The Audition

I'd Tell you I Hate you but then I'd be Lying

~Taemin POV~

“Tell us your name again” the tall man said.

“L-Lee Taemin” I said shyly, playing with my fingers. He nodded.

I looked at the three people sitting in front of me. It was Yunho-sshi, who’d picked me up at school along with his boyfriend, who was also a teacher, Jaejoong-sshi. And… the head master.

He was tall and kind of… scary looking. He went through some papers, my latest physical, school records, photos, etc. Yunho-sshi and Jaejoong-sshi smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up, reassuring me that everything would be fine.

Mr. Headmaster finished going through the papers and slipped them neatly back into the folder with my name marked on it. “So, Taemin, tell me about yourself first.”

I shuffled my feet awkwardly. What was there to tell?

“Well, I started dancing around third grade..”

“Why did you decide to dance?”

“I saw some people dancing on the streets, and it looked fun.”

“So in other words, you were inspired my street performers.” He makes it sound so bad.

I nodded slowly. “N-neh. My parents also took me to dance shows, and I got to see a variety of dances. I became really interested, and taught myself.”

He nodded. “Tell me about your family.”

I gulped, feeling uneasy all of a sudden. Yunho-sshi must’ve seen this, because he mouthed ‘it’ll be alright, go ahead’.

I swallowed hard. “U-um. My parents… died…”

All three of their faces softened. “So who took care of you?”

I blinked back tears. “My brother… but he left me.”


I really didn’t want to say that he was here, possibly in the building next to this one. And thankfully, Yunho shot up.

“Sir, I don’t think Taemin-ah is really comfortable answering these questions.”

The headmaster looked at me and noticed that I was still pretty uncomfy so he nodded and apologized.

“But, where do you stay?”

“I live in a small apartment. I live off the money my aunt Eun Mi sends me, as well as the money I make dancing… on the streets.” I mumbled.

He nodded again, and I was relieved that the question part of this ‘meeting’ was over for now. “So, why don’t you dance Taemin-ah?” he said, resting his chin on his big knuckles.

I nodded nervously as Yunho pushed play on the stereo I’d brought with me. I closed my eyes, imagining that instead of being in a big scary office building on S.A. grounds, I was simply on the streets, with strangers cheering my name. I imagined myself in the living room of my apartment with Key sitting in front of me, watching when I told him I learned a new dance or move. And then I remembered why I was here…

To be with my umma. I had promised him I would try to get in, and I had to make this ‘meeting/audition’ something they wouldn’t forget anytime soon. I had to do this for him. And not to mention that frog prince I had seen earlier…

My heart skipped a little as I remembered our little encounter yesterday.


His long dark curly hair was blown from his face with the wind, revealing his big brown double-eyelid eyes that were framed by long perfect eyelashes.

And he was staring right back at me with those big brown eyes.

The distance between us seemed to get smaller, and I realized that the reason behind it was because he was walking up to me. He smiled warmly.

“You’re that street performer I saw earlier.”

My voice was suddenly tight with nervousness but I managed to nod and smile back shyly. “Neh. Thank you again.”

He nodded. “It was no problem, really.”

I smiled a little wider at this prince in front of me. I wanted to talk more, but suddenly, he pulled out his phone that was vibrating and frowned at it.

“I have to go. Maybe I could see you later” He said as he tucked his phone back into his pocket.

I nodded. “O-okay. Bye”

He waved and ran in the other direction. His kind deep voice still lingered in my ears, blocking out the music I didn’t even realize was playing.

-End Flashback-

I wanted to get into this academy to find Mr. Frog Prince. I almost needed to meet him. He was so dazzling.. so kind and perfect and prince-like, it almost made me doubt my luck and think it was a dream.

The music began and my body instantly responded, flicking every joint to the rhythm and letting my body sway to the beat.

I didn’t even mess up, at least I think. I just allowed the music to take control as I moved by myself, not even being able to see what was in front of me.

It was like a dream. And I think it just came true.


Chapter 7 ^^~

Pretty short chapter sorry m(_ _)m
I just typed this last night, since I have writer's block and I'm extremely angry about it -3-
I've gotten busy too, my homework's piling up, I have finals, and I have basketball practice and games.
*Sigh* But I'll still update whenever I can!! I'm constantly thinking about my stories, 24/7~!! <3
PS- you'll all see how the title fits into the story by the time Taemin makes it into the academy (;

Thanku everyone, and I love you all :3

Subscribe+Comment, and thanks a bunch for reading ~!!

Anngyeong (~.^)

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Sorry, couldn't update before 0923 OTL TT^TT writer's block .


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HaruKoiUta #1
Chapter 19: I just found this story and love it so much! >w< plz update soon!
Chapter 19: You're not gonna update this?! TT____TT I miss is soo muuuch?!?! TT______TT
Chapter 19: Please update! It's been sooooooooooo long! Pretty please~ >.< <3
Chapter 18: I just answered the question but i thought you asked if you should continue the ff so i answered of course yes -_-
i think many people misread like me so please continue and please update :)
Chapter 19: OMG Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz update this REALLY SOON...
HiBirdSong #6
Chapter 19: It was Heechul!? I thought it would be Kai... I'm so surprised! Please update soon! Hwaiting!
HiBirdSong #7
Chapter 12: Every time I read my user name in the A/N I'm like OMG!how!? Even though I now it's my user name since I'm reading it while online but still... It amaze me every time..
HiBirdSong #8
Chapter 3: When I read that his hobby was rapping at first I thought 'he likes to ____ people? And Jjong think its cool!?' Haha my bad ^^'
HiBirdSong #9
Your inspiration was Gakuen Alice? Then I must read it!