Ep 1 Part 2

★Fairydust ★


This will be written in Fairydust's POV (: Sorry if this might be confusing tho!

05.07 AM 6TH JANUARY 2012

-Woojin's POV-

I stared angrily at my brother as he proceeded to 'explore' more of our dorm. He begin to dig through our fridge searching for some ice cream. As always, as weird. Like seriously, Dude, who searches for ice cream like at 5 am. 5 am. Who wakes you up this early just to search for ice cream!? I thought as I continued to glare angrily at him. 

My heart skipped a beat as L proceeded to sit cross legged next to me as he walked of Seorin and Eunmi's room. All the anger and crankiness in me ceased as he gave me a amazing smile. He has such a beautiful smile! Oh my goodness, why does my heart beat so rapidly whenever I'm near him? I think he's staring at me. I did my best to stifle back a scream as I bowed my head pulling my bear hoodie closer around me. I could feel him smile as he noticed that I was wearing the hoodie he bought me. 

'I think you should go help out the hyungs in there. The girls there are a little...' his voice trailed.

I sighed in understanding as I walked towards the door.

‘Oh and nice hoodie,’ he winked before heading towards my brother in the kitchen.

He just complimented me! And her remembers that he bought this for me! Why am I feeling so happy all of a sudden!? I would die just longing to stare into those beautiful eyes of his all day…Oh if onl-

'AHHHHHHH!' I heard a scream escape from their room. Oh boy, bet that was Seorin. I better go in before she murders anyone...

Thanks for bursting my bubble Seorin. Really, thanks a lot.

‘This is so unfair!’ I heard a voice complain as I opened the door. ‘Why does everybody, I repeat, everybody only recognize Myungsoo?’

‘Seungyeol oppa!’ I shrieked as I ran forward to greet him.

He squinted his eye in shock before exclaiming, ‘Bwoh!? Are you sure? Are you sure you are talking to me?’ He shook his head. ‘Aren’t you Woojin? The girl in our Paradise mv?’ His eyes widened before putting an arm around me, ‘you’ve grown taller! And much prettier too.’ He winked.

Who is he kidding, I can’t grow anymore! I think…He’s really cute too but, he can never melt my insides like how L does. Oh, L has really soft and beautifu-

‘AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!’ Seorin screamed again.

Wow, what else do I expect when I take the time to fangirl over my boyfriend? Really, THANK YOU DEAR SIREN.

-Eunmi’s POV-

I groaned in frustration as I heard people begin to scream and shout excitedly. Hello people, tired person trying to sleep here? Please go out and have your happy reunion or something. I want to sleep.

I heard someone whisper into my ear, ‘can you smile? You don’t look nice with that frown.’

Wait. That ‘can you smile’ part sounds vaguely familiar.

 Wait isn’t that Infinite’s song, Can U smile?

Why does that voice sound so familiar too?

What is the voice doing next to my ear anyway?

I opened my eyes to check out the situation but to see Sungyeol and Singgyu oppa from Infinite there with Seorin and Woojin. Hey where is L? I’m sure Woojin will be so happy to see him.

‘Can you smile?’ Sunggyu oppa sang.

He has such an amazing voice. Like seriously. It’s so smooth and charming. I remember the other time when I went to their concert with Woojin and Seorin. He can sing live. And hit the high notes amazingly in his song Because. It is so meaningful and full of emotion! But I’ll settle with Jonghyun any day. I would just love to touch those muscles of his as he sings me to sleep. Then, I would not have to wake so early in the morn-

‘Get up you sleepy head!’ Woojin smacked my hand as she pulled the covers away from me.

‘Hey!’ I shouted in protest.

meh. It usually takes her forever to wake her up. She better not irritate me or I’m so going to tell Infinite about what we overheard her talking about with L. 3 children huh?

 But who cares now that Infinite is in our dorm!?

Seorin gave a excited giggle before shouting, ‘Infinite is in our dorm!’ She pulled me out of bed and begin to whirl me around screaming at the top of her lungs, ‘INFINITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!’

Someone please get me some ear plugs. I should have feigned being ill or something. I so cannot stand it when this annoying siren screams. It’s almost as though she is the maknae. But look at Soomi, she is much better anyway. She is obedient and does what she is supposed to do. I only Seorin could tone it down a little….

I gave her our signal, by blinking my eyes twice. She immediately came towards me to pull my hair out of my head.

I screamed in horror and pain. ‘MY HAIR. MY HEAD. STOP! PLEASE!’ I shouted as I clutched onto my hair.

I could see everyone’s faces turn pale as they watched my hair being pulled out of it’s roots.

‘Stop please,’ Woojin pleaded as she tried to come in between the both of us.

And yes! Seorin succeeded in pulling my hair and smiled triumphantly holding my hair up like trophy before exclaiming, ‘Now you see it here, and now you see it here again!’ She laughed as she pointed to my head.

To those of you who guessed I would most probably be bald or bleeding now. Chill guys, she was pulling a wig out of my hair! And yes, my hair is still intact on my head. But it kinda hurt when she pulled the wig out.

Everyone in the room stared at us in shock and irritation as they warned, ‘please do not ever do it again. You guys nearly scared the living daylights out of us! Stop laughing! It isn’t nice to be fooled…’

Seorin and I drowned ourselves in our prank as we rolled around holding our stomachs laughing our heads off. ‘Best prank every Seorin!’ I exclaimed as we both hi-fived each other.

‘Oh you guys better wait for your payback!’ SUngyeol shouted as he left the room.

Bleh, how on earth is he going to prank me?

HELLO, I am like the awesome-est pranker here! How are you going to get me back? We’ll wait and see then!

-Roo’s poV-

I removed my eye mask from my face and stretched lazily.

Mmmm, soak in all the sunlight and having a room all to yourself. This is the life people~

‘Mphfhmmm…’ I heard someone mumble.

WHO IS IN MY ROOM!? I looked at my clock and the time read 5.30 am.

What is someone doing here so early!? Our manager said we were having a day off today. Oh no. He must be a robber! Or even worse. A !!

Breathe and out Roo. Just breathe in breathe out.

I picked up one of the abandoned Rilakuma toys Jiyul and Ilwae left behind on my bed last night while we were watching television next to me for protection. And slowly but quietly, stretched my hand out towards that person’s head.

I smacked the person hard on his head and retreated under my blanket as he turned around, ‘get away from me you ! I have a weapon and I am not afraid to use it!’ I proclaimed as I heard the door being swung open.

‘Where is the unnie!?’ I heard Soomi shout. She was followed behind by Hoya. Am I dreaming!?

Hoya, as in Hoya of Infinite? Arghh, I’m sure I didn’t have enough sleep..

‘Over there at the corner of my bed!’ I pointed as I slowly lifted my covers to be greeted by Infinite’s Sungjong.

‘Call me crazy but isn’t that Infinite!?’ I asked as I looked at the person at the edge of my bed rubbing his head.

Oopsiee.. Guess I hit the wrong person…

But he only go hit by a stuffed toy. If he actually go hit by Soomi’s umbrella, he would have cried!

-Ilwae’s POV-

I stretched lazily as I walked out of my room with Jiyul. I waved happily to the cameras in our dorm. I felt better after changing and freshening up! Now, I can actually look into the camera because I have my make up done.

‘Anneyonghaseo,’ Jiyul bowed towards a camera. ‘Fairydusts’ Kim Christel imnida! Please give us lots of love!’ She gave an eyesmile before heading towards the kitchen to search for food.

Oh, have I ever mentioned? Jiyul’s stage name is Christel, but we still haven’t gotten used to calling her that. Guess old habits die hard!

I smiled at the camera too before heading towards the kitchen.

And to my horror. I saw someone drinking my strawberry milk. I shall repeat, MY strawberry milk. I just bought it yesterday and someone has already got to it before me. This means war……..

I tapped the person on his shoulder and grunted, ‘apparently, this belongs to me!’ I snatched the carton out of his hands and stomped away, leaving the person staring at me in shock.

That person looks like Dongwoo from Infinite though. But meh, what would he be doing here? Isn’t this our variety show?

‘Next time don’t take things without permission.’ I warned as I turned around face to face with Dongwoo.

Oh wow, his teeth look really big here.



Lol at the Dongwoo part! NO offence to anyone out there! I had fun writing this chapter and hope you'll have as much fun reading it :D


L is so hot~ *melts*

So sorry for not updating! :x I love to procastinate...

Oh bytheway, HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! To all those who celebrate it :)

And look at our poster up there! It's made by melon-ie ! Isn't is prettayyeeee? <3 <3

Sending melon-ie cyberhugs and kisses! ;*

Comment on what you think of the poster? xD I LOVE THE GLITTER <3

I love reading all your comments, they are all so full of energy and fun! :)

Have a greeaaat week ahead! (:

(lol, sorry i had to say this and sound like a teacher!) 

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Cool description! - Yuki
glad you're back! c:
hehe, and take your time updating ^^
blingasaur-x #3
Aww, glad that you're back dear ^^
Just to let you know, take your time and I'm still reading this c: ♥
annyeong..mianhe i just came back from a very long hiatus because of school..T_T

little_miss_asian #5
I just luv my character so much! hehehe :)

1. Woohyun
2. Sungyeol
3. Sungjong
4. Hoya
blingasaur-x #6
1. Woohyun
2. Sunggyu
3. Myungsoo
4. Hoya

^^ <3
I wonder what Sungyeol's revenge is? And Seorin is ubber cute with her love for Infinite! LOL at the Dongwoo part! Well, he's a dinosaur of course he must have big teeth! Kekeke ~ Naw, just kidding. He's the baby dinosuar of Infinite isn't he?

1) Myungsoo
2) Woohyun
3) Sungyeol
4) Sunggyu

P.S. The poster is AMAJJANG!
1 Myungsoo
2 Hoya
3 Dongwoo
4 Woohyun

omfg. i wish i could date myungsoo total jel jel face
1. Sungyeol
2. Myungsoo
3. Woohyun
4. Sungjong

:3 can't wait for your update! 8D lol, elmo's greeting xD i miss him ;~;
"yaaay shampoo" 8D