
Peeking Over The Edge

So, I got a few comments, so as promised, i will post a new chapter. Thanks to Alexsmile101, babu2468, and UkissShinee for commenting.

Now, on with the story!


Key's POV

When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I was in some sort of cell and my hands and ankles were bound with chains. There was water drippin from the ceiling and a rat scurried across the floor. (A/N: Just like in the Lucifer rock version video, the one where Jonghyun was in the cage.) It was downright unsanitary.

"Hello?" I called out.

My voice echoed in the empty prison, and an older man came out of the shadows. he looked to be about 19, 20 tops. He smiled cruely at me and I shuddered.

"Why am I hear? Please let me go."

"We have been informed to keep you hostage. Our informer will be in shortly."

The man exited the room, leaving me to struggle with the metal chains. Shortly after, a girl walked in. I recognized her instantly. It was Mi Yung.

"Mi Young, why the hell am I here?!"

She smiled slyly.

"You know why. Jonghyun should be mine and YOU stole him. You can rot in here, you slimy !"

With that, she slapped me across the face and pranced out of the room. I wrestled with the chains for a little longer befor I managed to squeeze my way out of them. I used one of my bobby pins to pick the lock on the cellar dor, and I started to run. I ran down a narrow street, Mi Yung's 'friends' chasing after me. I turned a corner, and someone grabbed me and pulled me into the bushes. I tried to scream, but a hand clampped over my mouth. I turned around and saw Minho holding a finger to his lips. Taemin sitting there, nodding. I started to calm down, but I was exaughsted. I fell asleep in Minho's arms.


Jonghyun's POV

I saw Minho and Taemin walk up the front porch steps carrying a sleeping Key. I invited them to come in, but they said they had to be somewhere. They handed Key to me, and walked off down the coldesac. I carried Key inside and set him on bed. As I did, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, a fist collided with my face. I heard footsteps runing upstairs and into our bedroom. I out after that.


Poor key and Jjongie. Sorry for hurting them so much! I'll post another soon, I promise!


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this is great! love it^^
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 22: to much blood unnecesary hahaha but Ilove the jongkey, so it was good hahaha always jongkey♥♥
JongKey rules! I'll be waiting for that. Mind sending me the link once it started? Thanks^^
Minicki21 #4
I'm only on chapter 10 but I absolutely love your story!! This is a good read and easy. Jongkey + 2Min hwaiting >.<
YAY!!! JONGKEY!!!<br />
SHINee4ever5 #6
Kyaaaaa!!! I love this <333 jongkey and 2min ftw!!!
JONGKEY!!! we need more Jongkey stories!!!<br />
Cute story :)
heyalyssa #9
waaaaww~ this is way too sweet <3<br />
i really enjoyed reading this. ^^