Perfect For You, Not For Me

Peeking Over The Edge

Jonghyun's POV

 I walked to school, dragging my feet on the gravelly road. Sure, I had everything every teenage boy could ever want: Girls falling at my feet, a great body, good sports skills, and awesome friends. But, I always felt like something was missing. I love my friends, but I sometimes feel like they were shallow and kind of immature. They are severe homophobics, but then again, so was everyone else in my school. The only one of my friends that isn’t completely shallow is Minho. He’s relatively kind to just about everyone and he doesn’t really mind gays. Our parents had always told us it was wrong, and I had never really seen why it was. But since it was what was commonly accepted, I pretended to hate gays. I had never met one, and I never planned to.


I walked down the street by myself, trying to decide what to do with myself. School was over and my friends were doing homework. I was looking up at the trees when something hard and round hit me in the head.


Minho smiled as he picked up his soccer ball that had hit me on the head.

“Sorry, but you had that stupid dreamy look on your face again. Besides, we have to go to soccer practice anyway.”

I scowled.

“Where the did you even come from? I thought I was alone!”

Minho shrugged.

“I saw you on the street and decided to scare the out of you. And it worked, too!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Fine. Let’s just go.”

As Minho and I walked down the street, I was staring up at the sky. All of the sudden, I fell on my , twisting my ankle a bit.


But I stopped as I saw the person I ran into. He had creamy chocolate eyes and multicolored gorgeous brown hair. He wore purple skinny jeans and a green tee shirt that fell over one shoulder, exposing milky white, flawless skin.  His eyes flashed with a bit of anger as he pulled himself from the ground. I still sat there, mouth wide open.

He. Was. Gorgeous.


I really hope you like it!

Sorry it's so short!

I'm trying to reach at least 20 subscriptions by the end!

If I reach that goal, I'll increase it!

Hope you loved it all!


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this is great! love it^^
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 22: to much blood unnecesary hahaha but Ilove the jongkey, so it was good hahaha always jongkey♥♥
JongKey rules! I'll be waiting for that. Mind sending me the link once it started? Thanks^^
Minicki21 #4
I'm only on chapter 10 but I absolutely love your story!! This is a good read and easy. Jongkey + 2Min hwaiting >.<
YAY!!! JONGKEY!!!<br />
SHINee4ever5 #6
Kyaaaaa!!! I love this <333 jongkey and 2min ftw!!!
JONGKEY!!! we need more Jongkey stories!!!<br />
Cute story :)
heyalyssa #9
waaaaww~ this is way too sweet <3<br />
i really enjoyed reading this. ^^