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Chapter Six: Fools

“Hey, Cha Hyesoo!”

Holding onto me like I was going to be kidnapped, Jungkook surprisingly popped in front of me and held onto my wrist before pulling me and making a run towards the hallway of our department. I looked back and saw Inhye and Eunmi running towards us, with their face full of rage and disgust maybe because of me or Jungkook. “Where are we going? Why are they chasing us? Jungkook?”

Jungkook did not answer me until we arrived inside an empty room. He locked the door and leaned against it, he was panting hard as he looked at me and said. “Let me breathe of a second.”

“One.” I counted then tugged my wrist away from his hold. “Your second’s over, tell me what’s going on?”

The boy chuckled as he continued to pant but he pulled me into his arms and hugged, “Man, I missed you.”

“Seriously? You met me yesterday.” I said as he made me bury my face against his chest.

“Hug me back, idiot.” He said, pulling me closer, “It has been thirteen hours and ten minutes since we last saw each other.”

“The hell you really counted that?!” I blurted as I struggled against the uncomfortable position—well, not really uncomfortable. Just, mushy.

He chuckled, pulling away from the embrace but he cupped my face using his hands, so I still have this uncomfortably mushy position. “No, I was kidding. But I still missed you, okay? Okay.” He was supposed to lean in to kiss me but there was a strong push behind him that made the door open and has made us fly across the room, luckily we still managed to balance.

Who else would it be? Mighty Inhye.

“What is going on?” I asked Jungkook in terror as he continued to use himself as a human shield in front of me, as if he was protecting me from bad people.

“I kinda told them we’re okay.” Jungkook chuckled as he looked at Inhye who looked furious, and Eunmi who continuous to stop our friend from bursting into girl hulk.

“Was that supposed to be a secret?” I whispered.

“Course not.” Jungkook glanced at me and winked. Then, Inhye finally lounged at Jungkook and push him away from me. “Careful with my lady, In.”

“Cha Hyesoo, is it true?” Inhye asked as she placed her hands on my shoulders, she was shaking me to death as she kept on asking me the same question. Eunmi pulled her away and said, “Calm down, In. Hyesoo’s going to answer that.”

“Why is she like that?” I asked Eunmi.

“She can’t believe you and Jungkook are, you know…”

“I’m not Jungkook’s girlfriend.” I clarified, “If that was what you’re freaking out, Inhye. That’s not going to happen—”

“—Hyesoo?” Jungkook waved his hands at me as he looked at me. He was behind Inhye and Eunmi, looking shocked with what I just said.

“Jungkook, could you please leave us three for a while?” I pleaded.

Jungkook gave me a worried look, “Take back what you said.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I rolled my eyes.

Jungkook did the same gesture as he sighed in relief. “Call you later.” Then he left. Once the door has finally closed, Inhye suddenly hugged me and squealed, “Girl, how did this happen???”

“Oh my god. You’re really back!” Eunmi squealed as she joined the group hug. I was so confused that I don’t know how to react. What is exactly happening to Earth? A while ago, they looked so mad and astonished but why do they look so mad crazy right now?

“H-Hey, stop this… Heyyyyy.” I groaned as they finally freed me from suffocation. I cleared my throat to get their attention from celebrating. “What was that for?”

Inhye beamed, “I’m sorry, but last night, the nine of us met at Namjoon’s, and Jungkook relayed the good news of you and him finally being okay with each other.”

“That means you’d be with us again! Eating out, partying, sleepovers. We missed you so much, you’re officially back, Cha Hyesoo!” Eunmi said sweetly as she hugged me momentarily.

“Goodness, don’t do that next time, okay?” I told them as I clutched onto my chest. “You guys gave me heart attack.”

“Happy April Fools’ Day!” they screamed in unison.

“What? Don’t you know it’s April 1st?” Eunmi asked.

“Whatever,” Inhye beamed as she cling her arm on my right arm, and Eunmi on my left, “Your birthday’s on the 3rd, sister. Do you have any plans?”

“Well,” I said as we went out the classroom, “I’m not sure with my mom, but like we always do, we only have dinners at home, and candle blowing stuff.” When I realized that the two of them has been looking at me expectantly, I rolled my eyes and told them, “A dinner with my mom and my dearest friends.”

“I knew it.” Inhye laughed.

“You should take us to your apartment, Hyesoo.” Eunmi said. “Jungkook has been bragging that he went to your apartment during the weekend, that’s unfair.”

“Totally unfair.” Inhye seconded.

“How did he knew in the first place?” Eunmi asked me, looking at me with utmost concern. We arrived in front of my classroom and I moved away from their hold as I took my phone out of my bag and read a message sent by Jungkook: See you at lunch? ;)

I looked at my two precious girl friends as I grinned, “Jungkook and I has been staying in that apartment before. You know, that’s where we go when all of you are bombarding our phones.” Their eyes were so wide upon knowing that we have this secret hideout, I vigorously shook my hands in front of them upon realizing that there is something with the way they stare at me, “We only play video games and watch movies and cook food and stuff. You two are so gross, I’m leaving.” I held onto my bag’s strap. I heard the two of them laugh as Inhye shouted, “See you on Friday, sweet Soo!”


“Happy Birthday, Hyesoo!”

I blew the candles after everyone has finished singing the birthday song. After that, party poppers sprawled in the dining table. Today is my birthday, and everyone—me, my mom, Jungkook and the rest of the team went to my mother’s house to celebrate my 21st birthday with a dinner. Everything felt perfect—I have my friends who were all happy right now, laughing and celebrating another year of my life, my mom who is now hired as a writer in a leading news company, and Jungkook, who continued to shower me with love despite the fact that we don’t have any labels for each other. Maybe this was for the better. For now, I am more concerned of finishing my studies that was supposed to be finished this year, and to make my mother happy. Jungkook and I may have a lot of things to know about each other, we have a lot to catch up and to fix—like the marriage that was supposed to be done by Jungkook and Seolhyun. I am worried, because lately I have been so happy, and I feel like if I became so happy one time, I would feel terribly down the next time. I am dreading and fearful for that day.

“Where is Ms. Cha?”

We were at the backyard, waiting for April 3rd to finally end, watching my friends laughing and chatting around the bonfire while I was sitting on a chair bit far from them, because I just got back from the kitchen. I my right to see Jimin, smiling at me. Jimin hasn’t been talking to me lately, and I wondered if it as because Jungkook and I looked fine and are always together.

“She’s already sleeping.” I told him.

“Can I sit beside you?” he asked.

“Of course.” I smiled. He then sat on a chair he pulled beside mine and together we just watched our friends play. I thought of anything to tell him because I can feel the awkward tension between us.

“The stars are hiding tonight, don’t you think.” Jimin asked as he looked up at the night sky. I looked up and agreed with him, “They must not like me celebrating my birthday.”

“That’s ridiculous.” He chuckled, “The stars must be tired from celebrating, and they slept early.”

I laughed, “Now who’s ridiculous?”

“Happy Birthday, Hyesoo.” He smiled as he looked at me. I felt guilty, all this time, this boy has given me too much attention but still I ended up doing nothing about it. It’s not that I already chose Jungkook, but still, I have felt like I am one of those girls who missed the opportunity of making this boy smiled when he deserves too. “Are you mad at me?” I asked abruptly.

He looked at me with a confused look. I looked away from and looked at Jungkook, “I hope you’re okay with Jungkook. I don’t want my friends fighting.”

As if knowing what I was trying to say, he said, “I’m happy that you chose what your heart has been telling you. Friendship is the most important thing right now, I believe.”

Still the nicest man I know, Jimin knows respect. “Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me, Jimin.” I smiled as I placed a hand on his arm. “I really appreciate that you found me and made me come back here.”

“This wasn’t the birthday gift that I expected to give you, but…” he pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to me. “Happy Birthday.”

I took the box from him and mumbles, “Thank you, really.”

A few moments later, everyone felt the need to sleep and so we all went to our rooms: the boys had their own room and the three of us will stay in my room. I couldn’t believe that Inhye and Eunmi are already asleep at 12, when they were known for being the vampires of ARMY lounge. I smiled, maybe everyone must feel so tired. I tried to sleep but I can’t. I took out my phone and looked at the time after a few more shifts and turns, it was two o’clock in the morning and I still feel no signs of slumber. As I was about to place my phone back under my pillow, a message from Jungkook flashed on its screen, Can’t stop thinking about you, are you still awake?

I smiled, Stop thinking about me. I’m trying to sleep since a while ago. We’ve classes, okay?

I stifled a laugh at his reply. I won’t stop, let’s suffer together. I kept my phone back under my pillow as I closed my eyes, if I continue replaying to this idiot, we won’t have any chance of sleeping at all. A few minutes has passed and I can already feel sleep kicking in my system, I was so close to losing my consciousness when my phone vibrated multiple times. I groaned softly, “If you can’t sleep, then let me sleep!”

Can you come outside? I can really feel you’re still awake.

I groaned again. I knew this whole sleepover will be a terrible idea. I slowly stood from the floor where the three of us were sleeping and silently walked out of the room. Once I got out, I already saw Jungkook in his pink pajamas, grinning at me. I almost jumped because he was smiling. At a freaking three o’clock in the morning, where the lights are off, and horror stories are mostly happening.

“You scared me!” I punched his arm as he walked with towards I don’t know where.

He led me downstairs as he continued to chuckled, “Stop watching horror movies, I’m too handsome to be in those.”

“Don’t be so sure of your features.” I mocked, “Good looking face are horror-worthy sometimes. I’ve seen a lot of your pictures in horror.”

“Shut up or I won’t give you my gift.” He said as we walked closer to the kitchen.

“Come on, Jungkook, can’t it really wait tomorrow?” I pouted as he held my hand. “My birthday’s over!”

“You were born on 11:50 PM, April 3. Your birthday celebration should start now instead of a while ago.”

I said in sarcasm, “So is my birthday April 4 because of your theory? And why are you taking me in the kitchen?”

Jungkook laughed as we finally arrived inside the kitchen, “You’re so cute when you don’t have enough sleep, but I still love you. Happy Birthday.”

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maiquie24 #1
I’m crying! That letter brokey heart T_T
kimgaeun96 #2
Chapter 13: Authornim, this time you made me cry. Why this things should happened to them? Heaven must hate them to be together. And authornim, i must say that I, really really love your storyline writing. Made my eyes watery when things getting emotional. Thumbs up to you and hwaiting authornim~
Chapter 1: Now that I am ready for an angst part of their relationship. I am finally reading Book 2.

I am getting my tear ducts, tissue and chocolates for this story while listening to Jin's Awake. It set the mood well. huhuhu. HAHAHAHA

Love your stories dear Ms. PinkRuffles (Am I right? You're a Miss?)
soshi16 from Philippines!
Chapter 12: The last part from the last chapter has been repeated in this chapter. It's so confusing.
Chapter 4: It's strange to read that word Swiss girl because I am a Swiss girl haha and it's pretty sad too always have to read Switzerland because I'm a Swiss girl living aboard in china and I miss Switzerland T_T no time to visit my home .
Kpop_forever333 #6
Chapter 5: My birthday is April 3rd too!! Kyaaaa~~ (^_^)
hwang #7
Chapter 3: i was planning not to read this bc idk, i just feel like not reading it.

I have a story in planning called a similar name (the spelling is Philaphobia instead, for artistic purposes and such) but that's a cool coincidence :o
jeontokie #9
Chapter 5: i dont even know who to ship her with right now arghh
Chapter 1: I'm from the Philippines also! Are you going, author? Let's go togetherrrr~