I Love You

Peeking Over The Edge


Key's POV:

2 years later:

Ever since Jonghyun and I met on that day, we have been inseparable. You will never see us without each other, and were usually with Minho and Taemin. Since the two were dating, they never left each other’s side. Them kissing and holding hands was a little hard to swallow for me and Jonghyun, but we got used to it eventually. Jonghyun never really cared about me being gay, but all his old friends did. We all got ridiculed constantly, until they made Taemin cry. They pushed him into a wall and dumped his backpack in a trashcan. Little did they know, Minho happened to be standing right behind them.

“You douchebags made my precious little Taeminnie cry. You will ing pay, you sick bastards.”

Let’s just say, after that, they never bothered us again.

Me and Jonghyun sat under the big willow tree  and ate our lunch, like we did every day.

“Hey Jjongie?”


“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

His reaction was immediate. His eyes were downcast. And his composure was on edge. He was on defense again.

“I-I don’t know.”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Yes, you do. You’re a terrible liar.”

He sighed.

“Dammit, Key. I can never get anything past you.”

I smiled devilishly at him.

“Yep. I’m a brick wall. Now, spill it.”

“Promise me you won’t laugh?”

I sighed.

“I promised.”

“I wanna be… a… singer.”

I raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Jonghyun was immediately put on defense.  

“Hey, I can do whatever I want! Just because I’m a jock doesn’t mean I can’t…”

“Jjongie, chill! I don’t mind that you wanna be a singer! Actually, That’s what I wanna be!”

I saw him instantly relax.

“Phew, good. You are the first one I’ve ever told.”

I smiled at him.

“I’m gonna make you sing for me one of these days.”

He shrugged.

“I’m really not very good. It’s just a silly dream.”

“I don’t care. Your gonna sing for me anyways.”

He crossed his arms. Oh, great. One of his famous negociations.

He pointed a pocky stick at me.

“I’ll sing for you…if you sing for me.”

He took a bite of his pocky and his lips. I shuddered. Over the past few years, I had developed a crush on Jonghyun. The only one who knew was Taeminnie, and he promised not tell anyone, even Minho. Especially Minho. Jonghyun isn’t gay, so I try not to show my feelings, but it’s hard sometimes.

“Ugh,” I said. “Do I have to sing?”

He smiled slyly.

“If you want me to, you will. But hey, I don’t have to sing for you…”

“Alright, fine! I’ll sing for you! Jesus!”

He smiled victoriously.

“Meet me at my house after school. I’ll be waiting.”

The bell rang and Jjongie stood.

“Jjongie, help me up!!” I whined.


He pulled me to my feet and I brushed off my pants. Yellow jeans always pick up so much dirt! But, at least I wasn’t wearing my designer ones. I hugged Jonghyun

“Bye Jjongie! See you after school!”

“Bye, Kibummie! I love you!”

Those words. They always stab me, right where it hurts. He means it as a friend, but it hurts. It really hurts. I walked to class, my heart heavy.

Jonghyun's POV:

“I love you!”

That was the last thing I said to Key before I went to class. What he didn’t know is that I meant it. Boy, did I mean it. I love him with all my heart. I have never loved anyone more in my life. I love his diva moments, his fashion sense, his cute umma instincts. Tonight, when he came over, I wanted to do something. I didn’t know what, but I couldn’t hold it inside anymore. I had to tell him. I had to.


Key's POV:

When I showed up at Jjongie’s that night, I was beyond nervous. When he answered the door, I hid a smile. He didn’t have a shirt on. It was glorious. We walked up to his room, which was spotless as usual. He picked up his tee shirt off his bed and, much to my disappointment, slid it over his head.

“So, do you wanna go first?”

I sighed and made an apologetic smile.

“I lost my voice. I’m really sorry, but can I sing another time?”

He sighed.

“Fine. But just because my Kibummie is sick, I’ll sing for you anyway.”

I sat on the bed, and Jonghyun prepared himself. When he started to sing, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t think. I don’t know the song he sang, but that hardly mattered. When he finished, I just sat there like an idiot. He covered his face with his hands.

“I knew it. I shouldn’t have shown you. I knew I wasn’t good, so… Key, are you crying?”

I wiped away the tears.

“No. You’re just so… amazing, Jjongie! You have the best singing voice I’ve ever heard!”

He looked at me with a concerned face. I wasn’t crying because he was amazing, which he was, but because I loved him so much and his singing just pushed me over the edge. He sat down next to me.

“Hey, Kibummie, it’s ok. Don’t cry.”

He hugged me as I cried onto his shoulder. I pulled away and looked at his face. His skin was so flawless, but his features were etched with concern. I leaned in and kissed him. I know it was a bad idea, but I couldn’t hold back anymore. He was surprised at first, but then he kissed back, tentatively. We pulled away. The concern was gone from his face.

"I love you."

Another tear rolled down my cheek. I had waited so long to hear him say that the way I wanted him to.

He put a hand on my face and kissed me again. Then we laid on his bed, me lying on my side, his hand around my waist. We fell asleep, me still in his arms, and I never wanted to wake up from this moment.


Sooooo...It finally happened! I couldn't wait to write this, but I teared up a bit. *sniff*

Tee hee, I'm such a derp xP

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Mooey <3

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this is great! love it^^
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 22: to much blood unnecesary hahaha but Ilove the jongkey, so it was good hahaha always jongkey♥♥
JongKey rules! I'll be waiting for that. Mind sending me the link once it started? Thanks^^
Minicki21 #4
I'm only on chapter 10 but I absolutely love your story!! This is a good read and easy. Jongkey + 2Min hwaiting >.<
YAY!!! JONGKEY!!!<br />
SHINee4ever5 #6
Kyaaaaa!!! I love this <333 jongkey and 2min ftw!!!
JONGKEY!!! we need more Jongkey stories!!!<br />
Cute story :)
heyalyssa #9
waaaaww~ this is way too sweet <3<br />
i really enjoyed reading this. ^^