of person that does something without thinking twice, but she is still very hardworking. But beware! She might pull out her handy notebook and reveal one of your most embarrassing secrets. In fact, her favorite thing to do is to stalk and observe people. She keeps a record of information on all the people she meets. Roo Ri also has a dislike of men, since her father once cheated on her mother, causing their divorce. She is uncomfortable around all males except for her guy friends, whom she trusts. She often sets goals beyond her reach, which causes others to nickname her "starry-eyed".

Group Position: 1.  Face of group, Sub Vocals



Like(s): 1. Stars

             2. Rainy days

             3. Sleep

             4. Tearjerking dramas or movies

             5. Ballads, slow songs, touching songs

             6. Peopl who are truly kind, not just as a facade

             7. Coffee. Especially Salted Caramel flavored coffee...


Dislike(s): 1. Two-faced people

                2. Eye contact

                3. Males

                4. Being nagged

                5. Waking up

                6. Carrots and celery

                7. People who sugarcoat their words


Hobbies: 1. Observing/taking notes of people around her 

                  2. Composing songs/ writing lyrics to ballads

                  3. Practicing her crying skills by trying to cry while watching comedy shows on T.V.

                  4. Memorizing facts from her observation/stalking notebook in her spare time

                  5. Performing embarrassing parodies of other songs to her fellow members

                  6. Stargazing

                  7. Sleeping at any extra time...


Habits: 1. Avoiding eye contact at all costs!

                2. Tilting her head when lying

                3. Smiling unnaturally cheerfully when greeting two-faced people

                4. Covers with the back of her hand when laughing, coughing, or yawning

                5. Without her coffee, she falls asleep at random times; while eating, standing, or singing and dancing.

                6. Zoning out /  Staring blankly into space

                7. Accidently banging her head against windows when admiring scenery

                8. Hitting herself on the head repeatedly with her fist when she does something wrong



                 Sung Koo Ri  ||  43  ||  Mother  ||  Roo's mother, Sung Koo Ri, is an extremely cheerful, caring, and clueless mother. She is horrible at cooking, and burns herself often; that's probably where Roo got her clumsiness from. However, her cheerfulness never fails to cheer Roo up on her most depressed days. They have coffee together often as a tradition. 

               Yi Hyuk Min  ||  53  ||  Ex- Father  ||  A two faced businessman who cheated on Roo's mother with a e. He divorced Roo's mother and moved out as well. He is disgusted and scared of Roo's perceptive eyes.

               Lee  Tae Joon  ||  46  ||  Stepfather  ||  A childish CEO of a coffee company that Roo helps do CF's for. He gets along with Roo's mother extremely well... they're like two children playing together. 

               Yi Ji Eun (IU)  ||  19  ||  Older sister  ||  IU is Roo's sister; to Roo, IU is an extremely kind. They're both clumsy; in fact, every christmas, they give each other a brand new first aid kit. Roo loves to practice singing with IU; she helped compose and write lyrics for some of IU's songs. They call themselves the "Roo-U" siblings.                                  



                Sooyoung from SNSD  ||  Roo met Sooyoung at a coffee shop, where she accidently tripped and spilled coffee over Sooyoung's lap. Luckily, Sooyoung wasn't too angry, and they became coffee friends soon after. Sooyoung is a motherlike figure to Roo, although she can be naggy and loud at times. Roo admires Sooyoung's bluntness. 

                Onew from SHINee  ||  Onew is another male that Roo trusts; his mild personality and lame humor led them to be pretty good friends. Not only that, Roo has uncovered many dark secrets about SHINee from Onew. Roo met Onew during a filming for a drama; Onew had tripped, and Roo helped him up. He immediately told her a lame pun, in which she responded with a pun of her own.  

Partner: Sandeul ~ B1A4

Previous Relationship(s):

                                            1. Taemin from SHINee   ||   Roo used to date Taemin from SHINee during his Lucifer days. The met each other backstage in a waiting room, where Roo was sneaking around to observe her target of the day. She accidently walked into SHINee's waiting room, and found a surprised Taemin. From then on, they became closer and closer.Roo was in SHINee's dorm playing tag with Taemin, and unbeknownst to them, there was a secret camera that a PD from a show installed. Roo tripped and fell on the floor, and Taemin bent over and kissed her cheek, then pulled her up. The PD was extremely shocked, and showed it to SHINee's manager, who was extremely shocked and angry. In order to get them to break them up, SHINee's manager showed the videos to several news reporters. The next day, there was a huge uproar, and many Taemints began to angrily search for Roo. The fans were even angrier when they heard that they dated for around one year. They are still good friends now, but are slightly awkward around each other.

                                              2. Minwoo from Boyfriend   ||   When Roo was a trainee, she used date Minwoo from Boyfriend. They met each other at his company building, where Roo was stalking the company president. He was practicing his rapping skills, but Roo accidently coughed, and he found her hiding behind a sofa. However, Roo merely had a crush him, and didn't exactly love him. On the other side, Minwoo was infatuated with her. They were sitting on the river bank one day, and a reporter found them He attempted to cover her face, and was successful. When the news came out, there was huge outrage, since it hasn't been long since Boyfriend debuted; Roo and Minwoo had dated for five months. Netizens were also angry because the boy band was supposed to be the fans' boyfriend, and argued that they shouldn't date. 

*Past Experience(s): 1. Filmed several CF's for Starbucks coffee

                                     2. Composed and wrote lyrics for her sister IU's song "The Story Only I Didn't Know"

                                     3. Featured in Big Bang's "Lies" music video

                                     4. Was one of the girls in B2st's "Beautiful" MV

                                     5. Modeled for several clothes brands

                                     6. Wrote lyrics (didn't compose) for FT Island's "Like the Birds" song

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Cool description! - Yuki
glad you're back! c:
hehe, and take your time updating ^^
blingasaur-x #3
Aww, glad that you're back dear ^^
Just to let you know, take your time and I'm still reading this c: ♥
annyeong..mianhe i just came back from a very long hiatus because of school..T_T

little_miss_asian #5
I just luv my character so much! hehehe :)

1. Woohyun
2. Sungyeol
3. Sungjong
4. Hoya
blingasaur-x #6
1. Woohyun
2. Sunggyu
3. Myungsoo
4. Hoya

^^ <3
I wonder what Sungyeol's revenge is? And Seorin is ubber cute with her love for Infinite! LOL at the Dongwoo part! Well, he's a dinosaur of course he must have big teeth! Kekeke ~ Naw, just kidding. He's the baby dinosuar of Infinite isn't he?

1) Myungsoo
2) Woohyun
3) Sungyeol
4) Sunggyu

P.S. The poster is AMAJJANG!
1 Myungsoo
2 Hoya
3 Dongwoo
4 Woohyun

omfg. i wish i could date myungsoo total jel jel face
1. Sungyeol
2. Myungsoo
3. Woohyun
4. Sungjong

:3 can't wait for your update! 8D lol, elmo's greeting xD i miss him ;~;
"yaaay shampoo" 8D