
Peeking Over The Edge

WARNING: This chapter may cause multiple tears and sadness. Please read at your own risk.


Jonghyun's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room for waht seemed like weeks before the doctor came out. He walked up to me and gave a weak smile.

"He's stable for now, but his condition is undependable."

I bowed and thanked him. A nurse came out and escorted me to Key's room. My tears almost started flowing when I saw him again. His hair was dirtied with dried blood and he looked so frail. I went to the sink and grabbed a wet paper towel. Gently, I cleaned Key's hair. As soon as I finished, Key started to wake up. His face twisted in pain.

"Jjongie, it hurts," he whispered. I had to be strong; strong for Key.

"You'll be out of here soon, Kibummie. I promise."

Key looked up at me.


He reminded me of a smile child, the way he was looking at me.

"I swear on it."

Key smiled and drifted back to sleep. I drifted off in a haze of daydreams, all about Key.


Late that night, when both of us had been asleep, I was awoken by a steady beeping sound. I snapped awake to see Key's heartrate machine in one steady line. Nurses and doctors rushed in. They tried to revive Key, but after a few minutes, they stopped. The doctor turned to me, his face grim.

"He's gone."

I collapsed to my knees sobs bursting out of me. I put my lips to Key's hand and mumbled,

"How could you do this, Key? I love you. Please don't leave me...'"

What happend next was nothing short of a miracle. Key gave a weak cough and his heart rate spiked. The doctors looked at eachother, astonished. I smiled as happy tears flowed down my cheeks. Key gave me a weak smile.

"Jjongie...I'm not going anywhere..."


Yeah I know I'm a for the cliff hangers. Please don't hate me, but the next chapter will be the FINAL CHAPTER!!!

I know so sad, but I feel as if the next chapter will be enough. Can't wait!


PS: and a special shout out to my friend Claire Mangels: Sorry it's ending :P Thanks for reading! Saranhae Claire bear!!!

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this is great! love it^^
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 22: to much blood unnecesary hahaha but Ilove the jongkey, so it was good hahaha always jongkey♥♥
JongKey rules! I'll be waiting for that. Mind sending me the link once it started? Thanks^^
Minicki21 #4
I'm only on chapter 10 but I absolutely love your story!! This is a good read and easy. Jongkey + 2Min hwaiting >.<
YAY!!! JONGKEY!!!<br />
SHINee4ever5 #6
Kyaaaaa!!! I love this <333 jongkey and 2min ftw!!!
JONGKEY!!! we need more Jongkey stories!!!<br />
Cute story :)
heyalyssa #9
waaaaww~ this is way too sweet <3<br />
i really enjoyed reading this. ^^