
Peeking Over The Edge

Key's POV

I didn't know why, but I couldn't stop crying. Jonghyun took me in his arms, and I felt so guilty. I didn't know why, I had nothing to be guilty about. I felt like the whole ordeal was all my fault.

"Key, none of this is your fault. You are not to blame at all, araso?"

I nodded and tried to stop the tears. I stopped the sobbing, but the tears kept flowing. Jonghyun laid me down on the bed and held me in his arms. I don't know how long it took, but I eventually cried myself to sleep.


When I woke up in the morning, my throat was dry and my eyes were sore and swollen. I spotted a glass of water on my bedside table and gulped it down thirstily. A smell of cinnamon and icing wafted through my open door. I climbed out of bed, wincing at the wain in my side. As I enetered the kitchen downstairs, I saw Jonghyun setting the table. He placed cinnamon buns, a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, and a jug of orange juice on the table. Key's eyes widened.

"Where'd all this food come from?"

Jonghyun smiled.

"You neighbor heard about our condition and dropped it off. She told us to eat it and we'd feel better."

I didn't need to be told twice. In an instant, I was seated and helping myself to the plates heaped with food. When Jonghyun and I had finished eating our fill, the food was gone. I mean, there was not so much as a crumb left. I felt infinatley better. My neighbor was right. I guess we just needed food. It was Monday, so we decided we should go to school. We decided to take the bus. We didn't really want to be in the same situation again.


When we arrived at school, the only thing recived were stares. Mi Yung was glaring at me enviously and I shot her an 'Oh yeah , thats right' smirk. Her eyes were filled with hatred and her face said 'heads will roll'. I rolled my eyes and pulled Jognhyun along. This was going to be an interesting day.


Mi Yung's POV

My eyes narrowed in fury as Jonghyun and Key walked by, arms around eachother. I wanted Jonghyun. He was supposed to be mine. I had to do something. Key shot me a self-satisfied smirk. Rage filled my veins as I reached for my cell phone. I kned the boys that had pummled Key. I gave the head one a call.


"Oppa? It's Mi Yung. I heard about Key..."

"Yeah. And?"

"I need a favor...


Oooooooooooo!!!! Cliff hanger! Can't wait to see what happens next :D!


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this is great! love it^^
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 22: to much blood unnecesary hahaha but Ilove the jongkey, so it was good hahaha always jongkey♥♥
JongKey rules! I'll be waiting for that. Mind sending me the link once it started? Thanks^^
Minicki21 #4
I'm only on chapter 10 but I absolutely love your story!! This is a good read and easy. Jongkey + 2Min hwaiting >.<
YAY!!! JONGKEY!!!<br />
SHINee4ever5 #6
Kyaaaaa!!! I love this <333 jongkey and 2min ftw!!!
JONGKEY!!! we need more Jongkey stories!!!<br />
Cute story :)
heyalyssa #9
waaaaww~ this is way too sweet <3<br />
i really enjoyed reading this. ^^