I'm going crazy

I'd Tell you I Hate you but then I'd be Lying


~Jonghyun POV~

I stretched and yawned. “Unf. Thank God the day is finally over. I hate this class.”

“Jjong, you know if Yunho-sshi hears you say that, you’ll get in trouble” other students warned me as our teacher stood at his desk arranging papers. I smirked.

“I’m not scared of that old man” I laughed. Suddenly, I could feel hands pinching the corners of my mouth, pulling them upwards which resulted in a very painful smile.

“What was that Jonghyun?”

 I whacked the hands away and turned to a scowling Yunho. “You know, I’m not that much older than you.” He said.

“Fine, fine. Sorry” I admitted. After all, I knew he could do so much more to me than just pinching my cheeks. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and was about to follow the other kids that were leaving to their dorms when I was stopped once again.

“Jjong, I need a favor” Yunho called from his desk.

“I’m not going to cancel a date with your boyfriend for you again.”

“No, not that! And anyways, that was just because I had to work late to grade your retests.”

“Well, what is it?”

“Sit and I’ll tell you.”

I did as I was told and he handed me a file. I opened it curiously and the first thing that caught my attention was a picture of a boy.

He had a slim figure, cat like eyes, and pitch black hair that was highlighted a color red that matched his clothes that seemed to be hugging his body in the right places. He looked… hot. And his smile was so cute, the way the light was bouncing off his pale perfect skin was just right, everything seemed so perfct. “Who’s this?”

“His name…” Yunho sighed as he sat back in his ‘teacher chair’ “Is Kim Kibum. He’ll be a new student starting tomorrow, and he arrives tonight. He’ll be your new roommate.”

Bwoh? A beauty like him living with me? “Huh? Really?”

“Yep. If you don’t like it, I can ask someone else.”

“No, I’m okay with it.” Really okay with it. “But, why me?”

He shrugged. “Well, your roommate transferred to another dorm building and I thought you’s be excited to be living with someone like Kibum.”

Shoot. He saw right through me. “It’s not like I’m gonna him or anything” I mumbled. I honestly wasn’t thinking about it. Really.

“Yeah, okay. Well anyways, that folder has his schedule, which ironically matches yours perfectly since you two will also be in the same core, his academy application that he filled out which has his hobbies, talents, etc, picture which I can see you’re already drooling over, and some other info about him.”

I frowned. “I wasn’t drooling.”


I was going to protest longer, but before I could, someone knocked on the door. Yunho picked up his head and his blank bored expression turned to a cheery excited one when he saw who was standing in the doorway.

“Jaejoong!” he hopped up and caught the boy who leaped into the other’s arms.

“Yunho~! I missed you. By the way, did you hear about the new boy that’ll be transferring here?”

Yunho nodded. “Yep. He’ll be in this class actually.”

“Oh? Well, isn’t it weird for the headmaster to be accepting him just like this, in the middle of the school year?”

“I know, he must be pretty special.”

Pretty special, huh. Jaejoong saw me and grinned as he also enveloped me into a big hug. “Jjong! I haven’t seen you in a while!”

I smiled and hugged him back. “Good to see you Jejung.”

“Did you hear about the new student?”

“Jonghyun’s actually his new roommate.” Yunho  sang. Grahh, why does he think I’m gonna be all over him when he gets here?

Jaejoong looked at me excited. “Ooh! When you get together, tell me okay?”

I sighed. “Whatever you say.”

He laughed in response and kissed his boyfriend before waving. “Well, I’ll see you later Jjong! Don’t ne late for our date Yunnie! I have papers to grade so anngyeong~”

We both waved and I snickered after the door closed. “Yunnie….”

He shot me a death look before I roared with laughter.

“Yah! Shut up, it’s only cute when JJ does it.”

I sighed and got up. “So, when does Key come?”


“That’s his nickname according to his profile.”

“Huh. Well, he comes around 5. Or sooner. It’s a pretty long drive from where he is.”

Oh, that gives me about two hours. “Alrighty, well see ya tomorrow Yunnie”

I dashed out the room before the book he threw got a chance to hit me. I laughed and decided to go to the school gate once I was done cleaning up my horribly messy room. Maybe I should take him to that restaurant on campus. Or maybe go catch a movie at the campus theatre.

I shook my head. Stop it Jonghyun, it’s not like you even know if he’ll like you.

I skimmed through the rest of his profile and found out that his hobbies were water skiing, dancing, and rapping.

Rapping? That’s pretty cool…

I shut the folder and mentally scolded myself. I felt like such a stalker!

I tried to push him out of my head, but he just kept coming back until I accepted the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking of him. I ran the rest of the way to my dorm so I could tidy up and make a good impression. After all, under others, it says he’s a sort of neat freak.


~Key POV~

I watched as I got further and further from my home, my parents, and my best friend and son. Frowning, I forced the tears to stop until I felt exhausted from trying to stop them and fell asleep.

The driver’s voice was what woke me up. “Mr. Kim, we’re here.” He handed me a piece of paper once I’ve stretched and yawned. “You’ll meet your new roommate by the gate, Kim Jonghyun. He’ll take you to your dorm and you can bring your luggage there. Stop by the headmster’s office and he’ll give your uniform, a map of campus, your schedule, ID, and anything else you’ll need.”

I looked at the sheet of paper and saw the face of a god.

This boy had a sharp jawline, perfect nose, cute puppy like eyes, and brown hair that turned blonde at the tips. He was wearing the school uniform and a smile that showed all his white teeth, curved up the right way. I looked at the name, Kim Jonghyun. I chuckled inside myself. We have the same family name.

Once the car stopped, I stepped out, only to feel like I wanted to crawl back in.

This place was huge, loud, huge, busy, and HUGE.

“This is insane if they think I’m going to be able to find Jonghyun in a place like this.” I mumbled under my breath as I started to walk around. The car carrying my luggage arrived and I still hadn’t found my new roommate. I felt a billion pairs of eyes on me, and before I knew it, all of them were coming up running to me.

“Ooh! You’re the new kid?”

“Welcome to S.A.!”

“Good luck on your first day.”

“Oppa, you’re very cute!”

I laughed at the attention but suddenly felt someone grab my hand.

I felt my diva mode switch on. If these people think they can touch me just because I’m the new student, they’re hella wrong.

I whipped around, expecting to see some creep, but nope, instead, I was face to face with one of the most good looking guys I’ve ever seen.



~Jonghyun POV~

, , I’m late! He must’ve arrived 20 minutes ago, crud.

So not good for my first impression. At least the dorm was all neat and the restaurant was delivering the food to my, er, our dorm right now.

I reached the school gates and looked around. He shouldn’t be that hard to spot but then again, it was getting dark out and the crowds were thickening.

What if I don’t find him? What is someone kidnapped him? I started to worry a bit but stopped when I spotted a small crowd starting to form around the right side of the gate.

As I approached them, I could hear them talking excitedly and saying things like “Welcome to S.A.”

I grinned and pushed past everyone to see the back of a taller skinny boy. I tapped his shoulder, but he didn’t seem o notice so I grabbed his hand out of nowhere.

Maybe it was a bad idea. He spun around and looked at me confused with those same feline eyes that I saw in that picture. I wanted to speak, but he was the first to open his mouth.


Oh my gosh, his voice was so cute when it was confused.

Wait, what? How does he know my name? I noticed that he was holding a paper with my school picture and name on it and sighed. So he must already know we’re rooming together.

“Yeah, Kibum right?”

He grinned and nodded, his red highlighted hair bouncing slightly and cutely.

“You’re my roommate?”

I grinned and nodded. “Yeah. Why don’t I help you with your luggage?”

By the time we got to the car, the bunch of students left until all that was left were some kids who were telling Key good luck and welcome and ‘you’re cute’ and stuff. I couldn’t help but feel a little mad that these people were trying to grab his attention when I was right here so I rushed to the dorm with his bags that seemed to be countless until we were finally done and exhausted.

We sat on the couch and he looked around with a little shine in his eyes. I laughed and got the dinner that was ordered and set it on the table. “Do you want to eat? You must be really tired.”

He smiled shyly and sat across from me at the kitchen table. I was the first to bring up a conversastion. “So, tell me about yourself. You must be pretty special to get into this school.” Even though I already knew a lot about him from his file, I wanted to hear it from him.

He smiled, and that was when his shyness seemed to disappear. “Well, I like to rap, sing, dance, and I just love music in general. I can speak English and I like American music a lot too. Both my parents work like crazy and my umma even lives in North Korea so I barely see her. and I have the cutest son named Taemin.”

Huh… that’s cool.

“Wait, SON?!”

He seemed surprised but blushed. “No! He’s not my real son, it’s just that…”

He sighed and rested his chin on his knuckles. “Well, his parents died when he was six. His aunt took care of him until he was sixteen, then she just left. I took his place as his umma and cared for him like he was my actual son.”

I sighed relieved. Good, because I thought for a moment, he actually got a girl pregnant and was an actual parent.

“Wait, so why don’t you say appa? Why umma, you’re not a girl.”

He shrugged. “Ummas are more caring.”

I nodded and ate the rest of my pasta while he did the same. I told him about me as well.

“I sing mostly. Singing is my life, I love music a lot. I attended Seoul Academy since I was in third grade. Both my parents work a lot so I never saw them. The only thing I remember about them was that they were relieved I was leaving for this place.”

He said nothing about that last part until he blinked. “Why would anyone want to get rid of you?”

I couldn’t help but feel a bit happy when he said this. I guess it was a compliment. I shrugged and stood up. “So, you need to go to the headmaster’s office right?”

He nodded and followed me out the door and around the campus that was buzzing with night life. It was only about 7, and the movie theatres and restaurants close in about an hour.

Once we were at the big office building, I waited for him outside while he got his uniform, map, schedule and everything else.

Once he was finally done, we walked back and I explained to him about our schedules and we have the same classes.

Once we were back, he changed into his pajamas in the bathroom while I did the same in my room. That’s when I noticed a complicated situation. There was only one bed.

Once he emerged, he looked at me and asked me what was wrong.

“Er… well, see, my old roommate moved to another building and he took the bed with him, so there’s only… one..”

I noticed his ears turn a little red but he just shrugged. “So, I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Huh? No, don’t. It’s really uncomfortable, trust me.”

“So what should we do, sleep together?”

“I… don’t really mind it.”

After all, it’s not like we were going to have or anything, plus we just met. He nodded silently and I allowed him to climb into the bed first. I followed him and pulled the covers up to my nose.

“G’night, Kibum”



“Call me Key.”

I smiled, but I didn’t want to let him know I already knew that was his nickname. He’d probably think I’m a stalker. “Good night Key.”

“Night Jjong.”

It’s amazing how he catches on nicknames quickly like this. I smiled and was about to drift off to sleep when I heard something that at first sounded like a soft wind that was creeping in through the slightly open windows.

But, then I turned to see Key’s shoulders shaking slightly. He’s crying?

I climbed over him. He was facing the other way, but he was definitely sobbing.

“Key?” my whisper was so low and quiet, is was almost inaudible. He looked up and seemed surprised at how close we were.

“J-Jonghyun. I thought you were asleep.”

“I woke up.”

“Oh… sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. But why are you crying?”

He looked anywhere but my eyes as he shrugged and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I’m just thinking about my parents and Taemin and how I’m going to miss everyone.”

Oh… yeah, S.A. doesn’t allow us to visit anyone. We have to stay on campus until we graduate. I climbed off the still crying boy and back under the covers to slide my hands slowly around his waist to hug him.

He flinched at my touch but didn’t push me away when he turned to face me. Through the moonlight that was coming in, I could see his cheeks were still stained with tears and his eyes were red.

‘Don’t cry, it ruins your pretty face.”

He visibly blushed a deep red but giggled and surprisingly… leaned over and pecked my cheek. “Thanks.”

My heart was racing at the feeling of his lips on my cheek but I managed to pop out a sentence. “Feeling better?”

He nodded and buried his head into my chest until he got into a comfortable position and I soon heard his snoring lightly.

My heart was beating so quickly, I was afraid Key could feel it pound.

Damn, I’m going crazy here.



Chapter 3~ ^^

Keke, i told you I'd make up for it! :D Double update~! ^^
Pretty much all Jongkey here, even though this is a mainly 2min story.
You'll just have to wait & see when they come in! (:
And I just had to add Yunjea xD

Now enjoy some random macros ^-^


Subscribe + Comment and thanks a bunch for reading, ~!!

Don't forget!! --> No silent readers allowed!

Until next time x)

Anngyeong (~.^)

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Sorry, couldn't update before 0923 OTL TT^TT writer's block .


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HaruKoiUta #1
Chapter 19: I just found this story and love it so much! >w< plz update soon!
Chapter 19: You're not gonna update this?! TT____TT I miss is soo muuuch?!?! TT______TT
Chapter 19: Please update! It's been sooooooooooo long! Pretty please~ >.< <3
Chapter 18: I just answered the question but i thought you asked if you should continue the ff so i answered of course yes -_-
i think many people misread like me so please continue and please update :)
Chapter 19: OMG Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz update this REALLY SOON...
HiBirdSong #6
Chapter 19: It was Heechul!? I thought it would be Kai... I'm so surprised! Please update soon! Hwaiting!
HiBirdSong #7
Chapter 12: Every time I read my user name in the A/N I'm like OMG!how!? Even though I now it's my user name since I'm reading it while online but still... It amaze me every time..
HiBirdSong #8
Chapter 3: When I read that his hobby was rapping at first I thought 'he likes to ____ people? And Jjong think its cool!?' Haha my bad ^^'
HiBirdSong #9
Your inspiration was Gakuen Alice? Then I must read it!